Which of the following are accurate statements about the influence of attachment and old age?

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Terms in this set (164)

What was G. Stanley Hall's proposed view of adolescents called?

the "storm-and-stress" view

The most important marker of the beginning of adolescence is


A brain-neuroendocrine process occurring primarily in early adolescence that provides stimulation for rapid physical changes is referred to as


Which of the following physical changes typically occurs first in females during puberty?

breasts enlarge

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of G. Stanley Hall's theory of adolescence and the studies done by Daniel Offer and his colleagues?

As opposed to Hall, Offer and his colleagues found that adolescents were mostly content.

Pubertal changes in boys and girls are caused by a flood of hormones which are discharged by ______.
Multiple choice question.

the endocrine glands

Which of the following are among the most noticeable changes of puberty?

increases in height
increases in weight
sexual maturation

Place the following male characteristics of puberty in the order in which they typically develop, with the earliest-developing characteristic at the top.


A girl's first menstruation is called


Which of the following is the general term for the chemical substances that are secreted by the endocrine glands?

the amygdala

Which of the following characterize sexuality in adolescence?

vulnerable and confused
insatiably curious

An evaluation of prime-time TV shows watched by adolescents and emerging adults found repeated instances of all of the following EXCEPT

contraception use.

Which of the following is true of sexting?

It has become increasingly common among adolescents.

The limbic system is the seat of


In which of the following U.S. populations is HIV transmission of particular concern?

13- to 24-year-old gay or bisexual males

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding adolescent sexuality?
There is a latency period during which teens set aside thoughts of sexuality.
Most teens experience times of vulnerability and confusion.
Teens have an almost insatiable curiosity about sexuality.
Teens think about whether they are sexually attractive, how to engage in sex, and what the future holds for their sexual lives.

There is a latency period during which teens set aside thoughts of sexuality.

The percentage of U.S. 12- to 19-year-olds who were overweight ______from the early 1990s through 2016.


According to research, being obese in adolescence is ______ obesity in emerging adulthood.

predictive of

As individuals progress through adolescence, they tend to become

less active.

Of the new STI infections that occur in the United States each year, 15- to 24-year-olds account for

nearly 50 percent.

A comparison of adolescents in 28 countries found that U.S. adolescents ______ than adolescents in most other countries.

ate less vegetables

Which of the following statements is true regarding sex differences in adolescent binge drinking

Males engage in binge drinking more than females.

With regard to ethnic differences in exercise participation

African American girls exercise the least.

According to Piaget, the fourth and final stage of cognitive development is the operational stage.


True or false: According to the fuzzy-trace theory dual-process model, it is more beneficial for adolescents to base their judgments and decisions on simple gist than on analytical thinking.


A national study revealed that physical activity ______ until 13 years of age in boys and girls then ______ through 18 years of age.

increased; decreased

The formal operational stage of cognitive development begins around age


In one study, the drop in school satisfaction between elementary school and junior high

occurred regardless of how academically successful the students were.

Adolescent _____is a word that describes the heightened self-consciousness of adolescents.


According to which of the following is decision making influenced by two systems—"verbatim" analytical and gist-based intuition—that operate in parallel?

Fuzzy-trace theory dual-process model

A recent national study found that adolescent girls ______ to have engaged in 60 minutes or more of vigorous exercise per day in 5 of the last 7 days.

were less likely than boys

Which eating disorder involves a relentless pursuit of thinness through starvation?

anorexia nervosa

According to which of the following is decision making influenced by two systems—"verbatim" analytical and gist-based intuition—that operate in parallel?

Fuzzy-trace theory dual-process model

Regarding adolescents' participation in extracurricular activities, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Multiple choice question.

Adolescents benefit more by focusing on one or two extracurricular activities, rather than participating in several activities.

Which year of school can be the most difficult for students?

first year of middle school

Which conditions should be met for an effective service-learning experience?

Students should have some degree of choice in the service activity in which they participate.
Students should be given ample opportunity to reflect about their experience.

In one study, the drop in school satisfaction between elementary school and junior high

occurred regardless of how academically successful the students were.

_______ refers to a self-centered and self-concerned approach toward others.


is described as involving inhibiting impulses and not engaging in destructive behavior, focusing and maintaining attention, and initiating and completing tasks that have long-term value.

Effortful control

According to contemporary identity theorists, decisions ______ during the process of identity development.

must be made again and again

Which of the following are Marcia's four statuses of identity?

identity foreclosure
identity diffusion
identity moratorium
identity achievement

Felix is unaware that he is overbearing, grandiose, and that he seeks everyone's attention. He sees himself as warm and friendly. This behavior could be defined as


How is commitment defined by Marcia?

personal investment in identity

According to research, which of the following are strong predictors of educational attainment?

parental education
effortful control
grade point average

What determines identity diffusion?

absence of both crisis and commitment

According to contemporary identity theory, identity development

is accomplished in bits and pieces.

According to James Marcia, identity status is based on

crisis and commitment.

Which of the following statuses describes an individual who has made a commitment without experiencing a crisis?

identity foreclosure

According to Marcia, the period in identity development when individuals are exploring alternatives is called

crisis, or exploration.

Identity ----- happens when an individual is experiencing a crisis but has not yet made a complete commitment.


Identitiy______refers to the state in which individuals who have not yet experienced a crisis and have not made a commitment.

confusion or diffusion

Identity ______ refers to an individual who experienced a crisis and made a commitment.


What determines identity foreclosure?

presence of a commitment but not a crisis

How is commitment defined by Marcia?

personal investment in identity

What defines identity moratorium?

presence of a crisis but not of a commitment

An enduring aspect of the self that includes a sense of membership in an ethnic group, along with attitudes and feelings related to that membership, is called

ethnic identity.

During the 21st century, religious interest among adolescents has


Which of the following statuses describes an individual who has made a commitment without experiencing a crisis?


An important part of the managerial role of parenting is effective parental ______, which includes supervising adolescents' choice of social settings, activities, and friends.


Most parents are confronted with their child's needs for autonomy and ______ during adolescence.


Based on a developmental study, which of the following statements apply to developmental changes in religiousness from ages 14 to 20?

Attendance of religious services declined between 14 and 18 years of age.
More change occurred in attending religious services than in religiousness.
Religiousness, such as frequency of prayer, declined from 14 to 20 years of age.

Parent-adolescent conflict increases in

early adolescence.

As they enter adolescence, youth typically prefer ______ than in childhood.

a smaller number of friends
relationships that are more intimate and intense

When does parent-adolescent conflict generally decline?

between 17-20 years old

What are the features of cliques?

Members are usually the same age.
Members are usually the same sex.
They average 5 to 6 individuals.

One study found that higher levels of four factors assessed at the beginning of the sixth grade was linked to higher grade point averages at the end of the seventh grade for children living in poverty. Which of the following is NOT one of the four factors?


Families where at least one of the parents is born outside the country of residence are considered ______ families.


Findings from a longitudinal study in the U.S. found that low SES in adolescence was linked to having a higher level of ______ at age 54 for females.

depressive symptoms

What are the four interrelated problems that affect the most adolescents?

school-related problems
sexual problems
drug abuse
juvenile delinquency

Which of the following statements regarding changes in midlife are true?

Many 50-year-olds are in better shape today than 40-year-olds a generation or two ago.
Middle age is lasting longer than in years past.
Medical discoveries have helped reduce the aging process for middle-aged adults today.

The developmental period that begins at approximately 40 to 45 years of age and extends to about 60 to 65 years of age is referred to as _______adulthood.


Which of the following factors can help buffer declines in physical health and cognitive functioning in middle age?

social support
emotion regulation
a sense of control
physical exercise and sleep

Which of the following statements about weight in midlife are true?

Nearly 40 percent of middle-age adults are classified as obese.
Obesity increases from early to middle adulthood

Age-related loss of muscle mass and strength is referred to as


Many middle-aged adults experience decreases in the visual fields, creating a problem seeing objects that are


What are the characteristics of metabolic syndrome?

insulin resistance

Which of the following accurately describe age-related physical changes in strength?

After age 50, muscle loss occurs at a rate of 1 to 2 percent per year.
Obesity is a significant risk factor for sarcopenia

Which of the following refers to the ability of the eye to maintain an image on the retina?


The term ______ is used to describe the midlife transition in which fertility declines.


Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding the mortality rates of people in middle adulthood?

Infectious disease was the main cause of death until the middle of the twentieth century.
In middle age, many deaths are caused by a single, readily identifiable condition.
Chronic diseases are the main cause of death for individuals in middle adulthood.

Menopause typically occurs between the ages of

39 and 59.

Which of the following accurately describe age-related physical changes in strength?

Obesity is a significant risk factor for sarcopenia.
After age 50, muscle loss occurs at a rate of 1 to 2 percent per year.

The transitional period from normal menstrual periods to no menstrual periods at all is known as


The number one cause of death in middle age is


Which of the following statements regarding menopause is FALSE?

The age of onset for menopause has decreased significantly in the 20th century

Research on possible causes for the declining speed of processing information in adults involves which of the following levels of analysis?


Viktor Frankl has identified which of the following as our most distinct human qualities?


What was Victor Frankl's view about people's search for meaning in life?

People find meaning, in part, by contemplating questions such as why we exist

Which of the following is true of adult stage theories?

They have contributed to the view that midlife brings a crisis in development.

Who among the following is associated with The Seasons of a Man's Life?


Which of the following are the two major tasks to be mastered in early adulthood according to Levinson?

exploring the possibilities for adult living
developing a stable life structure

Which of the following are among theories that define stages of adult development?

Levinson's seasons of a man's life
Erikson's life-span view

According to Levinson, a person between the ages of 28 and 33 is faced with which of the following tasks?

determining life goals

According to Erikson, which of the following are ways in which middle-aged adults can develop generativity?

work generativity
biological generativity
cultural generativity

According to Levinson, the twenties is the ______ phase of adult development.


Which of the following are criticisms about Levinson's Seasons of a Man's Life?

He drew conclusions about early adulthood, without actually studying anyone in that age range.
He only studied men, but claims his results apply to women as well.

According to Levinson, which of the following ages most closely corresponds to the point in adulthood when a person enters the phase of Becoming One's Own Man (BOOM)?


In the early version of the life-events approach, life events were viewed as

stressful circumstances that forced individuals to undergo a change in their personality

According to Levinson, which of the following is NOT a major conflict that an adult male must come to terms with during the transition to middle adulthood?

being ambitious versus being satisfied with life as it stands

The death of a spouse, divorce, and marriage all involve varying degrees of stress and are therefore likely to influence an individual's development according to

the early life-events approach.

Which two theorists conducted the Baltimore Study using a five-factor personality test?

Paul Costa
Robert McCrae

Which of the following defines the social clock?

the timetable according to which individuals are expected to accomplish life's tasks

Which of the following are part of the Big Five factors of personality?


Research has shown that having an optimistic outlook on life is generally associated with which of the following?

longer life
better physical health
greater relationship satisfaction

Which research project studied more than 500 children and their parents in the 1920s and early 1930s and then again as they entered midlife, resulting in the book Present and Past in Middle Life?

the Berkeley Longitudinal Studies

Which of the following are criticisms about Levinson's Seasons of a Man's Life?

He only studied men, but claims his results apply to women as well.
He drew conclusions about early adulthood, without actually studying anyone in that age range.

The ______ study/studies found little to support the view that personality universally changes or remains stable from early adolescence through a portion of midlife.


The Mills College Study distinguished which of the following main groups among the Mills College women?

family-oriented women
women without children who pursued low-level work
career-oriented women

In a cross-cultural comparison, as compared to Chinese grandparents, U.S. grandparents were characterized by which of the following?

more role satisfaction
better well-being
more attachment
higher parental efficacy

Which of the following have been used to describe middle-aged adults who are helping both adolescent or young adults and aging parents?

sandwich generation
squeezed generation
overload generation

The number of years that a person born in a particular year will probably live is called

life expectancy

Some researchers classify people by age. People between the ages of _____ are classified as young-old.

65 and 84

Criticisms of the evolutionary theory of aging include which of the following?

It does not account for cultural influences.
It is not able to be empirically studied.

The maximum human life span is approximately ______ years of age.


Most recently, which of the following has been a major contributor to increased longevity?

reduced infant mortality

According to the evolutionary theory of aging, natural selection has not eliminated many harmful conditions and nonadaptive characteristics in older adults because natural selection

is linked to reproductive fitness.

Cellular genetic. theory, also known as telomere theory, holds that cells can divide a maximum of about 75 to 80 times and that as people age, their cells become less capable of dividing.


The average life expectancy of individuals born in 2018 in the United States was approximately ______ years.


Alvin is 88 years old, so some researchers would classify him as


The biological theory of aging known as the _______ theory suggests that cells can divide a maximum number of about 75 to 80 times and that cells become less capable of dividing as people age.

cellular clock

Common changes in physical appearance in late adulthood include which of the following?

age spots
"sagging" due to muscle loss
facial wrinkles

Which of the following are accurate statements about sleep as people age?

Sleep is more disrupted.
The overall amount of sleep decreases.
There is a reduction in deep sleep.

Which of the following are typical in terms of physical appearance and movement in aging adults?

wrinkles and age spots
mobility problems
bone loss

Which of the following are common changes affecting visual acuity in late adulthood?

reduced peripheral vision
difficulty adapting to darkness
reduced tolerance for glare

At 60 years of age, the retina receives about ______ as much light as it did at 20 years of age.


Researchers have found that visual decline in late adulthood is linked to cognitive decline and an increase in social contacts.


Which of the following are typical changes to the visual field that occur in late adulthood?

Events taking place away from the center might not be detected.
It becomes smaller.

Which of the following are true of glaucoma?

If untreated, it can destroy a person's vision.
It can be treated with eyedrops.

Which of the following are common changes affecting visual acuity in late adulthood?

reduced peripheral vision
difficulty adapting to darkness
reduced tolerance for glare

Experts on aging recommend that consistent blood pressures above 120/80 be treated to reduce risks of which of the following?

kidney disease
heart attack

Which of the following circumstances impact sexuality in old age?

beliefs that old people should be asexual

Which of the following are treatments for arthritis?

pain medications
joint replacement
weight loss

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has called substance abuse in older adult populations an "invisible epidemic" and expressed which of the following concerns?

Substance abuse is often undetected in older adults.
The abuse could involve prescription drugs.
Screening questionnaires are too often not appropriate for older adults.

All of the following are components of cognitive pragmatics, EXCEPT

motor memory.

Cognitive ______ are often referred to as the "software programs" of the mind and are culturally influenced.


Executive attention involves

planning actions, dealing with new situations, monitoring progress, and compensating for errors.

All of the following are components of cognitive pragmatics, EXCEP

motor memory

The ability to remember where one learned something is known as

source memory

According to one study, older adults assessed in 2013-2014 engaged in a higher level of abstract reasoning than their counterparts who were assessed two decades earlier. This best exemplifies the impact of which of the following?

cohort effects

Adults experiencing the approach of the end of life and feeling depressed about the outcomes of their life would be in which of Erikson's stages of development?

integrity vs. despair

theory states that the more participatory and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives


Selective optimization with ______ theory states that older adults can produce new resources and allocate them effectively to the tasks they want to master.


Selective optimization with compensation helps older adults deal with loss. This may vary as a result of older adults' differing

life histories.

Which of the following personality traits are linked to longer life?


Which theorist is most associated with selective optimization with compensation theory?


______ is the view that our aging society is being unfair to its younger members because older adults pile up advantages by receiving a large allocation of resources.

generational inequality

Which of the following are ways older adults are often perceived?

incapable of learning new things
incapable of thinking clearly
incapable of enjoying sex

At the turn of the previous century, the ______-generation family was common, but now the ______-generation family is common.
Multiple choice question.

three; four

Which of the following are accurate statements about the influence of attachment in old age?

Attachment security is linked to competence in daily life in older adults.
Avoidant attachment declines across the life span.
Anxious attachment is lower for older adults than middle-aged adults.

Which statements are true of gender roles in late adulthood?

Men typically become more feminine with age.
Research on this topic is particularly sensitive to cohort effects.

Components such as people (clergy), places (Vietnam Memorial Wall), times (9/11/2001), objects (wearing black in mourning), and symbols (skull and crossbones) are all part of what Robert Kastenbaum calls

the death system

Which of the following is NOT a component of the death system as described by Robert Kastenbaum?


A legal document stating that life sustaining procedures shall not be used to prolong a person's life when death is imminent is called a(n)

advance directive.

How does assisted suicide differ from active euthanasia?

Patients administer the lethal medication to themselves.

Which of the following statements is most accurate with regard to attitudes toward death?

The ages of children and adults influence the way they experience and think about death.

What has been found to help dying individuals become more alert and cheerful?

perceived control

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of discussing death openly with a dying individual?

The dying person can avoid feeling depressed about impending death.

Anastasia had an abortion when she was 18 years old. Even though she made the decision to end the pregnancy, she experienced a deep and pervasive grief for many years. Ten years later, her sister became pregnant. When Anastasia heard the news, she cried for days. Anastasia was experiencing ______ grief.


Which of the following are part of the dual-process model of coping with bereavement?

loss-oriented stressors
restoration-oriented stressors

What percentage of survivors still have difficulty six months after the loss of a loved one and report difficulty moving on with their lives?

7-10 percent

What are components of grief?

separation anxiety

Cremation is most popular in

Japan and other Asian countries.

Which of the following have been identified as meaning-making processes that bereaved parents go through?

identity reconstruction
continuing bonds
sense making
benefit finding

Examples of disenfranchised grief include which of the following?

a relationship that isn't socially recognized such as an ex-spouse
a hidden loss like an abortion
circumstances of the death that are stigmatized such as death because of AIDS

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