Which media type is consumed at a higher rate than all the others in Texas quizlet?

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    Which media type is consumed at a higher rate than all the others in Texas quizlet?

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    CONSULTANT: Next, I would focus on raising a lot of money as quickly as possible. The filing deadline is fast approaching. Without a lot of money in the bank, you won't be viewed as a serious contender. Besides, you'll need the money. This is going to be an expensive election. Most likely, you won't avoid a runoff. And, if you survive the runoff, the general election campaign is sure to be pretty nasty. I would suggest airing positive ads as early as the summer.

    CANDIDATE: Ads in the summer! In my experience, people don't even begin paying attention to politics until after Labor Day.

    CONSULTANT: The time between Labor Day and Election Day will fly by, and you'll probably have to go negative by then—or at least defend yourself against attacks. You won't have any time to define yourself positively. Besides, with so many voters taking advantage of early voting , this race may be decided well before Election Day.

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    Terms in this set (168)

    How have elections changed in Texas over the last 100 years?

    They use to rely on newspapers, then radio, and then television. Now they rely more on social media and promote name recognition

    What are the two roles of the Media?

    Follow candidates and report on their activities
    Hold rallies to gain media exposure

    What is overexposure?

    media can hurt the candidates rather than help

    What are the functions of the Political Consultants?

    They are used for polling, focus groups, design ads, opposition research

    At best what does the money from political consultants do?

    buy access to the candidates

    At worst what does the money from political consultants do?

    Buy candidates vote

    What limits does Texas have on political contributions?

    If it is 50 dollars or more they must be reported to the TX Ethics Commission, but there is no limit on contributions.

    What are the rules on how much a candidate can receive from others for their campaign?

    There is no limit from others, but there is a limit on how much a candidate can loan themselves

    To be in the next election, what percentage of the vote MUST a party get in the general election?

    They must get 5% of the vote from the previous election

    If they do NOT get on the ballot, what percentage of signatures does an independent candidate have to get from independent voters in order to get on the ballot in November?

    1% of the vote from independent voters

    In order to have a Write-In vote count, who do you have to register with?

    You have to file with the Secretary of State and pay a fee or get signatures to avoid paying

    We vote for lots of positions and to change our Constitution, but low turn out and a one party system has allowed who to have more say than anyone else?

    Those who show up and interest groups with influence

    When are Primary Elections held?

    On the first Tuesday of March in even numbered years

    What kind of Primary Elections are there?





    Open Primary Election

    Primary election at which voters are free to choose which party they wish to select the candidate for.

    closed primary election

    only voters registered for a party vote for that party

    Semi-closed Primary Election

    Allows voters to declare a party when you show up to vote

    Blanket Primary Election

    Primary places every candidate from any party on the ballot and the top two go through

    What is Crossover Voting?

    Members of one party vote in another's party to vote for the weaker candidate

    What is a Run-Off Election?

    When no one wins outright in a primary, they have an election between the two candidates who received the most votes

    When is a run off election held?

    Second tuesday in may

    What kind of win do you need in Texas to succeed in a general election?

    Just a plurality of the votes

    Why do we need special elections in Texas?

    Called to fill vacancies caused by death, impeachment, or resign or approve bond issues

    What do you need to win a special election?

    must win with simple majority

    Who uses Early Voting the most; Republicans or Democrats?


    What are the 3 biggest changes we have seen over the last few decades in Texas Elections?

    Labor unions have lost their power (especially in Texas)

    Catholic and male votes have migrated to Republican Party

    Media now influences candidates and campaigns including social media and email

    Define a Political Party

    Organization acting as an intermediary between the people and government with the goal of getting themselves elected

    What kind of candidates is Texas known for having?

    They are known for having strong candidates

    How would politics be described from 1790's to 1970's?

    Until 1970, politics was party-centered

    Parties selected candidates, raise money for them, organize rallies, printed their own ballets, hired pollsters, and ran gov through candidates

    Describe politics today?

    Now politics are candidate centered

    They do not belong to parties, organize their own rallies, make their own decisions, hire own pollsters, and the government prints ballots

    What modern methods do candidates use today?

    Now they use online market rather than door to door

    Use social media and less radio/television

    Promote name recognition

    What did the Australian Ballot do for elections?

    Gave everyone uniformity and security with secrecy

    What did the Greenback Party stand for?

    Texas farmers who wanted an expansion of paper money, income tax, and secret balloting

    People's party?

    An anti-elite and wanted income tax, direct election of US senators, 8 hour work day, and government ownership of railroads

    Progressives Party?

    Took over the after populist, fought for women's right to vote, and ratified prohibition

    What is Realignment?

    Switching to another party because it looks better

    What is a "Blue Dog" Democrat?

    A nickname for a conservative democrat

    What was the Republican Sweep?

    In 2002 Republicans win the House and initiated redistricting

    Social Conservative Republican

    Concentrate on issues such as abortion, gay rights, prayer in schools, and alternative to teaching evolution

    Although Democrats are trying to turn Texas Blue, what three things might delay that?

    Not all hispanics are in favor of abortion

    Many hispanics are ineligible to vote or they are too young

    Republicans are not going to just sit back, they are already initiated outreach programs

    What are some of the major third parties that have/are appear in Texas?

    La Raza Unida, Libertarian, and Green Party

    La Raza Unida Party

    a third party

    the united race; hispanic independent group in Zavala County

    Libertarian Party:

    A minor party that believes in extremely limited government. Libertarians call for a free market system, expanded individual liberties such as drug legalization, and a foreign policy of nonintervention, free trade, and open immigration.

    Been very successful in Texas overall but have NOT won any races

    Green Party

    A minor party dedicated to the environment, social justice, nonviolence, and the foreign policy of nonintervention but they do not make the ballot

    What are the 6 challenges that third parties face in Texas?

    -US used to be more centrist while third parties tend to be more extreme
    -Lack of proportional representation means candidates who get most votes wins
    -Many people already identify with republicans and democrats
    -Candidates with plurality wins, so that tends to favor major parties
    -To major parties have stacked the deck with laws in their favor
    -Failure of 3rd party to win means people think voting for them is a waste of a vote

    What parts of the party organization is temporary

    Every two years Conventions are formed temporarily in order to elect state officials or federal officials.

    Voters attend the Precinct Convention, then sends people to the County/District convention, then they go to the state convention

    What is the purpose of the precinct convention?

    They create a party platform: statement of principles and positions for that party

    What parts of the party organization is Permanent?

    Each Party has committees and chairpersons that work all year long
    -Job is to promote party's interest and make sure convention succeeds

    precinct chairperson

    lowest ranking permanent party official and their job is staffing during elections

    County Exec Committee job

    collect fees and puts names on ballot for primary elections

    state executive committee members

    Composed of a chair, vice chair, and two members from each senatorial district (31 senate districts)

    What does the State Executive Committee do?

    They certify the results for March primary, arrange for next state convention, raise money and promote party

    Define interest group

    Organization with shared goals that try to influence public policy through a variety of activities

    How does pluralism fit into Interest Groups?

    Interest groups come from Pluralism: the theory that public policy derived from groups competing for laws/regulations to benefit their members

    What are some well known IG's?

    NRA (national rifle association) ,MADD (mothers against drunk driving) , U.S Chambers of Commerce, NEA (national endowment for the arts)

    What are the 3 Broad Categories of IG's?

    Membership organization

    nonmember organization

    government organization

    Membership Organizations

    interest groups that have individuals as members that work together to pursue their collective goals

    Examples of Membership Organizations

    NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), MAAD (mothers against drunk driving), Christian Coalition, and NRA (National Rifle Association)

    nonmembership organizations

    Interest groups that represent corporations and businesses and do not have broad-based citizen support

    Examples of Nonmembership organizations

    American Airlines and Halliburton

    Government Organizations

    Interest groups that represent state and local governments; also called SLIGs, for state and local interest groups

    Examples of Government Organizations

    Armed Forces, Texas Municipal League, and Bureaucratic Debts

    Peak Business Associations

    represent a large statewide industry

    They try to promote good business industry statewide

    Trade Association:

    Specific industries in the state

    Most powerful trade associations?

    Most powerful are Texas Oil and Gas Association and Texas Trucking Association

    Professional Associations:

    Have members who hold professional licenses and state regulates their practice

    Public Sectors interest groups:

    has its own interest and own members like school teachers and admin.

    What is collective bargaining and why is it important for employees?

    The right of employees to bargain with the employer in good faith for wages, working hours, and safety.

    Who does not have Bargaining Power?

    Teachers do not have collective bargaining power

    What kinds of Noneconomic Organizations are there?

    Minority/Ethnic Groups:

    Religious Groups:

    Cops (Communities organized for Public Service)

    Public Interest groups:

    Minority/Ethnic Groups

    push their views on civil rights discrimination and govt services

    Examples of Minority/Ethnic Groups

    MAD (Mexican American Democrats),
    LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens

    Religious Groups

    promote common goals among religious lines.

    Examples of Religious Groups

    Fundamental christians have been focusing on abortion, sex-education, evolution

    Example of COPS (Communities organized for Public Service):

    Catholic church major player in suing feds over obamacare

    Public Interest groups

    ideas, not economic, or professional ideas

    What is lobbying

    Using a paid professional to communicate directly with legislators to change public policy

    What kinds of techniques does Lobbying use?

    - Any contact with legislators or bureaucrats about policies
    - Talking to legislators about supporting/opposing legislation
    - Working with members to draft legislation
    - Providing expert testimony at hearings
    - Encouraging members to contact legislators about bills
    - Issue press releases and buying advertising space
    - Providing written material to legislators about issues

    What are 5 types of lobbyists?


    In house



    Private Individual

    Professional Lobbyists

    hired by a client and paid.

    In-House Lobbyists

    a professional lobbyist who is a permanent employee of an interest group

    employee of a specific client who
    ONLY works for the one client, who pays their salary.

    government lobbyists

    work and lobby for a govt

    Citizen/Volunteer Lobbyist

    Unpaid amateur trying to do
    what they think is best and influence policy on their own time.

    Private Individual Lobbyist

    Called "hobbyist" acting on their own
    behalf and for their own interests.

    What is Electioneering?

    Interest Groups supporting candidates that will help their cause

    Activities associated with Electioneering?

    - Candidate recruitment is another tool for IG's.
    - Public endorsement of candidates.
    - Newspaper & television ads for or against candidates.
    - Voter registration drives.
    - Assist with organizing rallies, speech-writing and fund-raisers.
    - giving money

    What is grassroots lobbying?

    An organization using their members to advocate for their organization for free

    What is it you should know about Litigation?

    Process of taking legal action; It is the most expensive and most time consuming, but can be the MOST effective if you get the end result

    What 3 factors influence a Resource Base?

    Type of group
    How many members
    Type of Members

    What other factors influence the Strength of IG's?


    Geographic Distribution


    Economic Diversity

    Political Party Competition

    How does Leadership Influence the Strength of IG?

    How are they organized and who is leading them? Effective and big impact?

    How does Geographic Distribution Influence the Strength of IG?

    Having representation statewide, but having a strong presence in a small area can also be advantageous

    How does money influence Strength of IG?

    always helps but does not guarantee success

    How does Economic Diversity influence the Strength of IG's?

    Having people from all backgrounds means your issue appeals to all people and all levels of society

    How does Political Party Competition influence the Strength of IG's?

    Use to be only republicans had a say in texas, but democrats have created a viable two party state

    What is an iron triangle?

    the legislature, interest groups, and bureaucracy. The triangle is used to show how the three entities work in creating public policy.

    How does the iron triangle work?

    -The politicians give bureaucracies funding and political support while they give
    politicians policy options and execution
    -The bureaucracies give IG low regulation and special favors for political support
    -The IG give electoral support higher paying jobs after public service while gaining
    favorable legislation and limited oversight

    What is "rent seeking"

    Politicians are lenient with IG on laws and regulations so that they get future benefits

    What does "capture" mean in Interest Groups?

    When politicians become very close to work hand in hand with certain IG they are referred to as "captured" and could change their election

    Define Public Policy

    An officially expressed intention backed by sanctions that can be a reward or a punishment

    How does Public Policy change?

    Incremental change


    Multiple Theory

    Policy FeedBack Theory

    Incremental change in public policy

    small, gradual change.

    Punctuated Equilibrum in public policy

    gradual change, with sudden change due to some catastrophic event.

    Multiple Theory in public policy

    Several solutions running at the same time to correct problems.Problems - Proposed solutions - Politics

    Policy Feedback Theory in Public Policy

    Politicians make choices from limited list based on current political climate

    Steps of Public Policy

    Problem identification

    policy formulation

    policy adoption

    policy implementation

    policy evaluation

    Problem identification in PPP

    Trying to ID the problem can be a problem. Often referred to as Garbage-Can theory as all problems are thrown on a pile and MOST important goes to the top and stays there, so it can be addressed.

    Policy Formulation in PPP

    IG's, bureaucrats and even private citizens make suggestions on how to solve the problem, then politicians decide. Most solutions die in committee. Only a few make it into a bill.

    Policy Adoption in PPP

    Politicians wrestle with exact wording and legal authority, then comes the maneuvering, compromising and negotiating.

    Policy Implementation PPP?

    Once passed into law, the bureaucracy must now enact the law, which could have very vague wording. Bureaucrats make thier own judgement as to what the law means, at least until the AG or the judiciary makes their own official rulings.

    Policy evaluation in PPP

    A review of the law and how it is affecting society to see if it needs to be left alone, changed or killed.

    What is the atmosphere for businesses in Texas?

    Texas is very pro business and has been the best state for business in the last 14 years in a row
    -Anti union
    -Pro employer
    -Discourages collective bargaining

    Differentiate between Medicaid & Medicare.

    Medicare pays for healthcare for those 65 and older and some disabilities
    Medicaid pays for the healthcare of those who are too poor to pay

    What are key provisions for Obamacare?

    No lifetime maximum limits

    Coverage to 26 parents policies

    Coverage for pre-existing conditions

    And the "individual mandate" that everyone be covered

    What did Texas do to help Texans get signed up for Obamacare?

    They actually did not participate in the government created federal marketplace for individuals to buy policies at lower rates. They did nothing to inform texans about obamacare options and did not expand medicaid options either.

    What excuse did Texas use as an excuse for NOT expanding Medicaid? What was the result?

    There were too few doctors to accept it. In 2000 67% doctors accepted in but in 2015 only 32% did

    -Texas continues to have the largest population without healthcare

    What 1949 law helped standardize education in Texas?

    Gilmer-akins law passed to established the Texas Education Association (TEA) and provided more funding and equality throughout the state.

    What did Edgewood v Kirby do for Texas in 1989?

    Made Legislature come up with the Robin Hood Plan

    What did the Robin Hood Plan do

    Meant to equalize school funding

    -ISD could give certain amount of excess money to the state for redistribution
    -Adopt a poor school

    Although Higher Education is still cheaper than other states in Texas, why is it still a problem for Texans to pay for it?

    The school is lower and the texas cost of living is lower, but the people have cheaper wages

    What are the current restrictions for abortions in Texas?

    - require that abortions be performed by a licensed doctor.
    - Banned late term abortions, except when life of mother at risk.
    - Requires women under 18 to get parental consent.
    - Requires a 24 hour waiting period after ultrasound.
    - Prohibits public funding towards abortions, except in cases of rape, incest or life endangerment.

    What percent of the Texas population is foreign born (legal & illegal)?

    17% of texas population is foreign born

    By 2060 Texas' population will be about how many?

    50 million

    What will be a MJOR problem for the rise in population?

    Will there be enough water for everyone?

    -59% ground water while 41% is surface water
    -Right of capture: ground water so who ever pumps it gets it

    What is the #1 monetary priority for the state?

    The Texas Education system

    MOST of the state's revenue comes from what tax?

    58.8% from sales tax

    When compared to other states, Texas' revenue is ___ out of 50.


    Texas taxes are designed get something for what we pay, which means we call them what?

    Benefit Based

    Compared to the rest of the US, Texas' regressive system is what out of 50?

    Texas has the third most regressive Tax system in the US (behind washington and florida)

    Why don't we use a proportional system to tax people? (3 reasons)

    1- kill thousands of tax preparation jobs
    2- can't help in a faltering economy
    3- hits the poor rather harshly

    proportional system to tax people?

    everyone pays the same rate

    Why don't we want to tax businesses more? (Tax Shifting - 3 reasons)

    They would push the taxes to someone else
    1- shift the cost to consumers
    2- higher cost to workers in the form of lower wages or fewer hours
    3- companies will just eat the cost

    Towns & Cities use property taxes and what percent of sales taxes automatically go to every town and city?


    What percentage of the Texas budget comes from Federal Funding?


    Most of the Federal Funding goes to pay for what?

    64%-Health and Human Services
    16%-Business and Economic Development
    5%- other

    How much of the Texas budget is "restricted/dedicated" for a specific purpose?

    81% which means they are specifically for certain things

    What is the Constitutional Mandate of EVERY Texas Budget?

    Needs to be balanced (project outlays do NOT exceed projected revenue)

    What are the five categories of the Texas Funding?

    General Revenue Fund Budget:

    General Revenue Dedicated Funds Budget

    Federal Funds Budget

    Other Funds Budget

    All Funds Budget

    General Revenue Fund Budget

    not dedicated and can be used for any purpose

    -Available school fund
    -Available Textbook fund
    -Foundation school fun

    General Revenue Dedicated Funds Budget:

    money that must be paid for specific purposes

    State parks
    College accounts

    Federal Funds Budget

    all grants, payments, and reimbursements from the federal government

    -Dedicated for medical accounts

    Other Funds Budget

    any payments coming to state not included in the first three

    State highways
    Trust funds
    Local education

    All Funds Budget:

    the aggregate of the first four accounts

    5% of the Texas budget can go for debt, but the debt MUST do what?

    They must be paid for themselves

    What is the structural defect that Texas has?

    The Business Franchise Tax/Fee is chronically underperforming. Revenue is not meeting projections.

    And what is the problem with Texas' education budget?

    It has increased spending in Education every year, but it has not been enough to cover the growth in education

    For extra credit: Know Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Justices


    What do you call candidates where you have to physically write in their names on the ballot?

    a) Write in candidate

    What does it take to win the general Election in Texas?

    Plurality of votes

    Which is not a public interest group?


    How much of Texas' total annual budget is paid for by Federal Funding?


    By law, state sponsored welfare cannot exceed what percent of the Texas budget? (Medicaid NOT included)


    Although Party labels may change, Texas' ideology has remained relatively what?


    With Democratic Dominance of the General Election, what was the ONLY election that really mattered?

    Democratic Primary

    Denton County Judge:

    Andy Eads

    Denton County Commissioners

    Hugh Coleman
    Ron Marchant
    Bobbie Mitchell
    Dianne Edmondson

    Denton County Treasurer

    Cindy Brown

    Denton County Sheriff

    Tracey Murphree

    Denton County Clerk

    Juli Luke

    Denton Tax Assessor

    Michelle French

    Denton District Attorney

    Paul Johnson

    Denton District Clerk

    David Trantham

    Denton Elections Administrator

    Lannie Noble

    Dallas Mayor

    Eric Johnson

    Denton Mayor

    Chris Watts

    Flower Mound Mayor

    Steve Dixon

    Fort Worth Mayor

    Betsy Price

    Lewisville Mayor

    Rudy Durham

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