Which of the following best describes the Buddhist world that emerged in the centuries following the Buddhas death?

  • Introduction
    • The cultural context
    • The life of the Buddha
    • The Buddha’s message
      • Suffering, impermanence, and no-self
      • Karma
      • The Four Noble Truths
      • The law of dependent origination
      • The Eightfold Path
      • Nirvana

    • India
      • Expansion of Buddhism
      • Buddhism under the Guptas and Palas
      • The demise of Buddhism in India
      • Contemporary revival
    • Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia
      • Sri Lanka
      • Southeast Asia
        • Malaysia and Indonesia
        • From Myanmar to the Mekong delta
        • Vietnam
    • Central Asia and China
      • Central Asia
      • China
        • The early centuries
        • Developments during the Tang dynasty (618–907)
        • Buddhism after the Tang
    • Korea and Japan
      • Korea
      • Japan
        • Origins and introduction
        • Nara and Heian periods
        • New schools of the Kamakura period
        • The premodern period to the present
    • Tibet, Mongolia, and the Himalayan kingdoms
      • Tibet
      • Mongolia
      • The Himalayan kingdoms
    • Buddhism in the West
    • Sangha, society, and state
      • Monastic institutions
      • Sanghas
      • Internal organization of the sangha
      • Society and state

    • Theravada
      • Beliefs, doctrines, and practices
        • Cosmology
        • Classification of dhammas
        • Meditation
        • The stages leading to arhatship
        • The Buddha
      • The Pali canon (Tipitaka)
      • Early noncanonical texts in Pali
      • Later Theravada literature
    • Mahayana
      • Basic teachings
        • The Buddha: divinization and multiplicity
        • The bodhisattva ideal
        • The three Buddha bodies
        • New revelations
      • The Mahayana schools and their texts
        • Madhyamika (Sanlun/Sanron)
        • Yogachara/Vijnanavada (Faxiang/Hossō)
        • Avatamsaka (Huayan/Kegon)
        • Tiantai/Tendai
        • Pure Land
        • Nichiren
        • Dhyana (Chan/Zen)
    • Vajrayana (Tantric or Esoteric) Buddhism
      • Vajrayana Buddhism in India
        • Origins
        • Vajrayana literature
      • Vajrayana Schools in Tibet
        • Rnying-ma-pa
        • Sa-skya-pa, Bka’-brgyud-pa, and related schools
        • The Bka’-gdams-pa and Dge-lugs-pa
      • Vajrayana traditions in China and Japan
        • Zhenyan
        • Shingon

    • Shakyamuni in literature and art
      • Traditional literary accounts
      • Shakyamuni in art and archaeology
    • Celestial buddhas and bodhisattvas
      • Literary references
      • Art and archaeology
    • Recurrent mythic themes
      • Mythic figures in the Three Worlds cosmology
      • Local gods and demons
      • Female deities
      • Kings and yogis

    • Calendric rites and pilgrimage
      • Uposatha
      • Anniversaries
      • Vassa
      • All Souls festival
      • New Year’s and harvest festivals
      • Buddhist pilgrimage
    • Rites of passage and protective rites
      • Initiation
        • Ordination
        • Bodhisattva vows
        • Abhisheka
      • Funeral rites
      • Protective rites

    • Trends since the 19th century
    • Challenges and opportunities


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How did Buddhism change after the Buddha's death?

How did Buddhism change after Buddha's death? many interpretations were developed from his teachings. Some started to worship him as a god, even thought he did not want them to do that....and they believed that others could become Buddha.

What led to the emergence of Buddhism?

The social and economic context is responsible for the rise of Buddhism. We also discussed the monastic system and have seen how Buddhists respect nature. Their teachings emphasise non-violence, the sanctity of nature and animal life and its protection.

When was the emergence of Buddhism?

Buddhism, founded in the late 6th century B.C.E. by Siddhartha Gautama (the "Buddha"), is an important religion in most of the countries of Asia.

Where did Buddha go after death?

3rd century. According to the Buddhist chronicles, when the Buddha died near the city of Kushinagara, in northern India, he broke free from the cycle of rebirths and attained nirvana, absolute release from karmic rebirth.


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