Which of the following best characterizes how emerging adolescents respond to intergenerational relationships?



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Terms in this set (89)

Bianca's parents fight constantly. As a result, they ignore her. Lately Bianca has begun to stay out late and to hang out with much older friends. Bianca's parents' conflict is having a(n) _____ effect on her behavior.


Ben, age 14, is close to his older brother Sam, who is 16. According to research, Sam will be

more of a socializing agent for Ben than his peers.

In a study on the effects of divorce on children conducted by Hetherington and colleagues, what percentage of the children from divorced families were found to have emotional problems?

25 percent

Penny's parents are still married but they have a high degree of marital conflict. According to research, Penny is more likely than her peers whose parents are happily married to

developing emotional problems

Which of the following statements about adolescents in divorced families is TRUE?

Adolescents from divorced families show poorer adjustment than their counterparts in nondivorced families.

The most common pattern of parenting that was found in a study of parenting behaviors in 186 countries around the world was

warm and controlling

Family organization and routine has been shown to be positively related to all of the following factors EXCEPT

school-related problems

Today's parent-adolescent relationships are viewed as


Lower rates of parental monitoring have been associated with all of the following problems EXCEPT

decreased participation in extra-curricular activities in high school.

Which of the following statements about authoritative parents is NOT true?

Their children are less receptive to parental influences than other styles of parenting.

Which of the following are ways in which cognitive changes in adolescence influence the parent-adolescent relationship? (Select all that apply.)

1 .Adolescents expect fine detail as to why they are being disciplined.
2. Increased idealistic thinking provokes adolescents to evaluate parents through the lens of what an ideal parent might be.
3. Adolescents no longer accept statements such as "Because I said so!"

True or false: Socioemotional changes in adolescents that affect the parent-adolescent relationship include increases in school responsibility and expectations.


Baumrind describes children raised by ______ parents as often unhappy, fearful, and anxious about comparing themselves to others.


Children raised by _____ parents tend to have poor self-control, low self-esteem, and have trouble with peer relationships and immaturity.


How do researchers characterize only children?


According to Baumrind, what type of parents expect mature, independent, and age-appropriate behavior from their child, and show pleasure and support when their child exhibits constructive behavior?


According to Baumrind, children raised by ______ parents never learn to control their own behavior and always expect to get their way.


Research indicates that parent-adolescent conflict generally declines ______.

between early and late adolescence

The influence of a parent's behavior on the adolescent, such as discipline, is an example of a(n) ______ effect.


True or false: Children tend to want less detail and logical explanation for disciplinary action as they move through adolescence.


According to Baumrind, which of the following are likely characteristics for children of authoritarian parents? (Select all that apply.)

1. Weak communication skills
2. Unhappiness and fear
3. Anxiety about comparing themselves with others
4. Failure to initiate activity

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of children raised by neglectful parents?


Parent-adolescent conflict begins to increase during which period?

Early adolescence

The relationship between the parents in a family and how this relationship influences how the parents then act toward their adolescent is an example of a(n) ______ effect.


Which of the following do most emerging adults who return home or continue to live at their parent's home experience?

1. Hindrances on their sex life
2. A loss of privacy for both emerging adults and parents
3. Restrictions on independence

Which of the following is the most likely impact of an emerging adult returning to live at home with his or her parents?

Disequilibrium that requires adaptation

Which of the following are research findings on the impact of intergenerational relationships on emerging adults? (Select all that apply.)

1. Supportive parenting in childhood is linked to positive relationships between middle-aged parents and their adult children.
2. Children of divorce are disproportionately likely to end their own marriage.
3. A high level of family hostility during adolescence is strongly linked to a high level of marital hostility later in life.

True or false: Coparenting that consists of poor coordination, active undermining of the other parent, and lack of cooperation places adolescents at developmental risk.


Research indicates that, compared to men who become fathers early in life, men who become fathers later in life, during their 30s or 40s, have which of the following characteristics? (Select all that apply.)

1. They encourage more achievement.
2. They are warmer toward their children.
3. They communicate better with their children.

Parents can help adolescents reach their full potential by serving as an effective manager who ______. (Select all that apply.)

1. makes contacts
2. helps structure choices
3. finds information

Which of the following represent shortcomings in the research on parenting style? (Select all that apply.)

1. The concept of synchrony is largely absent from research on parenting styles.
2. Most research has focused on mothers, not fathers.

Of the following, which is the most common cause of parent-adolescent conflict?


Research has shown that prolonged, intense parent-adolescent conflict has been associated with which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

1. Higher levels of anxiety and depression
2. Teen pregnancy and early marriage

Cross-cultural research suggests that parent-adolescent conflict is lower in ______ than in the United States. (Select all that apply.)

1. India
2. Japan

When parents demonstrate parental solidarity such as cooperation, mutual respect, and balanced communication, adolescents are likely to which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

1. Demonstrate competence in peer relations
2. Engage in fewer risky behaviors
3. Develop positive attitudes toward both males and females

Which of the following concepts explains why fathers who delay having children until their 30s or 40s behave differently from fathers in their teens or 20s?

Multiple developmental trajectories

Which of the following would be considered caveats to Baumrind's conceptualization of parenting styles? (Select all that apply.)

1. Many parents use a combination of techniques.
2. Situations may dictate which parenting style is best at any given time.
3. Parenting styles don't consider reciprocal socialization.

Researchers estimate about ______ percent of parent-adolescent relationships are characterized by continued, intense, and unhealthy conflict.

20 to 25

True or false: The United States has a lower level of parent-adolescent conflict than India and Japan.
True false question.


Which of the following demonstrate adolescent emotional autonomy? (Select all that apply.)

1. De-idealizing their parents
2. Perceiving their parents as people
3. Becoming less dependent on parents for emotional support

Researchers have found that adolescents are more likely to have a difficult time going away to college when which of the following is true?

Their parents are divorced

Which of the following is a research finding about the relationship between attachment in adolescence and the quality of romantic relationships in adulthood?

Securely attached adolescents have a greater capacity for romantic intimacy.

Which of the following are tenets of the new model of parent-adolescent relationships? (Select all that apply.)

1. Conflict is moderate rather than intense.
2. Parents serve as important attachment figures and support systems.
3. Minor disputes are normal and serve the development of independence.

Particularly after they leave home, emerging adults find that their relationship with their parents tends to do which of the following?


As far as how often emerging and young adults see their parents, research suggests emerging and young adults with children do which of the following?

See their parents more often than their childless counterparts

The capacity to relinquish childlike dependency on parents is defined as _______ autonomy.


Which of the following trends is TRUE concerning divorce rates in the U.S.?

The U.S. divorce rate has declined since the 1980s.

According to research by Hetherington and Stanley-Hagen, which of the following are possible reasons that parents should stay in unhappy, conflicted marriages? (Select all that apply.)

1. If conflict between the couple would increase after the divorce
2. If conflict among family members would increase after the divorce
3. If parenting would become more inept after the divorce

Approximately half of all children whose parents divorce will have a _______ within 4 years of parental separation.


How does the old model of parent-adolescent relationships characterize conflict?

Intense and stressful

Which of the following best characterizes how emerging adolescents respond to intergenerational relationships?

They may choose to replicate or alter the legacies of the older generations.

Which of the following is a result of cultural changes occurring around the world in the 21st century?

Decreased support from extended family

The concept of multiple ______ trajectories involves the timing of various life events.


Researchers refer to adolescents' decisions to disclose to their parents details about their whereabouts, friends, and activities as ______.

information management

Which of the following child age groups is most common in a stepfamily setting?

Elementary and middle-school-aged children

According to Baumrind, children whose parents are ______ are often cheerful, self-controlled, self-reliant, and achievement oriented.


Adolescents' willingness to disclose information to their parents about such things as activities, friends, and whereabouts is linked to _____. (Select all that apply.)

1. positive adjustment
2. increased academic competence

According to Baumrind, the ______ parenting style places few demands or controls on the child and is characterized by overly involved parents.


True or false: The adolescent push for autonomy is usually the result of negative feelings toward parents.


Children raised by authoritative parents are likely to display which of the following characteristics? (Select all that apply.)

1. Cooperativeness with adults
2. Friendliness with peers
3. Cheerfulness and self-control
4. Self-reliance and achievement orientation
5. Good stress-coping skills

Which of the following are examples of insecure attachment patterns as classified by the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI)? (Select all that apply.)

1. Preoccupied/ambivalent
2. Dismissing/avoidant
3. Unresolved/disorganized

Psychologically healthy families adjust to adolescent desire for independence and autonomy by doing which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

1. Treating adolescents more like an adult
2. Including adolescents more in family decision making

Which of the following are common roles that adolescent siblings play?

1. rivals
2. supports
3. communicators

Which of the following describes the effect that favoritism has on a less-favored sibling?

Highly detrimental

Which of the following statements are true about the effect of sibling conflict on adolescent development? (Select all that apply.)

1. Sibling conflict combined with ineffective parenting is especially damaging.
2. Increased sibling intimacy is linked to increased peer competence.
3. Increased sibling conflict is linked to increased depression.

The insecure attachment pattern in which individuals deemphasize the importance of attachment and experience consistent rejection is referred to as dismissing or _______ attachment.


How do firstborns and later-born children tend to differ?

Later-born children are the most rebellious and liberal.

Research indicates that ______ show favoritism toward one sibling.

both mothers and fathers

Which of the following intensifies the negative consequences of sibling conflict?

Parenting that is ineffective

Most often, adolescents and emerging adults from divorced families

show poorer adjustment than their counterparts in nondivorced families.

Adopted children are ______(more/less) likely than nonadoptees to experience adjustment problems, such as anxiety and attention problems.


Compared to non-Latino White Americans, which of the following ethnic groups have higher rates of single-parent families?

1. Latino Americans
2. African Americans

Critics of Baumrind note that her parenting style categories reflect only a ______ view of child development

North American

"Intelligent, achieving, and conscientious" best describe a child in what position of birth order?


The process by which children and adolescents socialize parents, just as parents socialize them is referred to as ______.

reciprocal socialization

Researchers have found a positive relationship between adolescents' grades and family-management practices such as ______. (Select all that apply.)

1. homework scheduling
2. assigning chores
3. enforcing bedtime

Counter to Baumrind's theories, the ______ parenting approach has shown positive outcomes for some ethnic groups.


Research has shown that low levels of parental monitoring are associated with which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

1. Substance use
2. Adolescent depression

Baumrind argued that parents should NOT do which of the following?

Be punitive or aloof

According to Baumrind, which type of parents place firm limits and controls on their child, allow little verbal exchange, and might spank their child frequently?


Yvonne and Gregory spend most of their leisure time with one another, leaving their child at home. They are more concerned with their own needs than those of their child. According to Baumrind, what parenting style do Yvonne and Gregory utilize?


The four parenting styles involve the dimensions of ______ and responsiveness on the one hand, and ______ and control on the other.

acceptance; demand

Research finds that the most effective of Baumrind's parenting styles is the _______ parenting style.


Why might maintaining a consistent family routine result in better academic performance for students?

It builds self-management skills.

In general, mothers of adolescents are ______ involved with their children compared to fathers.


Gender differences in autonomy are most likely to occur in families with a(n) ______ gender-role orientation.


In ______ attachment, infants either avoid, show resistance to, or are ambivalent toward the caregiver.


According to Hazan and Shaver, someone with a(n) ______ attachment style would most likely agree with the statement, "I am uncomfortable getting close to others and rarely allow myself to depend on anyone else."


The most negative outcomes for emerging adult children are related to a(n) ______ parenting style on the part of both mothers and fathers.


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Which of the following best characterizes how emerging adolescents respond to intergenerational relationships?

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