Which management became the dominant strategy for improving productivity in the early 1900s multiple choice question?

Which management became the dominant strategy for improving productivity in the early 1900s multiple choice question?

Motivation is the drive to act.


True False

The original results of the Hawthorne studies proved that workers were much more productive when they worked in well-lit areas than when they worked in poorly lit areas.


True False

Scientific management became the dominant strategy for improving productivity during the early 1900s.


True False

The results of the Hawthorne studies encouraged researchers to begin studying human motivation and managerial styles that lead to higher productivity.

True False

Elton Mayo's researchers concluded that worker motivation improved when managers listened to their ideas and suggestions.

True False

Frederick Taylor based his approach on the belief that each worker was an individual who should be treated as a unique asset to the firm.

True False

One of the original objectives of the Hawthorne studies was to determine the degree of lighting needed in the workplace to enable workers to achieve optimum productivity.

True False

Elton Mayo is known as the father of scientific management.

True False

The tendency of workers to behave differently when they know they are being studied is known as the Taylor effect.

True False

Three elements were basic to Taylor's approach: time,methods,and rules of work.

True False

Since motivation comes from within an individual,there is little that managers can do to help motivate workers.

True False

Frederick Taylor's ideas about improving worker productivity attracted a lot of attention at the time,but had little lasting significance.

True False

Frederick Taylor's goal was to find ways to improve worker motivation by making work more interesting and challenging.

True False

A key element of Frederick Taylor's approach was the time and motion study,which examined the tasks performed to complete a job and the time needed to complete each task.

True False

Extrinsic rewards are those that are given to a person by someone else.

True False

When unhappy workers leave a company,the firm normally ends up benefiting financially.

True False

Frederick Taylor believed that workers would be more productive if they were allowed to decide for themselves which methods at work to use.

True False

A major conclusion of the Hawthorne studies was that the best way to motivate workers was with monetary incentives such as pay raises and bonuses.

True False

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth developed the principle of motion economy,which said that every job could be broken down into a series of elementary motions.

True False

The sense of satisfaction you get when you achieve an important goal is an intrinsic reward.

True False

Which of the following are examples of factors that contributed to increased worker productivity during the Hawthorne studies?

Which of the following examples of factors that contributed to increased worker productivity during Hawthorne studies? Worker involvement in managerial decisions, social group membership and informality, management respect and interaction.

Which of the following theories of motivation is the basis for management by objectives quizlet?

Which of the following theories of motivation is the basis for Management by Objectives? Vroom's motivation theory states that the amount of effort that employees exert on a specific task is based on their of the outcome.

What were the goals of Taylor's Scientific Management quizlet?

What are the goals of scientific management? Maximize efficiency, increase production and repeatability. You just studied 4 terms!

What was the most important impact of the Hawthorne studies quizlet?

The most important impact of the Hawthorne studies was that it: changed the direction of research away from Taylor's scientific management toward the study of human-based management. In the Hawthorne studies, employees were involved in the planning of the experiments.