Which of the following accurately describes the pattern of federal funding texas receives?

The relationship between the states and the federal government

States and the federal government have both exclusive powers and concurrent powers. There is an ongoing negotiation over the balance of power between the two levels.

The relationship between the states and the federal government

Policy implementation involves only government officials

Elected officials such as the governor and institutions of government such as the legislature can participate in the policymaking process but not interest groups or the media

Elected officials such as the governor and institutions of government such as the legislature can participate in the policymaking process but not interest groups or the media.

A group of political actors that is concerned with some aspect of public policy is known as an issue network

The context of policymaking refers to the set of factors outside of government that affects the policymaking process either directly or indirectly.

"The development of courses of action for dealing with the problems on the government's agenda" is the definition for

A newspaper editorial praises the Texas legislature for passing a law that requires public college and university students to complete six semester hours in American national, state, and local government, including the study of the Texas Constitution. The editorial illustrates which stage of the policy process?

"the assessment of policy" is the definition for

Texas has the nation's fourth largest population, just behind California, New York, and Florida.

Population experts predict that by 2030, Hispanics and African Americans combined will represent a majority of the state's residents.

The median annual household income in Texas is below the national average.

The majority of Texans live on farms in rural areas.

Historically, the Texas economy was based on what economic activity?

Agricultural commodities and raw materials

All of the following statements are correctly regarding the population growth in Texas EXCEPT?

Rapid population growth does not present challenges for policymakers.

The population of which of the following areas has been growing the most rapidly?

The decrease in oil prices in the 1980s forced policymakers in Texas to do what?

Take steps to diversify the Texas economy.

The most rapidly growing components of the Texas economy involve what industry?

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the changing nature of the state's economy?

Because of the increased importance of technology in the work place, unskilled workers will be lucky to find jos that pay more than minimum wage.

Which of the following groups of Texans has the LOWEST incidence of poverty?

"The widely held, deeply rooted political values of society" is the definition for which concept? 

Which of the following types of political culture stresses the importance of the individual and private initiative?

In which type of political culture do people expect government to intervene in social and economic affairs, promoting the public welfare and advancing and public good?

Government leadership is in the hands of an established social elite and the level of participation by ordinary citizens in the policymaking process is relatively low in which or the following types of political culture?

In which of the following types of political culture do citizens believe that the role of government is to protect and preserve the existing social order?

According to Professor Daniel Elazar, what type of political culture does Texas have?

A combination of traditionalistic and individualistic

Most state constitutions are longer and have been amended more frequently than the US Constitution.

The largest organized group of delegates at the Texas constitutional convention of 1875 were members of the Grange, a farmers' organization.

The authors of the Texas Constituion created a plural executive to limit the authority of the governor.

Amendments to the Texas Constitution must be ratified by three fourths of the states counties.

The most common form of constitutional change in Texas in constitutional revision.

The Texas Bill of Rights does more than merely restate the guarantees found in the US Constituion

In which of the following ways do most state constitions differ from the US Consitution?

Most state constitions have more amendments than the US Constituion

Unlike the US Constitution, state constitutions generally include numerous miscellaneous provisions callled

Advocates of Jacksonian democracy would most likely support which of the following?

The election of state judges

The current Texas Constitution was written during which period of time?

In the 1870s, after Reconstruction 

Which of the following actions was NOT taken by the authors of the Texas Constitution written in 1875?

They provided for the appointment of state judges by the governor.

Which of the following was NOT a goal of the authors of the Texas Constitution written in 1875?

They wanted to strengthen local government by granting local officeholders broad discretion to enact policies.

In which of the following groups or interests did the authors of the Texas Constitution have the most confidence and trust?

In which of the following ways does the Texas Bill of Rights compare which the Bill of Rights contained in the US Constitution?

The Texas Bill of Rights is phrased positively while the US Bill of Rights is phrased negatively.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the style of the United Staes and Texas bill of rights?

While the US Bill of Rights identifies rights the national government may not infringe, the Texas Bill of Rights lists rights statengovernment must protect.

Which of the following events illustates the constitutional principle of separation of powers with checks and balances?

The governor vetoes a bill passed by the legislature

Which of the following major changes in the nature of Texas government has/have taken place because of constitutional amendment?

The authority of state officials has been strengthened, especially that of the governor.

Which of the following statements is true about voting on constitutional amendments?

Voter participation in amendment elections is generally less than participation in candidate elections.

Which of the following is the strongest, most accurate criticism made against the Texas Constitution?

The Texas Constitution hinders the formulation and adoption of sound public policy.

Do the provisions of the US Bill of Rights protect the rights of persons living in Texas from having their rigs violated by state and local governments?

Yes, because the US Supreme Court has interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution to apply most of the provisions of the US Bill of Rights to the states.

In recent years several Texas cities have adopted juvenile curfews, requiring persons under the age of 18 to be off the streets late at night and, in Houston, during school hours as well. Suppose a group of youngsters believe hat their rights are violated by the curfew. On which of the following bases could they make their challenge.

They could file suit under the provisions of both the US and the Texas constitutions because both documents protect individual rights.

For which of the following reasons have state courts begun to play a more prominent role as defenders of individual rights?

In recent years, the US Supreme Court has begun interpreting the individual-rights guarantees of the US Constitution more restrictively.

"The process of dating a new Constituion" is the definition for which of the following?

"A law made by the legislature" is the definition for which of the following?

"The interpretation and application of the Constitution" is the definition for which of the following?

"A form of government that divides political power between a central government with authority over the whole nation and a series of state governments" is the definition for which of the following?

A federal system of government

What is the constitutional status of state governments in the federal system?

They are subunits of the national government

The constitutional provision that declares that the Constitution, the laws made under it, and the treaties of the United Staes are the supreme law of the land is known as which of the following?

The national supremacy clause

According to the US Constitution, what is the supreme law of the land?

The Constitution, the laws made under it, and the treaties of the United Staes

Suppose that a state enacts a law that is in conflict with a law passed by the US Congress. Which takes precedence? 

Federal law takes precedence over state laws.

The case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka dealt with which of the following issues?

The case of Ruiz v. Estelle dealt with which of the following issues?

A legal requirement placed on a date or local government requiring certain policy actions is known as which of the following?

The procedure through which Congress legislatively produces money for a particular purpose is known as which of the following?

An act of Congress adopting regulatory policies that overrule state policies in a particular regulatory area is known as which of the following?

Federal preemption of state authority 

Because of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), new buses purchased by local transit systems in Texas must be equipped with wheelchair lifts. This is an example of which of the following?

The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is an example of which of the following?

A program with a matching funds requirement

Which of the following is NOT part of the authorization process?

Provision of funds for a program

Which of the following types of grant programs permits local authorities the greatest leeway in program implementation?

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding block and categorical grant programs?

Block grants allow state and local officials relatively more discretion in deciding how money should be spent than do categorical grants.

Grant programs that require state and local officials to submit applications to compete for grants are known as which of the following?

Federal grant money supports which of the following state and local activities in Texas?

From 1990 through 2003, the relative importance of federal funding to state government in Texas grew. How would you describe the pattern of federal funding since 2003?

The relative importance of federal money has somewhat declined.

Which of the following types of grant programs provides benefits to all persons qualified to receive them under law based on such factors as age, income, and disability?

Which federal program accounted for more than 49 percent of the increase in federal grant funds in the 1990s and the early years of the twenty-first century?

Does Texas get federal funding?

The ten states with the highest total federal funding are: California ($43.61 billion) ... Federal Aid by State 2022..

What proportion of the Texas state budget comes from the federal government?

Texans sent the federal government $261 billion in taxes in 2016, and the state government received $39.5 billion in grants in return, or about 15 percent of our total federal tax tab. ... Chart..

Which type of federal grant requires that states meet strict guidelines to receive funding?

A categorical grant is money granted by the federal government to state and local governments, with strict limitations on how it is to be spent. There are certain regulations that they must comply with in order to receive this money. Categorical grants are distributed in two ways.

Which of the following describes the delegation of power in a federal system of government quizlet?

Which of the following describes the delegation of power in a federal system of government? Power is shared between the national government and the state governments.


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