Which of the following are the two general groups into which SysSPs can be separated?

Which of the following are the two general groups into which SysSPs can be separated?

Which of the following are the two general groups into which SysSPs can be separated?

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Cybersecurity planning, Cybersecurity performance measurement, Risk identification, Risk treatment


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It was great course to give an overall element managing the cybersecurity program for any organization. keep it up!


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GRC couldent have been taught any better than it was in this course. The course delivery was second to non.

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Cybersecurity Policy (Module 2.4)

Learning objectives for module cybersecurity policy.

Taught By

  • Which of the following are the two general groups into which SysSPs can be separated?

    Herbert J. Mattord, Ph.D., CISM, CISSP, CDP

    Professor of Information Security

  • Which of the following are the two general groups into which SysSPs can be separated?

    Michael Whitman, Ph.D., CISM, CISSP

    Professor of Information Security

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Which of the following are the two general groups into which SysSPs can be separated?


  1. 1. Name: Class: Date: Chapter 04 - Information Security Policy Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 1 1. Policies must specify penalties for unacceptable behavior and define an appeals process. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 2. One of the goals of an issue-specific security policy is to indemnify the organization against liability for an employee’s inappropriate or illegal use of the system. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 3. The 'Authorized Uses' section of an ISSP specifies what the identified technology cannot be used for. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 4. Rule-based policies are less specific to the operation of a system than access control lists. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 5. Since most policies are drafted by a single person and then reviewed by a higher-level manager, employee input should not be considered since it makes the process too complex. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 6. Technology is the essential foundation of an effective information security program. _____________ ANSWER: False - Policy 7. Information security policies are designed to provide structure in the workplace and explain the will of the organization’s management. ____________ ANSWER: True 8. Non mandatory recommendations that the employee may use as a reference in complying with a policy.are known as regulations. ____________ ANSWER: False - guidelines 9. Examples of actions that illustrate compliance with policies are known as laws. ANSWER: False - practices 10. The need for effective policy management has led to the emergence of a class of hardware tools that supports policy development, implementation, and maintenance. ANSWER: False - software 11. Which of the following is NOT one of the basic rules that must be followed when shaping a policy?
  2. 2. Name: Class: Date: Chapter 04 - Information Security Policy Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 2 a. policy should never conflict with law b. policy must be able to stand up in court if challenged c. policy should be agreed upon by all employees and management d. policy must be properly supported and administered ANSWER: c 12. Which of the following is a policy implementation model that addresses issues by moving from the general to the specific and is a proven mechanism for prioritizing complex changes? a. On-target model b. Wood’s model c. Bull’s-eye model d. Bergeron and Berube model ANSWER: c 13. Which of the following is NOT among the three types of InfoSec policies based on NIST’s Special Publication 800- 14? a. Enterprise information security policy b. User-specific security policies c. Issue-specific security policies d. System-specific security policies ANSWER: b 14. In addition to specifying the penalties for unacceptable behavior, what else must a policy specify? a. appeals process b. legal recourse c. what must be done to comply d. the proper operation of equipment ANSWER: d 15. Which policy is the highest level of policy and is usually created first? a. SysSP b. USSP c. ISSP d. EISP ANSWER: d 16. Which type of document is a more detailed statement of what must be done to comply with a policy? a. procedure b. standard c. guideline d. practice ANSWER: b 17. Which of the following is an element of the enterprise information security policy? a. access controllists b. information on the structure of the InfoSec organization c. articulation of the organization’s SDLC methodology d. indemnification of the organization against liability ANSWER: b 18. Which type of security policy is intended to provide a common understanding of the purposes for which an employee can and cannot use a resource? a. issue-specific b. enterprise information
  3. 3. Name: Class: Date: Chapter 04 - Information Security Policy Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 3 c. system-specific d. user-specific ANSWER: a 19. Which section of an ISSP should outline a specific methodology for the review and modification of the ISSP? a. Policy Review and Modification b. Limitations of Liability c. Systems Management d. Statement of Purpose ANSWER: a 20. Which of the following sections of the ISSP should provide instructions on how to report observed or suspected policy infractions? a. Violations of Policy b. Systems Management c. Prohibited Usage of Equipment d. Authorized Access and Usage of Equipment ANSWER: a 21. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the individual policy approach to creating and managing ISSPs? a. can suffer from poor policy dissemintation, enforcement, and review b. may skip vulnerabilities otherwise reported c. may be more expensive than necessary d. implementation can be less difficult to manage ANSWER: a 22. Which of the following are the two general groups into which SysSPs can be separated? a. technical specifications and managerial guidance b. business guidance and network guidance c. user specifications and managerial guidance d. technical specifications and business guidance ANSWER: a 23. What are the two general methods for implementing technical controls? a. profile lists and configuration filters b. firewall rules and access filters c. user profiles and filters d. access controllists and configuration rules ANSWER: d 24. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of access regulated by ACLs? a. what authorized users can access b. where the system is located c. how authorized users can access the system d. when authorized users can access the system ANSWER: b 25. Which of the following are instructional codes that guide the execution of the system when information is passing through it? a. access controllists b. user profiles
  4. 4. Name: Class: Date: Chapter 04 - Information Security Policy Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 4 c. configuration rules d. capability tables ANSWER: c 26. A detailed outline of the scope of the policy development project is created during which phase of the SecSDLC? a. design b. analysis c. implementation d. investigation ANSWER: d 27. In which phase of the SecSDLC must the team create a plan to distribute and verify the distribution of the policies? a. design b. implementation c. investigation d. analysis ANSWER: a 28. A risk assessment is performed during which phase of the SecSDLC? a. implementation b. analysis c. design d. investigation ANSWER: b 29. According to NIST SP 800-18, Rev. 1, which individual is responsible for the creation, revision, distribution, and storage of the policy? a. policy developer b. policy reviewer c. policy enforcer d. policy administrator ANSWER: d 30. When an organization demonstrates that it is continuously attempting to meet the requirements of the market in which it operates, what is it ensuring? a. policy administration b. due diligence c. adequate security measures d. certification and accreditation ANSWER: b 31. In the bull’s-eye model, the ____________________ layer is the place where threats from public networks meet the organization’s networking infrastructure. ANSWER: Networks 32. The three types of information security policies include the enterprise information security policy, the issue-specific security policy, and the ____________________ security policy. ANSWER: system-specific system specific 33. The responsibilities of both the users and the systems administrators with regard to specific systems administration duties should be specified in the ____________________ section of the ISSP. ANSWER: Systems Management 34. ____________________ include the user access lists, matrices, and capability tables that govern the rights and privileges of users. ANSWER: Access controllists
  5. 5. Name: Class: Date: Chapter 04 - Information Security Policy Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 5 ACLs 35. A(n) ____________________, which is usually presented on a screen to the user during software installation, spells out fair and responsible use of the software being installed. ANSWER: end-user license agreement end user license agreement EULA 36. The champion and manager of the information security policy is called the ____________________. ANSWER: policy administrator 37. List the significant guidelines used in the formulation of effective information security policy. ANSWER: For policies to be effective, they must be properly: 1. Developed using industry-accepted practices 2. Distributed or disseminated using all appropriate methods 3. Reviewed or read by all employees 4. Understood by all employees 5. Formally agreed to by act or assertion 6. Uniformly applied and enforced 38. List the advantages and disadvantages of using a modular approach for creating and managing the ISSP. ANSWER: The advantages of the modular ISSP policy are: Often considered an optimal balance between the individual ISSP and the comprehensive ISSP approaches Well controlled by centrally managed procedures, assuring complete topic coverage Clear assignment to a responsible department Written by those with superior subject matter expertise for technology-specific systems The disadvantages of the modular ISSP policy are: May be more expensive than other alternatives Implementation can be difficult to manage 39. List the major components of the ISSP. ANSWER: Statement of Purpose Authorized Uses Prohibited Uses Systems Management Violations of Policy Policy Review and Modification Limitations of Liability 40. How should a policy administrator facilitate policy reviews? ANSWER: To facilitate policy reviews, the policy administrator should implement a mechanism by which individuals can easily make recommendations for revisions to the policies and other related documentation. Recommendation methods could include e-mail, office mail, or an anonymous drop box. 41. What is the final component of the design and implementation of effective policies? Describe this component. ANSWER: The final component of the design and implementation of effective policies is uniform and impartial enforcement. As in law enforcement, policy enforcement must be able to withstand external scrutiny. Because this scrutiny may occur during legal proceedings—for example, in a civil suit contending wrongful termination—organizations must establish high standards of due care with regard to policy management.
  6. 6. Name: Class: Date: Chapter 04 - Information Security Policy Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 6 42. In which phase of the development of an InfoSec policy must a plan to distribute the policies be developed? Why is this important? ANSWER: During the design phase, the team must create a plan to distribute and verify the distribution of the policies. Members of the organization must explicitly acknowledge that they have received and read the policy. Otherwise, an employee can claim never to have seen a policy, and unless the manager can produce strong evidence to the contrary, any enforcement action, such as dismissal for inappropriate use of the Web, can be overturned and punitive damages might be awarded to the former employee. 43. What are configuration rules? Provide examples. ANSWER: Configuration rules are instructional codes that guide the execution of the system when information is passing through it. Rule-based policies are more specific to the operation of a system than ACLs are, and they may or may not deal with users directly. Many security systems require specific configuration scripts that dictate which actions to perform on each set of information they process. Examples include firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPSs), and proxy servers. 44. What should an effective ISSP accomplish? ANSWER: It articulates the organization’s expectations about how its technology-based system should be used. It documents how the technology-based system is controlled and identifies the processes and authorities that provide this control. It indemnifies the organization against liability for an employee’s inappropriate or illegal use of the system. 45. What is a SysSP and what is one likely to include? ANSWER: SysSPs often function as standards or procedures to be used when configuring or maintaining systems—for example, to configure and operate a network firewall. Such a document could include: a statement of managerial intent; guidance to network engineers on selecting, configuring, and operating firewalls; and an access controllist that defines levels of access for each authorized user. 46. What are the four elements that an EISP document should include? ANSWER: An overview of the corporate philosophy on security Information on the structure of the InfoSec organization and individuals who fulfill the InfoSec role Fully articulated responsibilities for security that are shared by all members of the organization (employees, contractors, consultants, partners, and visitors) Fully articulated responsibilities for security that are unique to each role within the organization a. capability table b. statement of purpose c. Bull’s eye model d. SysSP e. procedures f. InfoSec policy g. standard h. access controllists i. systems management j. ISSP 47. Step-by-step instructions designed to assist employees in following policies, standards and guidelines. ANSWER: e
  7. 7. Name: Class: Date: Chapter 04 - Information Security Policy Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 7 48. A detailed statement of what must be done to comply with policy, sometimes viewed as the rules governing policy compliance. ANSWER: g 49. When issues are addressed by moving from the general to the specific, always starting with policy. ANSWER: c 50. An organizational policy that provides detailed, targeted guidance to instruct all members of the organization in the use of a resource, such as one of its processes or technologies. ANSWER: j 51. The high-level information security policy that sets the strategic direction, scope, and tone for all of an organization’s security efforts ANSWER: f 52. Specifications of authorization that govern the rights and privileges of users to a particular information asset. ANSWER: h 53. A clear declaration that outlines the scope and applicability of a policy. ANSWER: b 54. A section of policy that should specify users’ and systems administrators’ responsibilities. ANSWER: i 55. Specifies which subjects and objects that users or groups can access. ANSWER: a 56. Organizational policies that often function as standards or procedures to be used when configuring or maintaining systems. ANSWER: d

Which of the following are the two general groups into which systems can be separated?

SysSPs can be separated into two general groups, management guidance and technical specifications, or they may be written like the example noted above to combine these two types of SysSP content into a single policy document.

Which of the following are instructional codes that guide the execution of the system when information is passing through it?

Configuration Rules – Instructional codes that guide the execution of the system when information is passing through it.

In which phase of the SecSDLC must the team create a plan?

Logical Design – In the logical design phase, team members create and develop the blueprint for security, and examine as well as implement key policies that influence later decisions.

Which of the following sections of the ISSP provides instructions on how do you report observed or suspected policy infractions?

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