Which is the most important aspect of a selection test that successfully measures essential job related skills and abilities?

What can be said about a customer service sales associate selection test that successfully measures essential job-related skills and abilities?

It is valid.

It is reliable.

It is statistically significant.

It is legally compliant.

It is valid.

A valid test accurately reflects the content of the job. The skills and aptitudes required for successful exam performance are aligned with the skills and aptitudes required for successful job performance.
For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

HR is recruiting for a job that requires a high degree of accuracy. A mistake made by a worker could be dangerous and costly. What feature would be most important in a preemployment test for this position?

High validity

High reliability

Environmental factors in the testing environment

Fairness evidence for protected groups

High validity


Validity indicates that there is linkage between test performance and job performance. A selection tool that offers high validity is important, because hiring an unqualified worker for this position would present a risk and the potential for a costly situation.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

An applicant scored in the 95th percentile on a job knowledge test. Because the interviewer questioned the results, the applicant was asked to retake the test. Again, the result was a very high score, and the applicant was hired. Three months later, it was determined that this new hire could not perform the job effectively. What can you conclude about the job knowledge test?

It was only reliable, not valid.

It had only content validity.

It had only criterion-related validity.

It had only construct validity.

It was only reliable, not valid.

It is imperative that HR management carefully evaluate the organization's selection process to make certain that it is reliable, valid, equitable, and cost-effective. For an instrument to provide reliability, it must have a high degree of consistency. Validity measures the degree to which inferences made from an interview or a test are correct and accurate. In other words, did the interview measure only job-related issues that predict performance on the job? Does a test measure what it was intended to measure?

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

When comparing wages within a group, the most frequently occurring wage is called the






The mode is the most frequently occurring wage, the median is the middle number in the range, and the mean is the average score (weighted or unweighted).

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

What is the weighted average of the following salaries?
$20,000 (2 incumbents)
$30,000 (1 incumbent)
$35,000 (2 incumbents)
$40,000 (1 incumbent)







The weighted average takes into consideration the number of incumbents who receive each salary:

($20,000 x 2) + ($30,000 x 1) + ($35,000 x 2) + ($40,000 x 1) = $180,000; $180,000 / 6 = $30,000

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

Which definition best describes the concept of a stakeholder?

A stakeholder has a legally defined or contractual relationship with a firm.

A stakeholder is anyone who shares in the value of an organization and its activities.

A stakeholder is a member of the senior or global management team.

A stakeholder owns a financial interest in a venture.

A stakeholder is anyone who shares in the value of an organization and its activities.

A stakeholder has an interest in the operation, value, and activities of an organization, although this interest may or may not be financial or contractual. A stakeholder is a participant in receiving value directly or indirectly.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

What is the correct positioning of an HR strategy?

It is aligned with a cost management and profit focus.

It is concerned with only the people aspects of the organization.

It is a support unit of the corporate strategy.

It cascades from the organization's corporate strategy.

It cascades from the organization's corporate strategy.


The HR strategy is a macro element of the organization's vision. It is a core element of all parts of the organization.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

What is the best way for an HR professional to persuade a function to embrace changes in work processes that are part of an organizational effectiveness intervention?

Present the changes as necessary to maintaining competitiveness.

Show how these are standard procedures at other organizations.

Present evidence that disruption will be only temporary.

Explain that the function's credibility with management depends on accepting these changes.


Change is difficult, so if organizational effectiveness and development initiatives are presented as a way to increase the competitiveness of the company or advance strategic goals, HR may gain better workforce support of the initiative.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

What graphic data analysis tool shows possible relationships between two variables?

Pareto chart

Scatter diagram

Cause-and-effect diagram


Scatter diagram

The scatter diagram depicts possible relationships between two variables. For example, an HR professional might want to determine if there is a relationship between years of experience and income level.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

What is an example of implicit culture?



Pace of life

Views toward power

Views toward power

Implicit culture deals with attitudes and beliefs, not tangible things like language, dress, and food. The view toward power is an example of implicit culture.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section

What is the basis of common law?

Local laws

Court decisions

Agency regulations

National laws

Court decisions

Common law is based on court decisions and customs. It dictates that custom and usage have the force of law, even if not specifically found in legislatively enacted, codified written laws.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

What is the basis of religious law?

Legislative acts

Regulatory directives

Beliefs and conventions

Court decisions

Beliefs and conventions

Religious law is based on religious beliefs and conventions: a mixture of written codes and interpretations by religious scholars. Sharia law, the body of Islamic religious law, for example, draws from the Qur'an, traditions derived from the actions or sayings of the prophet Mohammed, and scholarly interpretations of these sources.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

What two qualities are required to achieve a global mindset?

Perception and analytical thinking

Self-control and leadership

Imagination and self-awareness

Ambition and emotional control

Imagination and self-awareness

Having a global mindset requires imagination: being able to see the view from inside another person's multidimensional background and using that awareness to create solutions and bridges. It also requires self-awareness: recognizing the ways in which one's own background shapes one's perspective and seeing that perspective as just one among many.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

What is the term for a cultural vision that holds that there are no absolutes and everything is based on the situation?






Relativism states that because cultures vary so greatly, there are no absolutes. Everything varies based on the situation.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

What is the primary purpose of strategic planning?

To create a detailed project plan

To integrate organizational units and employees with a focus on business success

To focus on financial forecasting

To allocate resources

To integrate organizational units and employees with a focus on business success

Strategic planning integrates the goals and activities of the major business units of an organization (finance/accounting, marketing/sales, operations, information technology, and human resources) and employees in order to achieve organizational success. Strategic planning is a process, not just a written project plan, that helps management focus on how to succeed.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

w is Porter's "Five Forces" framework used in developing strategies?

To identify internal strengths and weaknesses

To understand competitive industry factors that can shape strategy

To determine the cost-effectiveness of strategic initiatives

To assess the strength of various competitors in one's industry

To understand competitive industry factors that can shape strategy

Porter's "Five Forces" framework helps strategists understand the competitive forces at work in their industries so that they can assess the strengths and weaknesses of their own competitive position.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

What does the final stage of both Kurt Lewin's and John Kotter's models of change management involve?

Providing a clear sense of the future

Making the change part of the organization

Giving employees the necessary tools to implement the change

Addressing emotional effects on organizational members

Making the change part of the organization

The final stage in these models of change management is to institutionalize the change, or "refreeze" the organization.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

An organization has chartered three cross-functional teams with representation from senior management, middle management, and employees. Each team has distinct goals that focus on different aspects of the customer experience. Every six weeks, the teams share their accomplishments. What approach to planning and implementing the change has the organization adopted?






The organic approach to planning and implementing change relies on independent centers and multiple origins of the change within the organization. Points of origin can be at any level. Organic change radiates unevenly but accelerates when top leadership supports local change and leaders.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

What practice would be recommended when measuring performance?

Measure as many facets of an activity as possible to ensure ample data for analysis.

Focus on leading indicators that will affect future performance.

Share data only with management. Data can be misunderstood and misused by other groups.

Reexamine occasionally what you're measuring and change it as needed.

Reexamine occasionally what you're measuring and change it as needed.

If you were trying to show the relationship between employees' formal education and job performance ratings, what data analysis tool would you use?

Trend analysis

Scatter diagram

Pareto chart

Pie chart

Scatter diagram

Scatter diagrams are used to show relationships between two variables: in this case, education level and performance rating.

For more information, refer to Module Competencies, Functional Area 0, Section 4

Which stakeholders are the most critical for HR to include in the initial project planning process?

Which stakeholders are the most critical for the HR director to include in the initial project planning process? The correct answer is B. The HR director should include stakeholders from the human resource department.

What data analysis tool should be used to show the relationship between employees formal education and job performance ratings quizlet?

If you were trying to show the relationship between employees' formal education and job performance ratings, what data analysis tool would you use? Scatter diagrams are used to show relationships between two variables: in this case, education level and performance rating.

Which is the best way for an HR professional to persuade a function to embrace changes in work processes that are part of an organizational effectiveness intervention?

What is the best way for an HR professional to persuade a function to embrace changes in work processes that are part of an organizational effectiveness intervention? Present the changes as necessary to maintaining competitiveness.

Which of the following is an example of a direct performance test?

Which of the following is an example of a direct performance test? A work sample test. A very common selection tool that has poor reliability and low validity is: the application form.