Which method is the most accurate way to determine the pain level of a patient who is alert and oriented quizlet?

Answer: 4

Superficial pain or mild-to-moderate pain stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated by continuous, deep, or severe pain involving visceral organs. Stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system has an inhibitory effect on the body systems and causes a decrease in blood pressure. The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for a fight-or-flight response. Diaphoresis, dilation of pupils, and increased heart rate are caused by the stimulation of the sympathetic system.

Test-Taking Tip: On questions about the parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous system, remind yourself that the parasympathetic system is the rest-and-digest system, and the sympathetic nervous system is the fight-or-flight system. Then consider which system the question is asking about and match up the choice with that system accordingly. For this question, the only parasympathetic symptom is a decrease in blood pressure.

after transduction takes place, the electrical signal is transmitted through 2 types of afferent nerves fibers: A-delta fibers and c-fibers found in the peripheral tissues. They carry impulses to the dorsal root ganglia then spinal dorsal horn, the brainstem, the thalamus, and cerebral cortex. SUBSTANCE P transports pain impulses from periphery to central nervous system !!!!

A-delta fibers- large in diameter, myelinated, fast conduction, send sharp acute pain signals

c-fibers- smaller, unmyelinated, slow conduction of signals, give off dull, longer lasting pain.

-while all tis is happening, motor reflexes are triggered to contact the muscle. For instance touch a hot stone and muscle contracts and move hand away.

somatic pain

Somatic pain refers to the localized pain caused by the activation of nociceptors. Muscle cramping refers to localized pain caused by the involuntary contraction of muscles, which contain nociceptors. Therefore, muscle cramps can be categorized as somatic pain. Viscera refers to the soft internal organs of the body, such as those in the digestive, respiratory, urogenital, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems. The pain caused in these organs is known as visceral pain. If a patient has an injury at a particular site, but the pain is exhibited at another site, it is called referred pain. If a patient has pain at a site that extends to adjacent areas, it is called radiating pain.

a, b, c, d

Medical history, physical appearance, age, gender, culture, lifestyle, and loss of appetite should be considered when conducting a pain assessment. Hair color and style are not necessary components of a pain assessment.

What is the most accurate method to determine the pain level of a patient who is alert and oriented?

Self-Report of Pain The patient's self-report is the most accurate and reliable evidence of the existence of pain and its intensity, [2] [4] [6] and this holds true for patients of all ages, regardless of communication or cognitive deficits.

What is the most accurate determinant of a patient's pain?

The gold standard of pain assessment is self-reporting of pain by the patient. Thus, three studies reported patients' self-reporting of pain as being the most accurate measure of pain and a facilitator of effective pain management.

What is the best way to determine if a patient is in pain?

Assessing Non-Verbal Signs Signs and symptoms that a person may exhibit if they are in pain: Facial grimacing or a frown. Writhing or constant shifting in bed. Moaning, groaning, or whimpering.