Which nursing intervention helps the family members feel confident in their care of the client when the client is discharged home?

Tips to improve patient education

Preventing re-hospitalization is a huge responsibility, especially in consideration of costly penalties that are levied for early readmissions. To accomplish this, nurses need to constantly improve patient teaching and education prior to discharge. Some of the things nurses can do to advance patient education include:

  • Delegate more responsibilities to support staff and be more focused on patient education.
  • Begin educating patients with every encounter from admission.
  • Find out what the patient already knows. Correct any misinformation.
  • Feed patients information in layman’s terms. Utilize visual aids as often as possible.
  • Question their understanding of the care, and plan for the next lesson.
  • Use return demonstration when administering care. Involve the patient from the very first treatment.
  • Ask the patient to tell you how they would explain (step-by-step) their disease or treatment to their loved one.
  • Make sure the patient understands the medications as you administer them. Make sure they understand how and when to refill medications.
  • Provide patients with information about signs and symptoms of their condition that will require immediate attention.

Five strategies for patient education success

Teaching patients is an important aspect of nursing care. Whether teaching a new mom how to bathe a newborn baby or instructing an adult who is living with a chronic heart disease, a successful outcome depends on the quality of the nurse’s instruction and support. Consider these five strategies.

1. Take advantage of educational technology

Technology has made patient education materials more accessible. Educational resources can be customized and printed out for patients with the touch of a button. Make sure the patient’s individualized needs are addressed. Don't simply hand the patient a stack of papers to read, review them with patients to ensure they understand the instructions and answer questions that arise. Some resources are available in several languages.

2. Determine the patient’s learning style

Similar information may be provided by a range of techniques. In fact, providing education using different modalities reinforces teaching. Patients have different learning styles so ask if your patient learns best by watching a DVD or by reading. A hands on approach where the patient gets to perform a procedure with your guidance is often the best method.

3. Stimulate the patient’s interest

It's essential that patients understand why this is important. Establish rapport, ask and answer questions, and consider specific patient concerns. Some patients may want detailed information about every aspect of their health condition while others may want just the facts, and do better with a simple checklist.

4. Consider the patient’s limitations and strengths

Does the patient have physical, mental, or emotional impairments that impact the ability to learn? Some patients may need large print materials and if the patient is hearing impaired, use visual materials and hands on methods instead of simply providing verbal instruction. Always have patients explain what you taught them. Often people will nod “yes” or say that they comprehend what is taught even if they have not really heard or understood. Consider factors such as fatigue and the shock of learning a critical diagnosis when educating patients.

5. Include family members in health care management

Involving family members in patient teaching improves the chances that your instructions will be followed. In many cases, you will be providing most of the instruction to family members. Families play a critical role in health care management.

Teaching patients and their families can be one of the most challenging, yet also rewarding elements of providing nursing care. First-rate instruction improves patient outcomes dramatically.

The value of patient education resources

For further resources that will strength your organization’s patient-teaching, let Lippincott Advisor help. Our best-in-class, evidence-based decision support software for institutions includes over 16,000 customizable patient teaching handouts and content entries.

Self-care deficit refers to the patient that is limited in performing activities of daily living (ADLs). This can include tasks related to feeding, bathing and hygiene practices, as well as getting dressed and completing toileting. Self-care deficits can also expand to more complex tasks such as making phone calls or managing finances, which are referred to as Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs). 

Nurses must be able to recognize and assess for limitations of patients in their ability to carry out basic needs. Some self-care deficits will be temporary, such as recovering from surgery, while others will be long-term, such as a patient with paraplegia. The nurse’s role is to create an adaptive environment that allows the patient to maintain as much independence as possible while also ensuring their needs are met through equipment, multidisciplinary therapies, and caregiver support.

Causes: (Related to) 

  • Weakness/fatigue 
  • Decreased motivation 
  • Depression and anxiety 
  • Pain 
  • Cognitive impairment 
  • Developmental disabilities 
  • Neuromuscular disorders (multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis) 
  • Poor mobility 
  • Recent surgery 
  • Lack of adaptive equipment

Signs and Symptoms (As evidenced by) 

Patients with a self-care deficit will present with an inability to complete the following ADLs: 


  • Prepare food, use appliances, open packaging 
  • Handle utensils 
  • Pick up or hold drinkware 
  • Chew or swallow 

Self-bathing & hygiene: 

  • Gather and set up supplies 
  • Regulate water temperature 
  • Safely transfer in and out of shower/bathtub 
  • Raise arms to wash hair 
  • Bend to wash lower body 
  • Manipulate toothbrush 
  • Clean dentures 

Self-dressing & grooming: 

  • Make appropriate clothing choices 
  • Fasten buttons, zip zippers 
  • Apply socks or shoes 
  • Manipulate comb or brush 
  • Handle razor 


  • Transfer on and off toilet 
  • Recognize the urge for elimination 
  • Remove clothing to use toilet 
  • Complete hygiene following elimination 

Expected Outcomes: 

  • Patient will perform ADLs within their own level of ability 
  • Patient will maintain independence with [specify ADL] 
  • Caregiver will demonstrate the ability to meet patient’s personal needs 
  • Patient will demonstrate appropriate use of adaptive equipment 

Nursing Assessment for Self-Care Deficit

Assessment  Rationale 
Assess the degree of disabilities or impairments  Assessing the extent of cognitive and developmental impairments as well as physical disabilities will help create reasonable goals for self-care. 
Assess ability to safely complete self-care  Is the patient able to safely feed themselves without aspirating? Can they safely ambulate to the bathroom? If there is doubt, it may be necessary to observe the patient perform tasks to evaluate their ability. 
Assess barriers that prevent self-care  Identifying issues that prevent participating in self-care helps the nurse develop appropriate measures to support the patient. Examples include lack of information, fear of embarrassment, and cultural differences. 
Plan for resources at discharge  Discharge planning begins at admission. The nurse can coordinate with the case manager when there is an expected need for home health or rehabilitation services once discharged from the acute care facility. Anticipating the patient’s needs creates a smooth transition of care.  
Assess mental health challenges  Patients with chronic illnesses are often affected by depression and lack of motivation from losing their independence. The nurse should remain non-judgmental and compassionate with a listening attitude. A referral to a counselor or psych consult may be needed to get to the root of the problem before self-care can be reestablished. 

Nursing Interventions for Self-Care Deficit

Interventions  Rationale 
General self-care interventions   
Implement resources to overcome barriers  Use of language lines may be necessary for language barriers or hearing aids for hard-of-hearing patients. These are simple barriers to overcome that allow nurse-patient communication to complete ADLs. 
Encourage participation in care  Patients can become dependent on caregivers and support staff and should be encouraged to carry out as much of their self-care as possible.  
Offer (limited) choices  Standing firm with completing tasks while offering the patient options will increase adherence. For example, allowing the patient to choose between walking the hallway before or after lunch gives them autonomy without allowing pushback. 
Incorporate family members and caregivers  Involving family members, spouses, and other caregivers promotes a commitment and understanding of each person’s role to success. 
Promote energy-saving tactics  Patients with weakness or conditions such as COPD cannot tolerate standing or moving for long periods of time. Encourage sitting when possible and performing tasks when they have the most energy available. 
Pain management  If self-care deficits stem from acute or chronic pain the patient will not want to participate in activities that trigger pain. The nurse will need to first administer pain medications as ordered or consult with the physician if pain is not controlled. 
Self-feeding Interventions   
Offer appropriate time and setting for eating  Patients should not be rushed during mealtimes in order to prevent aspirating and ensure adequate nutritional intake. Position the patient in the bed or chair at high as possible, and clean hands and mouth to promote readiness to eat with all utensils. Ensure the patient is not interrupted by support staff. 
Involve speech therapy if needed  If coughing, pocketing of food, or drooling is observed it may be necessary to alert the physician to the need for a speech evaluation for possible aspiration. 
Delegate feeding to the nursing assistant if needed  A patient who is not eating or consuming only small amounts may need assistance. Delegate to support staff to assist the patient in eating to ensure they are meeting their nutritional and hydration needs. 
Consult with occupational therapy   If a patient is unable to hold eating utensils, get utensils up to their mouths or suffer from tremors, they may need adaptive utensils or assessment by OT to make feeding easier. 
Self-bathing Interventions   
Allow the patient to help as much as possible  If the patient is bed-bound or has decreased strength but is able to wipe their face and hands, encourage them to perform as much as possible to maintain independence. 
Evaluate equipment needs  Whether in the hospital or at home, the patient may need a shower chair, grab bars, or a handheld showerhead to complete bathing. 
Consider rehabilitation and exercise programs  If strength, transferring, and range of motion are preventing washing hair or reaching feet, the patient may benefit from stretching and exercise programs to improve flexibility. 
Self-dressing Interventions   
Suggest easier clothing options  Patients may need to shift their wardrobes to pullover sweaters and shirts, pants with elastic waistbands, and shoes with velcro in order to dress themselves. 
Layout clothing options beforehand  Patients with dementia may become easily distracted while dressing if presented with an entire closet. They may also wear soiled or dirty clothing they were not aware was already worn. Laying out an exact outfit takes away the confusion and frustration of dressing. 
Evaluate tools for grooming  The patient may need adaptive tools for hair brushing, shaving, and applying makeup. Feeling confident in one’s appearance is important to maintaining hygiene. 
Self-toileting Interventions   
Establish a voiding schedule  Certain conditions, such as a neurogenic bladder, prevent proper bladder control. Establishing a voiding schedule means setting times (every 2 hours or so) to urinate. This helps with muscle control in holding urine and emptying the bladder and gives the patient control over their toileting. 
Provide privacy  Everyone expects privacy with toileting. Once the patient’s safety is ensured, allow privacy and time for them to complete elimination. 
Provide commodes or toilet risers  If transferring or ambulation is a concern, a bedside commode can help with toileting in the middle of the night. If sitting and rising are difficult, a toilet riser placed over a regular toilet can assist the patient in transferring. 
Anticipate toileting needs  If a patient is nonverbal or can’t recognize the urge to eliminate, it may be best to offer them the bedpan or assist to the bathroom at certain intervals, such as after meals or before bedtime to prevent incontinence episodes, soiling or clothing or bed linens, and preserving their dignity. 

References and Sources

  1. Doenges, M. E., Moorhouse, M. F., & Murr, A. C. (2008). Nurse’s Pocket Guide Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions, and Rationales (11th ed.). F. A. Davis Company. 
  2. Mlinac, M. E., & Feng, M. C. (2016, September). Assessment of Activities of Daily Living, Self-Care, and Independence. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 31(6), 506-516. //academic.oup.com/acn/article/31/6/506/1727834 
  3. Regis College. (n.d.). The Pivotal Role of Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory. Regis College. //online.regiscollege.edu/blog/the-pivotal-role-of-orems-self-care-deficit-theory/ 
  4. What is Neurogenic Bladder? (2021, September). Urology Care Foundation. //www.urologyhealth.org/urology-a-z/n/neurogenic-bladder

Published on October 14, 2021

Maegan Wagner, BSN, RN, CCM

Maegan Wagner is registered nurse with over 10 years of healthcare experience. She earned her BSN at Western Governors University. Her nursing career has led her through many different specialties including inpatient acute care, hospice, home health, case management, travel nursing, and telehealth, but her passion lies in educating through writing for other healthcare professionals and the general public.

Which nursing interventions help prevent heat loss in newborns quizlet?

Newborns have impaired thermoregulation due to immaturity of the body systems. Therefore, the nurse performs interventions to prevent heat loss in the newborn. Covering the newborn with warm blankets helps to prevent heat loss. The nurse keeps the newborn under the radiant warmer to help maintain the body temperature.

In which situation would the nurse consider the family as context?

Rationale: The nurse views the family as context when providing nursing care for only one member of the family, such as a client with tonsillitis.

Which statement defines the term family resiliency?

Which statement defines the term family resiliency? Family resiliency is the ability of the family to cope with stressors. The spouse of a client who had a brain attack (cerebrovascular accident) tells the home health nurse that the client cries easily and without provocation.

In which position would the nurse place a client recovering from general anesthesia?

In supine position, legs may be extended or slightly bent with arms up or down. It provides comfort in general for patients under recovery after some type of surgery. Most commonly used position.


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