Which of the following aspects of government are conflict theorists most likely to focus on

Which term is used to describe a systematic, organized series of steps that ensures maximum objectivity and consistency in researching a problem?

A theory is a set of generalizations supported by facts

A measurable trait or characteristic that is subject to change under different conditions is known as _______.

Which research methodology would be most appropriate in studying a large group of people?

A survey consists of precisely worded questions. Data collection is systematic. The researcher can study a large number of cases with relative ease when compared to other methods.

Which of the following best describes an experiment?

An experiment offers a high degree of exactness because one can control everything in a laboratory.

Which of the following statements is the best example of a hypothesis?

Unemployed men are more likely to commit spousal abuse than employed men.

In the statement, "The more education people have, the more likely they are to vote," voting is the ______ variable.

Jason is conducting research on the homeless.  For 6 weeks he has lived among the homeless "24/7." Jason has been able to gather a broad understanding of the homeless, their needs, and characteristics.  In view of this, Jason is using _____ as a method of gathering data.

In secondary analysis, the researcher:

Examines data that someone else has collected.

In applying the sociological perspective to the study of teenagers from wealthy families who are convicted of shoplifting, sociologists would be most likely to focus on the:

Impact of the larger culture and the social world on teenager's criminal behavior.

Frank is examining the historical events that have occurred over the past 50 years and how these events have affected his own life.  By doing so, Frank is engaged in ________

the Sociological Imagination

The symbolic interactionist perspective focuses on:

The everyday social interactions of people

The functionalist perspective is known for its focus on:

Society's parts working together to maintain stability

According to karl marx, the force which drives human history and is at the core of human progress is:

Which sociological perspective would be most interested in the reaction that a vacationer might have at encountering nudism at a beach on a Caribbean island?

Symbolic interactionist perspective

Which perspective might agree with the following statement? "People achieve their will at the expense of others".

The civil rights movement in the 1960s many times involved violence.  A Conflict perspective explanation might argue that this violence resulted from:

Inequality and a battle over scarce resources

Cindy is interested in how the movement of Maytag production plants and other industries from the Midwest to Mexico has changed the lives of tens of thousands of American workers laid off.  Cindy is conducting a _______ analysis.
what level?

The typical patterns of a group, such as its usual relationships between men and women or students and teachers, is referred to as _______.

Which group of social theorists would focus most on macro-level analysis when examining patterns of society?

Conflict theorists and functionalists

Jane is a 49 year-old African American woman. What do these characteristics have in common?

These are examples of her ascribed statuses

A student is expected to read and study, attend class regularly, take nots, respond in class, and so on. These behaviors are part of a student's:

A position in society that someone holds that cuts across other statuses they hold, such as being a high ranking Army officer, college president, or handicapped would be considered their:

Being a son or daughter is your ______, but your parents' expectation that you show respect to them is your ______.

Movement from one social class position to another defines what sociologists call:

Numerically, what is the race of the majority of the poor in the United States?

The ______ is the term that refers to a trend in U.S. poverty whereby most poor families are headed by women.

The age group most likely to be poor in the US today are:

The "culture of poverty" explanation of poverty contends that poverty is the result of:

The poor have fundamentally different values and lifestyles from the rest of society and these differences cause poverty.

Sam, a bartender who saw duty in Vietnam, refuses to serve Asians in his bar because he believes that Asians have no business living in the U.S.A. Sam’s actions describe ________.

prejudice and discrimination

An American who thinks citizens of another country are barbarians if they like to attend bullfights is demonstrating:

What is the difference between values and norms?

Values are abstract, general concepts, whereas norms are specific guidelines for behavior.

Mark and sally went walking in the park. Both of them were wearing nothing on the upper half of their bodies. Mark would be violating a _______, Sally would be violating a _____.

Sociologists are encouraged to practice ________ to understand a people from the framework of the culture being studied.

Your final grade in this class is determined by the number of points you have accumulated at the end of the semester.

Your instructor will drop you from the class if you have too many absences

Alex Inkeles has suggested that one way to figure out what sociology is is to look at what the founding fathers said it should be.

Sociology was one of the first social sciences to be developed.

There are several specialty fields within sociology, including, for example, deviant behavior, population, social class, and so on.

The four founding fathers that we discussed in class - Comte, Durkheim, Spencer, and Weber- all stressed that sociology should include the study of societies.

They also stressed that societies should be studied scientifically.

Most sociologists accept the difference in degree point of view about the nature of mankind. That is, that we are essentially like other animals except that we are more complex.

What makes societies and social relationships possible is that we have a ming.

A language consists of, among other things, a system of artificially and socially derived sounds that convey social meanings.

The sociological perspective stresses the social context in which people live.

Auguste Comte emphasized the importance of studying societies scientifically and carried out several scientific studies.

Herbert Spencer believed that sociology should be an important force for social reform and the betterment of society.

Emile Durkheim believed that sociologists must examine the social forces that affect people's lives.

Max weber believed that religion was the primary force for change in a society.

There has been a continuing tension in sociology between those who believe that sociological knowledge should be used for social reform and those who believe that sociology should focus on social analysis and developing knowledge.

The first step in the research process is to develop a hypothesis.

Theory needs to be guided by research and research needs to be guided by theory.

A hypothesis is a statement of the relationships between two variables.

In the hypothesis "the frequency of the sue of hospital emergency rooms for basic medical care is inversely related to the level of education of the patient," the level of education is the dependent variable.

A theoretical focus on large scale patterns in a society is called macro sociology

Among other events, the development of the science of sociology was triggered by the "Age of Enlightenment."

martin Luther was influential in breaking down the authority of the Catholic Church and, in a way, was one of the forerunners of the age of enlightenment.

The age of enlightenment was a period of time in which reason, logic, science, observation, and experimentation replaced religion, magic, tradition, and superstition as explanations for certain events.

A major shift from rural, agricultural way of life to an urban, industrial one created a host of social problems which early philosophers were concerned about.

The science of sociology began as an effort to ameliorate these social problems.

One of the major principles of the early sociologists was that the study of individuals is more important than the study of societies.

Another major idea of the early sociologists was that societies are made up of parts which are interrelated.

Also, these parts are useful to societies - they have certain functions.

Durkheim used the term collective consciousness to describe the shared understanding of the social rules for behavior.

Durkheim used the term organic solidarity to describe the social bonds of rural, agricultural societies.

Durkheim's study of suicide pointed out that the breakdown of social norms, in other words what your text suggests is the disintegration of social ties, is a major factor in suicide rates.

Max Weber believed that sociology should be about studying the interrelatedness of the various perts of society.

Vilfredo Pareto's most significant contribution to early sociology was the idea that societies are social systems in equilibrium.

Most early American sociologists believed that sociology should focus exclusively on making sociology a science.

Lester Ward believed that governments should be actively involved in solving social problems using sociological knowledge as a guide.

Max Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism suggested that one major institution of a society influenced another major institution.

The Chicago School of sociology had a major focus on studying the social problems of large cities - crime, deviance, urban demography, and so on.

Their focus was on what Roscoe Hinkle Called melioristic intervention - studying social problems for the purpose of bringing about social reform.

The other major focus of the Chicago School was symbolic interaction.

One of the principles of symbolic interaction is that we can only understand human social behavior by looking at social meanings and symbols.

According to symbolic interaction theory, the meaning of things, including the meaning of words, lies in the things themselves.

The reactions of the The Virginian to being called a son of a bitch in two different situations supports the statement in the previous question.

Functionalist Theory is essentially a theory of large scale social systems in which the parts have functions for the well-being of the whole.

Rushton has suggested three different kinds of structure - social, normative, and personality

Conflict theory and functional theory essentially assume the same things about the nature of societies.

Thomas Hobbes believed that human nature was essentially mean, selfish, power hungry, and so on and that therefor people have to be kept under control by a superior force which he called the Leviathan.

Ibn Khaldoun was of the same opinion.

For Karl Marx. the primary source of conflict in a society was to be found in the differing situation toward the means of economic production of two classes of people.

A functionalist perspective on the religious institution goes like this: Religion can be defined as a system of beliefs and practices by means of which a group of people struggles with the ultimate problems of human life.

Conflict theorists see religion as being harmful to society; for example religion, at least in the past, has justified racial discrimination.

Symbolic Interactionists see religion as systems of symbols and meanings which set up certain moods and and anxieties and which also provide meaningful answers and pathways for redemption and salvation.

According to the sociological perspective, religions around the world contain some elements of magic.

Sociologists distinguish between religion and magic by saying that religion is used to manipulate the world around us while magic is used to understand our faith.

Sociologists use the "church-sect dichotomy" to help define and describe various kinds of religious organizations.

In a church (according to the church-sect dichotomy) membership depends on adult baptism.

Also, in a church, activities such as dancing, playing cards, and so on are considered to be sins which should be prohibited.

Denominations are groups within a church which accept the basic beliefs of the church but which differ from each other in interpretations of scripture or which emphasize different types of worship.

Cults tend to gain followers because they have charismatic leaders who offer new pathways to salvation.

If, in a society the common family pattern is male dominated, sociologists and anthropologists might describe the family patterns as patrilineal, patriarchal, and patrilocal.

A society that prohibits interracial marriage is enforcing endogamy.

Romantic love and its importance in marriage are cultural universals.

Sociological studies have found that after the birth of a child, marital satisfaction usually increases.

In the modern American family the trend is for the children to leave home earlier and are less likely o return home after they leave.

The chances of divorce increases as the level of one's education and income increase.

One of the myths about the typical American family in the past is that they were more stable and much more happy.

The divorce rate in the United States today is close to 50%.

The term "sandwich generation" is used to describe people in their 40's and 50' who are caught between caring for their aging parents and supporting their grown children.

The term polygyny refers to a family pattern in which a man can have more than one wife.

Sociologically speaking, institutions develop over time to deal with the essential questions or problems of a society.

The primary issue of a political institution is the need for order in a society.

The value consensus approach to the problem of order relies on coercion to make sure that people do what they are supposed to.

Since some type of coercion seems to be necessary to bring about and keep order in a society, a political institution necessarily must deal with the issue of power.

A key issue with power has to do with the question of authority. In other words, who has the right to use power?

The pluralistic approach to the issue of politics and power essentially says that a small group of people tends to control the political system with the rest of us pretty much having very little to say.

Voter studies over the years have shown that most voters don't have a clue about the real issues in a political campaign.

The essential purpose of a political party is to acquire and maintain political power.

According to V. V. Key, Republican tend to favor higher taxes and a larger role of government

The trickle down approach to governmental and economic policy tends to benefit the working and lower social classes.

The philosophy of mercantilism included the notion that a nation's wealth was in its money supply.

Laissez Faire economic theory included the notion that the government should take an active part in the economic institution.

The economic institution is essentially about the question of who does what.

An economic institution based on a capitalist system focuses, among other things, on competition and the quest for maximum profits.

A socialistic system has its focus on public ownership of the means of production and a belief in shared public decision making.

The term structural unemployment means that there is a mismatch between the jobs available and the skills of the labor supply.

Hispanics have the highest rate of job related deaths in the USA

You should not buy a car built on a Monday.

The concept of offshoring means that a corporation ships some of its production process overseas.

The result of the economic policies of American industry, and other economic forces, has resulted in a higher concentration of wealth, a higher concentration of poverty, and a shrinking middle class.

The primary, and only, function of an educational institution is to establish and maintain a public school system.

one impotant idea about the public school system in the USA was that public education should be mandatory.

Critics like Jerry Farber and Jonathan Kozol point out some serious shortcomings in our public education system.

One of the shortcomings mentioned by them is the lack of funding provided.

minority kids do less well in school that 'white" kids, and it's been shown that very bright minority kids, on the whole, do less well than "white" kids of average intelligence.

Seventy nine percent of incoming freshmen at Del mar College needed at least one remedial class in the fall of 2009.

Typically, local boards consist of a group of people who represent the whole community.

The practice of local control of the public schools leaves local school districts vulnerable to the whims of the school boards; for example, the take over of the board by the religious right.

It's pretty clear that the problems with our local schools are costing our society lots of money and contributing to an increasing degree of inequality.

In Rushton's opinion, one of the most serious problems of our public school system is that many students don't live up to their potential.

According to the text, language, beliefs, values, norms, behavior, material objects and technology passed on from one generation to another by members of a society describe:

Jewelry, art, hairstyles, and clothing each represent example of:

in 1906 William Sumner made the comment, "one's own group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it." This statement is most aligned with the concept of:

Symbols can be strung together in an infinite number of ways for the purpose of communicating abstract thought. This is referred to as:

Sociologists use the concept "norms" to describe:

expectations or rules for behavior that develop out of values

The term coined by William Ogburn to describe a situation in which nonmaterial culture changes slower than material culture is:

The spread of cultural characteristics from one group to another is called:

Professor Jones bases her self concept as a professor in the interaction she has with students and the reactions she receives from them during class. I view of this, which process is she utilizing?

Cooley's looking glass self

What concept do sociologists have in mind when they say that society makes us human?

Tony is five years old. He loves to dress up like Batman and pretend to save Gotham City. According to mead's theory, e is in the ______ stage.

Mead describes the active, creative and spontaneous part of the self as the:

People and groups that influence our orientation to life, our self concept, emotions, attitudes, and behavior are called:

Which sociological perspective is most linked to microsociology?

The organized, usual, or standard ways by which a society meets its basic needs are referred to as:

Mechanical solidarity is to Gemeinschaft as ________ solidarity is to Gesellshaft

What is the conflict theory of government?

What Is Conflict Theory? Conflict theory, first developed by Karl Marx, is a theory that society is in a state of perpetual conflict because of competition for limited resources. Conflict theory holds that social order is maintained by domination and power, rather than by consensus and conformity.

What do conflict theorists argue?

Conflict theorists argue that stratification is dysfunctional and harmful in society. According to conflict theory, social stratification benefits the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor. Thus, it creates a system of winners and losers that is maintained by those who are on the top.

What are the major theories of conflict?

Conflict theory has three assumptions: Humans are self-interested. Societies operate under perpetual scarcity of resources. Conflict is pervasive and unavoidable within social groups and between social groups.

What are social conflict theorists looking for when they view modern society?

Social conflict theory sees social life as a competition and focuses on the distribution of resources, power, and inequality. Conflict theorists view society as an arena of inequality that generates social conflict and social change.