Which of the following actions should a medical assistant take when obtaining the head circumference of an infant?

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Study Guide for Karen

Terms in this set (58)

A medical assistant is caring for a 4 month old infant who has a temperature of 100.4 degrees F what is the temperature converted to C ( Celsius)

38 degrees

A medical assistant should insert the needle at what angle for a veinapuncture


A patient informs a medical assistant that he gets headaches when he reads from a computer monitor. The assistant should place the information in which if he following locations when using the SOAP approach in organizing medical record


Which of the following terms refers to the range of fees charged by providers who have similar training and experience and practice in he same geographical area


A patient reports feeling depressed due to the recent loss of a partner in which of the five stages of grief does the patient present first

4th stage of greif

Which of the following actions should the medical assistant take when obtaining the head circumference of an infant

Record the measurment the the nearest 0.6 cm (1/4 inch)

A medical assistant is coding an office visit during which the provider reviewed the systems related to the patients chief complaint but did not discuss the patients family or social history. Which of the following procedures codes should the assistant use for the visit

Expanded problem focused history

A medical assistant is preparing a patient to have cryosurgery following an abnormal papanlcolaou test. Which of the following statements should the assistant make to explain the procedure

Cryosurgery involves an extremly cold probe to freeze ans kill abnormal cells

A medical assistant receives a denial of payment for a patients cholecystectomy. The reason stated is "noncovered" service. If this procedure was deemed emergent by the provider which of the following actions should the assistant take

Instruct the patient to contact the insurer about the denial of payment

A medical assistant should identify which of the following vitamins as fat soluble

Vitamin A

For a 12 lead ekg which is the correct placement for the V4 electrode

The 5th intercostal space; left midclavicular line

A Medical assistant is caring for an infant who suddenly becomes unresponsive for unknown reasons which of the following actions should be taken?

Initiate cardiopulmunary recusitation

A medical assistant is collecting information from a patient who reports persistent pain in the left upper quadrant. The assistant should note that this quadrant contains which organ


A medical assistant is assisting a provider with an abdominal exam. When the provider palpated the major portion of the liver the assistant should recognize that which quadrant is being palpated

Right upper

A Medical Assistant is caring for a patient who weighs 72kg, what is the weight in lbs

158.4 lbs

A medical assistant is preforming a 12 lead EKG on a patient which of the following electrodes should the assistant place to the left of the sternum at the 4th intercostal space


A Medical assistant in an emergency clinic is admitting several patients. The MA should recognize that the provider should see which patient first

An older patient who has diabetes and a BP of 80/42 mm Hg

An MA is applying a transdermal patch on a patient what actions should the assistant take?

Apply it to a hairless area of skin

An MA is preforming a fecal occult blood test using a guanaco card. Which of the following actions should the MA take

Interpret a blue color as a positive result

An MA is administering an intramuscular injection into the gluteus medius of an adult patient at which of the following angles should the MA insert the needle


Which of the following cell structures is instrumental in helping the body mobilize and secrete mucus from the respiratory tract


An MA receives a telephone call from a patient who is hesitant about discussing a new medical concern unless the conversation is with the provider the MA should use which of the following techniques to address the patients reluctance

Use a reflective statement to recognize the patients concern

An MA is reinforcing instructions with a patient about how to take a Buccal tablet. Which of the following instructions should be given to the patient

Place the tablet between the gums ans cheek

An MA is reviewing lab results for which of he following patient conditions should the assistant preform capillary collection instead of veinapuncture

Previous thrombosis

An Ma just received a derogatory email from a dissatisfied patient, what action should the MA take?

print the email and make notes about topics to be addressed prior to formulating a response

a patient who has vulvovaginal candidiasis asks a medical assistant for more information about her infection. The MA should begin by explaining that the candidiasis is what type of infection?


An MA is preparing to calculate a patients heart rate from an EKG tracing, what method should be used for the calculations?

divide 1,500 by the number of small boxes between the two R waves

to provide culturally competent care what should the MA do when first encountering patients?

examine personal religious and cultural values and beliefs to identify any biases

the patients bill of rights protects against which of the following

denial of care due to age

which of the following positions is appropriate for a pelvic examination


which of the following is the largest and uppermost sections of the brain


an MA is encouraging a patient to increase her intake of insoluble fiber to prevent constipation and hemorrhoids, which of the following foods should the assistant recommend as the best source of fiber?

pears with skin

an MA is preparing a patient who has anemia for an exam by the provider, what manifestation should the MA prepare to find

irregular heartbeat

an MA is contacting a patient to schedule a repeat papanlcolaou test due to abnormal results, the MA should identify that what factor can interfere with the test results

over the counter vaginal cream

an MA should identify what as a characteristic of anorexia nervosa

excessive exercising

what is a key characteristic of microcephaly

abnormally small head circumference

an MA is preparing a patient for an enema what position should the assistant place the patient in?

the sims position

stream scheduling also known as specified scheduling is scheduling patients as a specific time the amount of time of the appointment based on the patients condition is known as?

cluster scheduling

an MA is caring for a patient who is experiencing chills, nausea, and dizziness. The patients face appears pale. The assistant should recognize that the patient is exhibiting manifestation of what type of medical emergency?


where do cardiac electrical impulses originate in the heart?

sinoatoal node

an MA needs to type a professional business letter from the office, what is the appropriate format?

keep flush with the left margin

a provider has requested a dissecting instrument on a sterile tray that the MA is prepping, what instrument should be on the tray?


When coding the ICD 10 CM where should the MA begin the process of looking up a diagnosis code for breast cancer?

alphabetic index

A patient asks the MA to explain the difference between medicated and liniment lotion, what should the MA say?

liniment contains a higher proportion that medicated lotion

an MA is taking vital signs from a 6 year old patient why should a reported heart rate of 140/min be reported to a provider

because it is outside of the normal range

an MA is assisting a provider with a laceration repair on a patients hand. The providers perscription for the procedure includes an injection of 10 ml of lidocaine with epinephrine, the MA should realize the purpose of the epinephrine is to what?

reduce bleeding at the site

according to regulation of controlled substances what is an example of a schedule I drug?

no accepted medical use

an MA is preparing to administer a subcutanous injection for a patient what needle size should be chosen?

1/2- 5/8 inch needle , 25 gauge

which of the following position is a healthy position for a rectal examination

sims position

A patient has recently received a terminal diagnosis and states " I regret not taking better care of my self and now I wont be able to accomplish what I want to do with my life" This should be identified as what stage of grief?


Which of the following pieces of legislation keeps health care staff safe from retaliation by their employees when they report cases of patient neglect and abuse?

whistleblower protection act

When preforming the palpatory method for obtaining blood pressure what indicates the level the cuff should be inflated?

30 mm Hg above the radial pulse cessation

what solution is used to prepare a patients skin prior to drawing blood cultures?


an MA is cleaning a room after assisting a provider with a biopsy, what actions should be taken?

hold sharp needles by the blunt end to avoid injury

an MA is responsible for cleaning instruments in a minor surgery, what is the first step in this process?


an MA is assisting a patient whose insurance does not cover immunizations what community resource should the MA refer the patient to?

department of health and human services (HHS)

when choosing a diagnosis code which of the following actions should be avoided to prevent insurance denial?

coding to the highest level of specificity

what is the fowlers position?

is a standard patient position. It is an intervention used to promote oxygenation via maximum chest expansion and is implemented during events of respiratory distress. Fowler's position facilitates the relaxing of tension of the abdominal muscles, allowing for improved breathing.The patient is placed in a semi-upright sitting position (45-60 degrees) and may have knees either bent or straight.[citation needed] Fowler's position is also used when oral or nasal gastric feeding tubes have been implemented as it minimizes the risk of aspiration. There are several types of Fowler's positions: Low, Semi, Standard, and High Fowler's. Low Fowler's position is when the head of bed is elevated 15-30 degrees, Semi-Fowler's position is 30-45 degrees, Standard Fowler's is 45-60 degrees, and High Fowler's position is 80-90 degrees.

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Which of the following actions should the medical assistant take when obtaining the head?

Which of the following actions of the medical assistant take when obtaining the head to conference of an infant? Recording the measurement to the nearest 0.6cm (1/4 in.) Medical assistant is applying a transdermal patch for a patient.

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Which instrument will a medical assistant need to obtain a measurement of blood pressure?

The equipment needed to measure manual blood pressure includes a stethoscope and a sphygmomanometer.