Which of the following best describes the impact on African society of the Columbian Exchange?

Which of the following best describes the impact on African society of the Columbian Exchange?

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"Seeing how vile and despicable the idol was, we went outside to ask why they cared about so crude and ungainly a thing. But they, astounded at our daring, defended the honor of their god and said that he was Pachacamac, the Maker of the World, who healed their infirmities. According to what we were able to learn, the devil appeared to their priests in that hut and spoke with them, and they entered there with petitions and offerings from the entire kingdom of Atahualpa, just as Moors and Turks go to the house in Mecca. Seeing the evil of what was there and the blindness of all those people, we gathered together their leaders and enlightened them. And in the presence of all, the hut was opened and torn down and with much solemnity a tall cross was raised over the seat which for so long the devil had claimed as his own."
Miguel de Estete, Spanish mercenary soldier, account of an expedition to
The Spanish actions described in the passage differed from European attempts to promote Christianity in South and East Asia in the period 1450-1750 in that

"The Mexican city of Zacatecas is renowned for the enormous quantity of silver that has been extracted from it and continues to be extracted today. At the time of the discovery of the silver, there were many forests and woodlands in this rocky land, all of which have since vanished so that now except for some little wild palms, no other trees remain. Firewood is very expensive in the city because it is brought in carts from a distance of eighteen hours away.
The silver was discovered in the year 1540, in the following way: after the fall of the Aztec Empire, Spanish soldiers remained, spread over the entire country. Since no more towns remained to conquer and since they had so many Indian slaves, they devoted themselves to seeking riches from silver mines. One of these soldiers was Juan de Tolosa, who happened to have an Aztec among his Indian slaves. The Aztec, it is said, seeing his master so anxious to discover mines and to claim silver, told him: 'If you so desire this substance, I will take you where you can fill your hands and satisfy your greed with it.'
The city houses at least 600 White residents, and most of them are Spaniards. There are about 800 Black slaves and mulattoes*. There are about 1,500 Indians in the work gangs who labor in all types of occupations in the mines."
Alonso de la Mota y Escobar, Bishop of Guadalajara, Mexico, geographical treatise, 1605
*a person of mixed European and African ancestry
The economic activities described in the passage contributed most directly to which of the following?

"Sir, many of our people, keenly desirous of the wares and things of your Kingdoms, which are brought here by your people, and in order to satisfy their voracious appetite, seize many of our people, freed and exempt men, and they kidnap even nobles and the sons of nobles, and our relatives, and take them to be sold to the Whites who are in our Kingdoms."
© Basil Davidson, trans., [ital] The African Past[roman] (Curtis Brown, Ltd., 1964)

The quotation above comes from a 1526 letter to a European monarch form a king located

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