Which management function is crucial because it lays the foundation for all other management function?

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Terms in this set (73)

______ can be defined as a process designed to achieve an organization's objectives by using its resources effectively and efficiently in a changing environment.


Select from the following the activities managers engage in so as to reach the organization's objectives.





True or false: Although managers engage in four primary activities--planning, organizing, directing, and controlling--the activities are not interrelated; a manager can only perform one activity at a time.


The process of determining the organization's objectives and deciding how to accomplish them is known as ______.


Why is planning a key management function?

Accomplishing the other functions depends heavily on having a good plan.

Which discipline is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling people and organizational resources in order to accomplish the goals of the organization?


A ______ is an outline of the fundamental purpose and basic philosophy of an organization.

mission statement

By engaging in four essential activities (planning, organizing, directing, and controlling) a __________ works to achieve the organization's objectives.


A mission statement outlines the organization's fundamental purposes. It should address which five of the following?

Who are our customers?

What are our responsibilities with respect to being a good steward?

What is our operating philosophy?

What are our core competencies and competitive advantages?

Who are we?

Considered the first function of management, _____ is the process of determining the organization's objectives and deciding how to accomplish them.


Name the three key elements in a goal.

An attribute sought

A target to be achieved

A time frame

Which function of management is a crucial activity as it lays the foundation for all other management functions?


June is working as part of the strategic planning team in her organization. Currently, the team is developing a clear statement explaining the organization's reason for existence. June's team is writing a _____.

mission statement

What are four common objectives of organizations?




Competitive advantage

A good mission statement should address all of the following topics EXCEPT ______.

profit targets

To be successful, company _______ should be specific; containing an attribute sought, a target, and a time frame.


Which of the following is NOT one of the three general types of plans an organization uses to meet its objectives?


_______, the ends or results desired by an organization, derive from the organization's mission and they may be elaborate or simple.


Plans that establish the long-range objectives and overall strategy or course of action by which a firm fulfills its missions are referred to as ______ plans.


Tactical plans typically cover a time frame of ______.

one year or less

Select the three general types of plans an organization uses to meet its objectives.




Jake works in production for his company. Each week his work group is assigned a production quota to ensure enough product is available to meet the goals of the company. A production quota is an example of a(n) _____ plan.


A ______ planning process determines the course of action that a firm will use to fulfill its overall strategy and mission.


All organizations must consider the possibility of unplanned disasters and create _____, which specify how the company will handle a variety of unplanned situations.

contingency plans

The structuring of resources and activities to accomplish objectives in an efficient and effective manner describes the management function of ______.


Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding tactical plans?

Tactical plans should be periodically reviewed and updated.

Which of the following refers to the actions specific individuals, work groups, or departments need to accomplish in order to achieve the company's tactical plan?

operational planning

This type of plan may include plans to add products, purchase companies, sell unprofitable segments of the business, issue stock, and move into international markets.

strategic plan

Which of the following deal with potential disasters such as product tampering, oil spills, fires, earthquakes, a computer virus, or an airplane crash?

Crisis Management

Contingency Plans

Managers are engaged in the ______ function of management when they review plans and determine what activities are necessary to implement them; then, divide the work into small units and assign it to specific individuals, groups, or departments.


Fatima is manager for a retail organization. Her favorite part of the job is working one-on-one with employees, motivating them to excel, and encouraging them in their work. Fatima enjoys the _____ function of her management job.


If an American surf board manufacturer has the strategic plan to expand sales into Australia, then the short-range plan to host surfing competition events in Australia is a ____ plan.


Jasmine needs to correct a quality control issue with her company's product. Clear standards for quality exist, and she has measured present performance against these standards. Jasmine has discovered a deviation where the company is not meeting the standard and is now investigating the causes of those deviations. What function of management is Jasmine involved in?


Top managers spend the majority of their time on the ______ function of management.


_____ is the part of management that involves motivating and leading employees to achieve organizational objectives.


In public corporations the CEO's boss is the firm's _____.

Board of Directors

The highest level of management is _____ and consists of the president and other key company executives who develop strategic plans and have overall responsibility for the organization.

Top Management

Which of the following best characterizes middle managers?

Narrowly focused, spends the most time on organizing

The process of evaluating and correcting activities to keep the organization on course is known as _____.


Which three activities are likely to be performed by first-line managers?

Supervising workers performance

Implementing the plans of middle management

Supervising daily company operations

Middle managers spend the majority of their time on the ______ function of management.



manages the overall strategic direction of the company


Responsible for the daily operations of the company


responsible for managing the privacy concerns of the organization

Which type of manager is responsible for obtaining the money needed for the successful operation of the organization?

Financial Manager

Positions such as Chief Executive Officer, President, Vice President, and Chief Financial Officer are examples of __________ positions.

top management

Which type of manager is responsible for the activities involved in getting goods and services ready for the marketplace?

production and operations managers

The level of management that includes general managers, division managers, and branch and plant managers who are responsible for tactical planning is _____ _____.

Middle management

The interpersonal type of managerial role includes which three specific roles?




Managers who are directly responsible for supervising workers and evaluating their daily performance are called _____.

first-line managers

A manager with ______ expertise has skills that involve specialized knowledge and training needed to perform jobs that are related to particular areas of management.


On which two management functions do first-line managers spend the majority of their time?

directing and controlling

Skills that involve the ability to picture the organization as a whole and the relationship among its various parts are _____ skills.


Liberty lockworks is contemplating opening a new plant in the Southeast United States. The company needs to know if it has the capital to make such an investment and if so, will it affect the organization's overall goals. This type of decision would fall under the responsibility of a ______ manager.


Knowing how to sort large amounts of information in order to find relevant facts to resolve a problem or issue is an example of ______.

analytical skills

Production and operations managers ______.

develop and administer the activities involved in transforming resources into goods, services, and ideas ready for the marketplace

Which skills are defined as the ability to deal with people, both inside and outside the organizations?

human relations skills

When a manager attends an award banquet, he or she is acting in which interpersonal role?


A marketing Manager is responsible for ____?

planning, pricing, and promoting products and overseeing their distribution

what has been a recent trend with regard to the different levels of management within an orginzation?


TopToBottom.com, a leading online retailer, uses the services of Privacy Pals Inc., a small startup that helps companies manage and keep their electronic data safe. This helps TopToBottom.com keep a backup of its proprietary information in case of virus attacks or any sort of damage to property. This is an example of _______?

contingency planning

Pamela manages a large blood donation facility. One of her roles is structuring the company's resources and activities to accomplish its objectives efficiently and effectively. What management function does this example pertain to?


which statement is true of authentic leaders?

Authentic leaders are identified by the way in which they conduct themselves with stakeholders.

Sven manages the computer department at his company. He helps the organization implement its general guidelines by managing the specific operations related to his department. Sven is a _______?

middle manager

Short-range plans covering a period of one year or less that are designed to implement the activities and objectives specified in an organization's strategic plan are referred to as _____?

tactical plans

what is true about top management compensation?

many firms are trying to align CEO compensation with performance

When analyzing options in the decision-making process, managers must consider the appropriateness and ________ of each option.


Which statement best describes the importance of monitoring the consequences of decisions?

The consequences of decisions may not be apparent quickly enough without monitoring.

Positions such as foremen, supervisors, and office service managers are a part of the ________ of a company.

first-line management

What is an effective practice with regards to tactical plans?

they should be periodically reviewed and updates by an organization's management

________ plans are very short-term plans that specify what actions individuals, work groups, or departments need to accomplish in a month, a week, or even a day.


Growth objectives essentially relate to

adapting and releasing new products in the market.

Providing incentives to employees to motivate them toward achieving organizational objectives relates to the management function of


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Which management function is crucial because lays?

Which management function is crucial because it lays the foundation for all other management functions? mission statement.

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Controlling may be the most important of the four management functions. It provides the information that keeps the corporate goal on track. By controlling their organizations, managers keep informed of what is happening; what is working and what isn't; and what needs to be continued, improved, or changed.

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