Which is more important in project management the technical dimension of the sociocultural dimension





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Terms in this set (19)

What is a project?

It is a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result!

it is...
- complex
- non routine
- one time effort limited by time, budget, resources, and performance specifications
- designed to meet customer needs

We can define it with the following characteristics:

- Has an established objective
- Has a define life span with a beginning and an end
- Requires involvement of several departments and professionals
- involves doing something that has never been done before
- has specific time, cost, and performance requirements

How are projects evaluated?

they are evaluated according to:
- Accomplishment
- Cost
- Time Spent

What is a program?

- Is a group of related, multiple projects designed to accomplish a common goal over an extended period of time

Example of a project and a program

Project: Completion of a required course in project management

Program: Completion of all courses required for a business major

List and describe the project lifecycle

1) Defining Stage
- Specifications of the project are defined; project objectives are established, teams are formed, responsibilities are assigned
2) Planning Stage
- Plans are developed to determine what the project will entail as well as determine schedules, budgets, resources, risks, and staffing
3) Executing Stage
- Major portion of the project;
- Is the project on schedule, meeting the budget, and meeting specifications?
- What revisions/changes are necessary?
4) Closing Stage (3 activities)
- Delivering the project product to the customer
- Redeploying project resources
- Post project review

What are the 3 closing activities of the project life cycle?

1) Delivering the project product to the customer
- delivery may include customer training and transferring documents
2) Redeployment
- involves releasing project equipment/materials & finding new assignments for team members
3) Post Project review
- Assessing performance and capturing the lessons learned

What is a Project Manager?

- Manages temporary, non repetitive activities & frequently acts independently of the formal organization
- They are linked directly to the customer interface
- They provide direction, coordination, and integration for the project team
- They are responsible for performance and the success of the project

What are the current drivers of project management?

- Shortening of the product life cycle (30 yrs ago vs today)
- growth of knowledge has increased the complexity of projects
- triple bottom line (planet, people, profit) has brought the need for sustainability
- corporate downsizing (project management is replacing middle management; outsourcing is key as well)
- Increased customer focus
- Small projects represent big problems (they normally carry the same or more risk as big projects)

The rationale for integration of project management was to provide senior management with:

- an overview of all project activities
- a big picture of how organizational resources are used
- a risk assessment of their portfolio of projects
- a rough metric of the firm's improvement in managing projects relative to others in the industry
- Linkages of senior management with actual project execution management

What are some of the problems that result from the uncoordinated project management systems?

- Projects that do not support the organization's overall strategic plan and goals
- Independent managerial decisions that create internal imbalances, conflicts, and conclusions that result in dissatisfied customers
- Failure to prioritize projects; results in waste of resources

What are the major functions of portfolio management?

- Oversee project selection
- Monitor aggregate resource levels and skills
- Encourage the use of best practices
- Balance projects in the portfolio to represent a risk level that is appropriate to the organization
- Improve communication among stakeholders
- Create a total organization perspective that goes beyond silo thinking
- Improve overall management of projects over time

Define a project. What are 5 characteristics that help differentiate projects from other functions carried out in the daily operations of the organization?

It is a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. It is planned to be completed within a fixed time & cost.

1) Has an established objective
2) has a defined life span
3) Usually involves several departments and professionals
4) it is unique; typically something that hasn't been done before
5) has specific time, cost and performance requirements

What are some of the key environmental forces that have changed the way projects are managed?

- Shortening of the product life cycle (30 yrs ago vs today)
- growth of knowledge has increased the complexity of projects
- triple bottom line (planet, people, profit) has brought the need for sustainability
- corporate downsizing (project management is replacing middle management; outsourcing is key as well)
- Increased customer focus
- Small projects represent big problems (they normally carry the same or more risk as big projects)

What has been the effect of these forces on the management of projects?

- more projects per organization
- project teams are responsible and accountable for implementing projects
- changed organizational structures
- need for rapid completion of projects
- linking projects to overall organizational strategy
- prioritizing projects to conserve organizational resources etc.

Why is the implementation of projects important to strategic planning and the project manager?

- Strategic plans are implemented primarily through projects; strategic alignment of projects if of great importance to conserving and effective use of the organization's resources
- It is important to the project manager because they are the main person responsible for the project to be completed on time, on budget so that the customer is satisfied
- If the project isn't linked to the strategic plan of the organization, resources that are devoted to that project and wasted

The technical and sociocultural dimensions of project management are two sides to the same coin. Explain.

The successful implementation of projects requires both technical and social skills. Project managers need to be able to shape expectations of customers, sustain political support of top management, negotiate with functional counterparts, monitor subcontractors and so on. The technical side of project management includes the logical part of the process including planning, scheduling, and controlling projects. You need both dimensions in order to follow through with the project successfully.

What is the impact of governance on managing an individual project? Why is this approach important in today's environment?

Individual projects typically carry as much or even more risk than a group of projects
- governance is designed to improve project management in the whole organization over the long haul and move the organization in the direction of its strategic goals
- It's important in today's environment because if organizations do not meet their objectives, and they are using resources inefficiently they will not meet their strategic goals

Define Project Management Professional (PMP)

- someone who has documented sufficient project experience, agreed to to follow the PMI code of professional conduct, and demonstrated mastery of the field of project management by passing an exam :)

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What are the technical and sociocultural dimensions of project management?

Technical dimension represents the “science” of project management while the sociocultural dimension represents the “art” of managing a project.

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Thus, the most important aspect of project management is “delivering business value to the customer.” As a means to realize this aspect, a project manager must foster a project environment that focuses on delivering the identified business value.

Which of these is part of the sociocultural dimension of project management?

B. The sociocultural dimension includes negotiation, managing customer expectations, leadership and dealing with politics. Resource allocation is part of the technical dimension of project management.

What is the most important characteristic of a project manager quizlet?

Political savvy is not only an important characteristic of a project manager but is also important for project team members. It is more important for project team members to focus on their specific project activities than on the project's overall results.