Which is more important to the information asset classification scheme that it be comprehensive or that it be mutually exclusive?

Which is more important to the information asset classification scheme that it be comprehensive or that it be mutually exclusive?


Which is more important to the information asset classification scheme that it be comprehensive or that it be mutually exclusive?

Every organization uses its information to support its business operations. When there are threats in the internal and external environments, they create the risk of information loss or damage. This course examines the design and construction of a risk management program, including policies and plans, to support the identification and treatment of risk to the organization’s information assets.

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Conducting the RM Process (Module 2.3)

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  • Which is more important to the information asset classification scheme that it be comprehensive or that it be mutually exclusive?

    Michael Whitman, Ph.D., CISM, CISSP

    Professor of Information Security

  • Which is more important to the information asset classification scheme that it be comprehensive or that it be mutually exclusive?

    Herbert J. Mattord, Ph.D., CISM, CISSP, CDP

    Professor of Information Security

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In-depth analysis of networking components is necessary from an InfoSec perspective rather than from a systems development perspective, as internal threats frequently enter networks via networking subsystems.

Which two attributes are most important from an information security perspective?Because this attribute is directly connected to the other attributes of Information Security (integrity and confidentiality), availability plays a key role in determining these two attributes. The figure below. Three aspects of information security according to the CIA.

Which is more important to the systems components classification scheme that the asset identification list be comprehensive or mutually exclusive?A comprehensive list is more important than a list that is mutually exclusive. If an assessment has an incorrect component identified as part of the overall risk profile, it is better than if it is completely overlooked.

What is risk management Why is the identification of risks by listing assets and their vulnerabilities so important to the risk management process quizlet?Risk identification, in the form of a list of assets along with their vulnerabilities, is a crucial part of risk management. To ensure management is aware of the value of the company asset and the losses that may result from its compromise, it is important to calculate the value that the asset has.

What two key understandings must you achieve to be successful in battle?For your battle success, Sun Tzu recommends that you gain two key understandings. The results of a hundred battles are no threat to you if you know your enemy and yourself. In order to win every victory you have to endure defeat as well since you know yourself but not the enemy.

What are the 3 major undertakings in risk management?(Risk Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control) are the three major components of risk management.

What is risk management Why is the identification of risks and vulnerabilities?In a risk management program, security vulnerabilities are identified in an organisation's information assets and infrastructure and steps are taken to monitor and secure them so that confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information system are respected.

What are the attributes of information security?In information security, confidentiality, integrity, and availability are considered to be the fundamental principles. that makes up an information security program (as well as every security control that an entity implements) should be designed with at least one of these principles in mind. The CIA Triad is a name used collectively for them.

What are the 3 key attributes of information security?CIA triad is composed of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, which comprise an information security model.

What are the two goals of information security?The three primary goals of information security are to keep systems and data available, to keep data honest, and to keep information confidential. In one or more of these areas, most security practices and controls aim to prevent losses.

What are the most important aspects of information security criteria?Information security requirements are categorized into three main requirements--security, integrity, and availability--each given a different weight depending on the situation. It is necessary to tie the negative effects of a system not being available to the time it takes for it to be recuperated.

Who is responsible for risk management in an organization which community of interest usually takes the lead in information security management?The community of interest that usually leads in risk management of information security usually comes from the IT sector. Community of interests within an organization are responsible for identifying and assessing risks.

What is risk management Why is the identification of risks?By definition, risk identification involves identifying threats which may reasonably prevent the investment, venture, or program from achieving its goals. Having the concern documented and communicated is a must.

What are the 4 risk management processes?Find out what the risk is. Risk analysis should be conducted. Put the risk at the top of the list. Risks must be treated. Maintain a risk monitoring system.

What is risk management Why is the identification of risks and vulnerabilities to assets so important in risk management quizlet?Risk identification, in the form of a list of assets along with their vulnerabilities, is a crucial part of risk management. In order for management to know the value of each asset and what losses would result if that asset were compromised, this information is necessary.

What is vulnerability and how is it identified?When a vulnerability exists in an information system, it puts its confidentiality, integrity, or availability at risk. The process of identifying vulnerabilities in a target environment involves discovering those vulnerabilities and documenting them into an inventory.

What are the strategies for controlling risk as described in this chapter?The five risk control strategies described nsference, mitigation, acceptance, and termination. In risk control strategy a team applies safeguards that prevent or reduce the remaining risks that are not currently controlled.

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Which is more important to the information asset classification scheme that it be comprehensive or that it be mutually exclusive?

Previously at IBM, I was an entrepreneur and a cyber security expert with extensive experience in software architecture and development. I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Economics.

Which is more important to the information asset classification scheme that it be comprehensive or that it be mutually exclusive?

Which is more important to the systems components classification scheme that the list be comprehensive or mutually exclusive?

It is more important that the list be comprehensive than mutually exclusive. It would be far better to have a component assessed in an incorrect category rather than to have it go completely unrecognized during a risk assessment.

What is risk management Why is the identification of risk and vulnerabilities to assets so important in risk management?

Risk management is the process of identifying vulnerabilities in an organization's information systems and taking carefully reasoned steps to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all the components in the organization's information system.

What two key understandings must you achieve to be successful in battle?

According to Sun Tzu, what two key understandings must you achieve to be successful in battle? 1) If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.

What information attribute is often of great value for networking equipment when DHCP is not used?

What information attribute is often of great value for networking equipment when DHCP is not used? The IP address is a useful attribute for networking equipment.