Which of the following aws services can be used to forecast your aws account usage and costs?

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Imagine that you wish to exchange one currency for another. You realize that instead of directly exchanging one currency for another, you might be better off making a series of trades through other currencies, winding up with the currency you want. Suppose that you can trade n different currencies, numbered 1, 2, ..., n, where you start with currency 1 and wish to wind up with currency n. You are given, for each pair of currencies i and j , an exchange rate $$ r_{ij} $$ , meaning that if you start with d units of currency i, you can trade for $$ dr_{ij} $$ units of currency j. A sequence of trades may entail a commission, which depends on the number of trades you make. Let $$ c_k $$ be the commission that you are charged when you make k trades. Show that, if $$ c_k = 0 $$ for all k = 1, 2, ..., n, then the problem of finding the best sequence of exchanges from currency 1 to currency n exhibits optimal substructure. Then show that if commissions $$ c_k $$ are arbitrary values, then the problem of finding the best sequence of exchanges from currency 1 to currency n does not necessarily exhibit optimal substructure.

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Which of the following aws services can be used to forecast your aws account usage and costs?

Which of the following aws services can be used to forecast your aws account usage and costs?

Which of the following aws services can be used to forecast your aws account usage and costs?

Which of the following aws services can be used to forecast your aws account usage and costs?

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Terms in this set (65)

Which AWS service can be used to review the compliance and governance-related documents on AWS?


Which AWS Route 53 routing policy would you use to route traffic to multiple resource and also choose how much traffic is routed to each resource?

Weighted routing policy

Which of the following statements is the MOST accurate when describing AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

It is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) which allows you to deploy and scale web applications and services?

Which service gives a personalized view of the status of the AWS services that are part of your Cloud architecture so that you can quickly assess the impact of your business when AWS service(s) are experiencing issues?

AWS Personal Health Dashboard

The DevOps team at an e-commerce company is trying to debug performance issues for its server less application built using a microservices architecture. As a Cloud Practitioner, which AWS service would you recommend addressing this use-case?


A financial services enterprises plans to enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for its employees. For ease of travel, they prefer not to use any physical devices to implement MFA. Which of the below options is best suited for this use case?

Virtual MFA Device

A financial services company wants to ensure that its AWS account activity meets the governance, compliance and auditing norms. As a Cloud Practitioner, which AWS service would you recommend for this use-case?


A data analytics company is running a proprietary batch analytics application on AWS and wants to use a storage service which would be accessed by hundreds of EC2 instances simultaneously to append data to existing files. As a Cloud Practitioner, which AWS service would you suggest for this use-case?


Which AWS service can be used to automate code deployment to EC2 instances as well as on-premises instances?

AWS CodeDeploy

What is the primary benefit of deploying an RDS database in a Multi-AZ configuration?

Multi-AZ enhances database availability

An organization deploys its IT infrastructure in a combination of its on-premises data center along with AWS Cloud. How would you categorize this deployment model?

Hybrid Deployment

An IT company is on a cost-optimization spree and wants to identify all EC2 instances that are under-utilized. Which AWS services can be used to address this use-case?

AWS Trusted Advistor, AWS Cost Explorer

A financial services company wants to migrate from its on-premises data center to AWS Cloud. As a Cloud Practitioner, which AWS service would you recommend so that the company can compare the cost of running their IT infrastructure on-premises vs AWS Cloud?

AWS Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator

Which of the following are correct statements regarding the AWS Shared Responsibility Model?

AWS is responsible for Security "of" the Cloud, For abstracted serves like Amazon S3, AWS operates the infrastructure lay, the operating system, and platforms.

Which AWS service would you choose for a data processing project to store unstructured data?

Amazon DynamoDB

A photo sharing web application wants to store thumbnails of user-uploaded images on Amazon S3. The thumbnails are rarely used but need to be immediately accessible from the web application. The thumbnails can be regenerated easily if they are lost. Which is the most cost-effective way to store these thumbnails on S3?

Use S3 One-Zone Infrequent Access (One-Zone IA) to store the thumbnails

Which design principle of the AWS Well-Architected Framework can answer the question -"Who did what?"


A unicorn startup is building an analytics application with support for a speech-based interface. The application will accept speech-based input from users and then convey results via speech. As a Cloud Practitioner, which solution would you recommend for the given use-case?

Use Amazon Transcribe to convert speech to text for downstream analysis. Then use Amazon Polly to convey the text results via speech

Which of the following AWS services can be used to forecast your AWS account usage and costs?

AWS Cost Explorer

Which of the following options are the benefits of using AWS Elastic Load Balancing? (ELB)

High Availability, Fault Tolerance

A startup wants to provision an EC2 instance for the lowest possible cost for a long-term duration but needs to make sure that the instance would never be interrupted. As a Cloud Practitioner, which of the following options would you recommend?

Reserved Instance

Which policy describes prohibited uses of the web services offered by Amazon Web Services?

AWS Acceptable Use Policy

A company uses reserved EC2 instances across multiple units with each unit having its own AWS account. However, some of the units under-utilize their reserved instances while other units need more reserved instances. As a Cloud Practitioner, which of the following would you recommend as the most cost-optimal solution?

Use AWS Organizations to manage AWS accounts of all units and then share the reserved EC2 instances amongst all units

An AWS user is trying to launch an EC2 instance in a given region. What is the region-specific constraint that the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) must meet so it can be used for this EC2 instance?

You must use an AMI from the same region as that of the EC2 instance. The region of the AMI has no bearing on the performance on the EC2 instance.

Which pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework recommends maintaining infrastructure as code?

Operational Excellence

An IT company has a hybrid architecture and it wants to centralize the server logs for its EC2 instances and on-premises servers. Which of the following is the MOST effective for this use-case?

Use CloudWatch Logs for both the EC2 instance and the on-premise servers

Which of the following is a hybrid storage service that allows on-premises application to access data on AWS Cloud?

AWS Storage Gateway

Which of the following AWS services are always free to use?

Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Auto Scaling

Data encryption is automatically enabled for which of the following AWS services?

AWS S3 Glacier, AWS Storage Gateway

A developer would like to automate operations on his on-premises environment using Chef and Puppet. Which AWS service can help with this task?

AWS OpsWorks

Which of the following are advantages of using the AWS Cloud?

Stop guessing about capacity, Increase Speed and Agility

AWS Organization provides which of the following benefits?

Share the reserved EC2 instances amongst the member AWS Account, Volume discounts for Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3 aggregated across the member AWS accounts

Which of the following S3 storage classes take the most time to retrieve data (also known as first byte latency)?

S3 Glacier Deep Archive

Which AWS service will you use to provision the same AWS infrastructure across multiple AWS accounts and regions?

AWS CloudFormation

Which of the following AWS Support plans provides access to online training with self-paced labs?


A Cloud Practitioner would like to deploy identical resources across all regions and accounts using templates while estimating costs. Which AWS service can assist with this task?

AWS CloudFormation

Which AWS service helps you define your infrastructure as code?

AWS CloudFormation

Which of the following AWS services offers block-level storage?

Instance Store, EBS

A mutli-national corporation wants to get their expert professional advice on migrating to AWS and managing their application on AWS Cloud. Which of the following entities would you recommend for this engagement?

APN Consulting Partner

An IT company wants to run a log backup process every Monday at 2AM. The usual runtime of the process is 5 minutes. As a Cloud Practitioner, which AWS services would you recommend to build a serverless solution for this use-case?

CloudWatch, Lambda

Which of the following is a container service of AWS?

AWS Fargate

Multi AZ (Availability Zone) deployment is an example of which of the following?

High Availability

Due to regulatory and compliance reasons, an organization is supposed to use a hardware device for any data encryption operations in the cloud. Which AWS service can be used to meet this compliance?


A company would like to optimize Amazon EC2 costs. Which of the following actions can help with this tasks?

Purchase EC2 Reserved instances, Set up Auto Scaling groups to align the number of instances with demand

A corporation would like to have a central user portal to log in to third-party business application as well as accounts managed under AWS Organizations. As a Cloud Practitioner, which AWS service would you use for this task?

AWS Single Sign-On (SSO)

What is the primary benefit of deploying an RDS database in a Read Replica configuration?

Read Replica improves database scalability

A Cloud Practitioner would like to get operation insights of its resources to quickly identify an issues that might impact application using those resources. Which AWS service can help with this task?

AWS System Manager

A medical device company is looking for a durable and cost-effective way of storing their historical data. Due to compliance requirements, the data must be stored for 10 years. Which AWS Storage solution will you suggest?

S3 Glacier Deep Archive

Which of the following are the best practices when using AWS Organization?

Restrict account privileges using Service Control Polices (SCP), Create accounts per department

A start-up would like to quickly deploy a popular technology on AWS. As a Cloud Practitioner, which AWS tool would you use for this task?

AWS Quick Starts References

Which AWS service can be used to subscribe to an RSS feed to be notified of the status of all AWS service interruptions?

AWS Service Health Dashboard

An intern at an IT company provisioned a Linux based On-Demand EC2 instance with per-second billing but terminated it within 30 seconds as he wanted to provision another instance type. What is the duration for which the instance would be charged?

60 Seconds

Which of the following AWS services are part of the AWS Foundation services for the Reliability pillar of the Well-Architected Framework in AWS Cloud?

AWS Trusted Advisor, AWS Service Quotas

Which of the following are the server less computing services offered by AWS?

AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda

A startup runs its properitary application on docker containers. As a Cloud Practitioner, which AWS service would you recommend so that the startup can run containers and still have access to the underlying servers?

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)

Which of the following AWS authentication mechanisms supports a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) device that you can plug into a USB port on your computer?


AWS Marketplace facilitates which of the following use-cases?

Sell Software as a Service (Saas) solution to AWS customers, AWS customers can buy software that has been bundled into customized AMIs by the AWS Marketplace sellers

A silicon valley based healthcare startup stores anonymized patient health data on Amazon S3. The CTO further wants to ensure that any sensitive data on S3 is discovered and identified. As a Cloud Practitioner, which AWS service would you recommend addressing this use-case?

Amazon Macie

Which of the following options is NOT a feature of Amazon Inspector?

Track configuration changes

A cyber-security agency uses AWS Cloud and wants to carry out security assessments on their own AWS infrastructure without any prior approval from AWS. Which of the following describes/facilitate this practice?

Penetration Testing

A company would like to separate cost for AWS services by the department for cost allocation. Which of the following actions can assist with this task?

Create tags for each department

An organization maintains a separate Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for each of its business units. Two units need to privately share data. Which is the most optimal way of privately sharing data between the two VPCs?

VPC Peering

which benefit of Cloud computing allows AWS to offer lower pay-as-you-go prices from hundreds of thousands of customers is aggregated in the cloud?

Massive economies of scale

Which AWS service can help you analyze your infrastructure to identify unattached or underutilized EBS volumes?

AWS Trusted Advisor

Which entity ensures that your application on Amazon EC2 always has the right amount of capacity to handle the current traffic demands?

Auto Scaling

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Which tool can you use to forecast your AWS spending?

AWS Cost Explorer helps you visualize, understand, and manage your AWS costs and usage over a daily or monthly granularity.

What type of forecasting Does Amazon use?

Amazon Forecast is a time-series forecasting service based on machine learning (ML) and built for business metrics analysis.

Which AWS service would you use to send alerts when the costs for your AWS account exceed your budgeted amount?

General AWS Budgets FAQs Using AWS Budgets, you can set a budget that alerts you when you exceed (or are forecasted to exceed) your budgeted cost or usage amount. You can also set alerts based on your RI or Savings Plans Utilization and Coverage using AWS Budgets.

What AWS forecasting tool can be used to view charts of spending data for up to the past 13 months?

AWS provides a free reporting tool called AWS Cost Explorer that enables you to analyze the cost and usage of your EC2 instances and the usage of your Reserved Instances. You can view data up to the last 13 months, and forecast how much you are likely to spend for the next three months.