Which of the following are important aspects of effective evaluation for high-performing teams?





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Team Communication and Difficult Conversations

Terms in this set (81)

Team Progress Stages

1. Forming
2. Storming
3. Norming
4. Performing


team members focus on gaining acceptance and avoiding conflict


team members open up with their competing ideas about how the team should approach work


team arrives at a work plan, including the roles, goals, and accountabilities


teams operate efficiently toward accomplishing their goals

Team Culture

a set of shared perceptions and commitment to collective values, norms, roles, responsibilities, and goals

Inherent Diversity

involves traits such as age, gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation

Acquired Diversity

involves traits you acquire through experience, such as customer service, retail, or engineering experience

2-D Diversity

having both inherent and acquired diversity


is a process by which professionals accept critique of their ideas without taking it personally and becoming defensive


the psychological bonding that occurs between people and their ideas


sharing personal information about oneself, such as goals, aspirations, views, and values

The primary purpose of a meeting is

to create a plan of action

Virtual teamwork is complicated by issues such as

time zone differences, language differences, and communication technologies

Virtual team members are more likely to face the following challenges:

feeling isolate, inability to interpret nonverbal cues, managing conflict, making decisions and expressing opinions

Virtual teams are created because they

often cost less, are more convenient, and can be more productive

The primary obstacle to virtual team performance is

the lack of regular communication

Which of the following statements are true of teams?

- Some teams are formal and permanent
- Once common function of teams is developing employees

True or False: In lower-performing groups, team members offer more supportive statements than any other type of comment in their communications

Lower-performing teams make more social statements than work-related and supportive statements

In order to reach high-performance, teams go through ______ natural stages.

1. Forming
2. Storming
3. Norming
4. Performing

Groups constantly attempt to foster _______, a set of shared perceptions and commitment to collective values, norms, roles, responsibilities, and goals.

Team Culture

True or False: When members of teams discuss their shared goals, this action helps avoid any misinterpretation of members' motivations and actions.


Which type of diversity generally BEST improves a company's chances to attract a new market

2-D Diversity

Lupita has just presented a new project proposal to her boss, Ken, and several coworkers. When she is done, Ken points out a few issues with the project that will need to be addressed before they can move forward. Instead of being defensive or taking Ken's words personally, Lupita accepts Ken's criticism. Lupita is displaying:


Self-Disclosure involves which of the following?

- defining your views
- explaining your experiences
- sharing your goals

Which of the following are guidelines for agendas?

- Consider placing the most important items first
- Send the agenda out ahead of time
- Get others involved in the agenda-making process

True or False: It is more likely that your meeting objectives will be met if the meeting is well-planned.


When should an action plan be created in a meeting?

After all ideas have been presented and the alternatives considered

Right before ending a meeting that you are leading, you should

- restate key action items
- ensure everyone understands their assignments

In order to make sure that action items are completed, which of the following are often included in the meeting minutes?

- the date by which each item must be completed
- the names of the people responsible for each item

In comparison to traditional teams, members of virtual teams are more likely to experience:

- feelings of isolation
- communication technology issues
- in ability to read nonverbal cues

The primary obstacle of virtual team performance that a team leader can help overcome is the

lack of regular communication

Which of the following are advantages of using video during virtual meetings?

- it can lead to faster decision making
- it keeps members more present and focused
- it facilitates the interpretation of verbal and nonverbal cues

Team K must produce a group writing project. Who has the most effective idea?


Which of the following is the most important stage of group writing?


When members of high-performing teams communicate, the majority of their comments are


An agenda is designed to

offer structure to a meeting

A meeting should end

as originally scheduled

Which of the following should be included in meeting minutes?

- key discussion points
- action items to be completed

Which of the following are tips for making virtual meetings more productive?

- Make sure every member of the team takes part
- Begin meetings with a few minutes to socialize

Once you have been assigned a group writing project, when is the best time to start on it?

right away

Which of the following should be done during the planning stage of group writing

- the group should work together to determine basic problems and issues to write about
- the group should assign roles for researching and writing
- the group should establish definitive purposes and goals

The day of the workweek that is generally considered the most productive day for meetings is:


Which type of meeting is held primarily for attendees to discuss their goals and roles they will play?

Coordination meetings

Problem-soling meetings

involve brainstorming about how to address and solve particular issues

Which of the following agenda items are designed to help keep a meeting on schedule?

- start and end time
- the time allotted for each item

Which of the following are reasons why creating a tradition for starting meetings is important?

- it can help open people up when meetings start
- it can emphasize the company's core values
- it can define a common sense of purpose

Which of the following are typically ground rules for running an effective meeting?

- that everyone at the meeting participate
- that differences of opinion be handled professionally
- that participants can take only a specified amount of time in making comments

True or False: Although sometimes helpful, meeting facilitators should rarely be used in meetings


Tom is a team leader. Joe is a team member who interrupts Tom and other team members during their meetings. Joe does not have constructive comments but instead makes negative comments about what the team member is saying. Tom pulls Joe aside after a meeting. Which of the following statements should Tom say to deal with the situation constructively?

"At the next meeting, please let your team members finish what they are saying before you comment."

Which of the following is a good way to follow up after a meeting?

Send out the minutes from the meeting

Which of the following should be included on an agenda?

- items to be covered
- expected outcomes
- time frames

Ray is a new manager in the sales division of a company that makes and markets tennis rackets to small sporting goods stores. He decides to start every meeting by sharing some background information about a customer. What is Ray doing?

Ray is creating a tradition to emphasize a common sense of purpose.

In general, which of the following should you do when conducting a meeting?

- assign roles such as facilitator and timer
- indicate which items are most important

Thirty to sixty minutes is the recommended amount of time you should spend preparing for ______ meetings.


Which of the following are true about ineffective meetings?

- generally considered a waste of time
- they may form divisions between team members

Why can embracing difficult conversations be a good idea?

- Colleagues often respect each other more if they know they can safely disagree.
- The exchange of competing ideas reflects open and honest communication

What are ways in which you can disagree diplomatically?

- by validating the other person's views and feelings
- by using I-statements

Which of the following is a good approach to handling a difficult conversation?

listening to the story of the other person first, then sharing your own story, then creating a shared story

How should you approach an emotionally charged conversation?

with a learner mindset

Which of the following characteristics are the most important for building among virtual team members?

- being actively engaged
- sharing with one another

Finding common ground in a conversation leads to _______ between you and an other person

less emotional distance

Which collaborative technologies have been most commonly used by virtual teams over the past 25 years?

- teleconferences
- phone calls
- email

During the course of a group writing project, it is important to

remain adaptable and open

Which of the following have been reported as major challenges to virtual team meetings?

- too little participation by team members
- the need to make decisions in a hurry

Which of the following is the benefit of one group member polishing the final version of a group writing project?

to make sure the project has a consistent voice

Which of the following are more likely to occur when virtual teams meet in person at the beginning of a project?

- goals and objectives will be clearly defined
- communication protocol will be determined

When editing and working on a group writing project, team members should

- be in agreement about the technologies that will be used
- be mindful of version control to avoid simultaneous editing

Which of the following words or phrases would be an indication of effective approach to handling difficult conversation?

- I think
- sometimes

Rhonda is having a difficult conversation with a colleague. Which of the following statements indicate that Rhonda may be oversimplifying the conversation?

- Either you adhere to the protocol or there will be consequences
- you never follow the guidelines
- this always happens when I ask your team to do anything

Which of the following is the MOST important reason why long-term virtual should meet in person at the beginning of a project?

to facilitate relationship building

Which of the following statements about virtual teams is true?

It is important for team members to get to know one another

When revising a group writing project, revisions should focus on which of the following?

- language mechanics, ease of reading, and formatting
- the strength of the group's ideas and the audience's needs
- how well and smoothly the sections of the project work together

Which of the following is typically true of those business people who approach difficult conversations in a timely, honest, and caring manner?

They achieve more professionally.

Which of the following are benefits of teams meeting on frequent basis?

- to better meet deadlines
- to create a working foundation for a project
- to create a shared perspective on goals
- to establish priorities

Which of the following are benefits of team members taking a personality assessment and discussing results?

- They will better comprehend the values of the teams members
- They will gain understanding of preferred communication styles

Which of the following are benefits of conflict for high-performance teams?

It increases the potential for inventiveness

Which of the following are important aspects of effective evaluation for high-performance teams?

- the feedback should generally be positive
- the feedback should be goal-driven
- every member of the team should take part

During the storming stage, team performance is generally


Which of the following is the way that the most innovative teams do their work?

by balancing time spent working independently with time spend working as a team

Which of the following are ways to ensure fairness in the member roles and contributions in a group writing project?

- The group members should talk about the roles and expectations they have for each other
- The group members should consider using team charter to state the expectations for each member
- The group members should equally divide their contributions and time commitments

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Which of the following are benefits of conflict for high performing teams?

what are benefits of conflict for high-performing teams? It increases the potential for inventiveness. Teams are at their most productive and are working efficiently toward their goals during the ______ stage.

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Which of the following is a characteristic that effective teams possess? They spend time discussing values, norms, and goals.

What are traits of high performing teams quizlet?

common purpose and goals. ....
intention. ....
clear roles. ....
communication processes. ....
accepting and supportive leadership. ....
small size. ....
high levels of technical and interpersonal skills. ....
open relationships and trust. ....

Which of the following is the biggest barrier to team effectiveness according to business professionals?

In a recent survey, business professionals cited ineffective communication (66 per- cent) as the biggest barrier to team effectiveness.


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