Which of the following are ways to handle scheduling situations caused by the physician quizlet?

If a patient calls for an appointment and the computer system is down, an assistant should ask the patient to call back later in the day.

Black ink should be used when appointments are entered into a manual system for appointment scheduling.

The type of specialty and of patients served determines the increments for appointments in the medical offce.

Group, or block, scheduling involves scheduling several patients at the same time.

Regardless of the size of the practice, an assistant must respect the needs of the physician regarding appointment scheduling.

Appointments should be made no more than 2 months in advance.

Double booking of appointments menas scheduling two appointments during the same time slot.

It is good practice to post the appointment schedule in every examination room

The registration process must be completed only for new patients to the medical office.

A medical office may request the name of someone who is not living with the patient as an emergency contact

A patient who is suffering an allergic reaction may experience respiratory distress

In a computerized appointment system, patient information is not needed to make an appointment.

Because physicians and nurses are on staff, a medical administrative assistant does not have to be concerned with emerency situations that may occur in the office.

New patients should be asked to arrive early for an appointment

In an authorization on a registration forn is not signed, payment for services rendered in the medical office could be delayed.

All of the following are true regarding computerized appointment scheduling except

a. computerized scheduling programs do not allow more than one user to access

b. a computerized system can locate all apps made for patient

c. computer app scheduling  prompts the user for app info

d. updated app

a. computerized scheduling programs do not allow more than one user to access the app schedule at the same time

All of the following are true regarding double booking of app except

a. double booking of apps allows patients with need for urgent care apps

b. double booking should done if approved by physician

c. double booking is done accomodate patients needs

d. double booking involves keeps 2 apps separat

d. double booking involves keeping 2 apps separate app schedules for one physician

All of the following are neccessary components of an appointment except

a. patients name

b. patients address

c. patients chart number

d. patients telephone number

e. reason for the appointment

Which of the following is false regarding scheduling appointments?

a. if a assistant is unsure of whether a patient needs immediate attention, assist should consult nurse

b. an assistant should ask patient what day patient prefers for app

c. if the office has no apps available for remainder of da

C. if the office has no apps available for the remainder of the day, the patient should be referred to the ER

All of the following are true regarding no shows except

a. wait at least 1 house past patients app before documenting the app

b. no shows should be documented to protect the physician

c. an assistant may be asked to follow up no shows by phone

d. no shows need to be doc. only if charged no show

D. no shows need to be documented only if the patient is charged for the no show

Which of the following reasons for an appointment could probably wait to be scheduled later in the week?

a. ear infection

b. burning with urination

c. warts

d. headache

Which of the following should not be listed on a written appointment reminder?

a. patients first and last name

b. date of appointment

c. name of physician

d. time of appointment

A. patients first and last name

All of the following are done when a surgical app is scheduled except

a. arrange for preoperaivephyscal for patient

b. obtain insurance authorization for patient

c. identify exact procedure be done

d. obtain from patient a cash deposit for surgery

D. obtain from patient a cash deposit for surgery

Under which part of the registration form would information about the guarantor be found?

a. personal information

b. responsible party information

c. insurance information

d. referral information

B. responsible party information

A medical history form contains all of the following information except

a. past illnesses

b. previous insurance information

c. past medications

d. current symptoms

e. past surgeries

B. previous insurance information

Which of the following would not be found in the reception area of a medical office?

a. well cushioned modular seating

b. something to keep children busy

c. professional medical journal

d. television or music system

C. professional medical journal

All of the following are true about emergencies in the medical office except

a. it is medical admin assist responsibility to treat the patient emergency

b. physicians should establish protocol for handling emergency office

c. situation is an emergency patients health

d. office staff be training

A. it is medical administrative assistants responsibility to treat the patient for medical emergency

In an emergency situation, a medical admin assist should do all of the following except

a. obtain a wheelchair for patient

b. dial 911 for all emergency situations

c. transfer the patient to the nurse or physician as soon as possible

d. locate a family member of the patient

B. dial 911 for all emergency situations