Which of the following best describes the importance of creating an accurate data model for your businesss database?

What is the first step you should take in managing data for a firm?

Identify the data needed to run the business.

Which of the following best illustrates the relationship between entities and attributes?

The entity CUSTOMER with the attribute ADDRESS

Which of the following is the type of logical database model that treats data as if they were stored in two-dimensional tables?

Relational DBMS

What are the relationships that the relational database is named for?

Relationships between entities

A characteristic or quality describing an entity is called a(n):


The most basic business database is comprised of:

five tables: for customers, employees, suppliers, parts, and sales.

In a table for customers, the information about a single customer would reside in a single:


In a relational database, a record is also called a(n):


A field identified in a table as holding the unique identifier of the table’s records is called the:

Primary key

A field identified in a record as holding the unique identifier for that record is called the:

Key field

A schematic of the entire database that describes the relationships in a database is called a(n):

Entity-relationship diagram.

A one-to-one relationship between two entities is symbolized in a diagram by a line that ends

In two short marks

A one-to-many relationship between two entities is symbolized in a diagram by a line that ends:

With a crow’s foot preceded by a short mark.

A table that links two tables that have a many-to-many relationship is often called a(n):

Intersection relation

The process of streamlining data to minimize redundancy and awkward many-to-many relationships is called:


Which of the following best describes the importance of creating an accurate data model for your business’s database?

It is critical, as without one, your data may be inaccurate, incomplete, or difficult to retrieve.

You are working in the IT department of a small paper supply company and planning a new database that monitors employee benefits and productivity. What would be the relationship you need to establish between Employee_ID in the Employee table and Parking_spot_number in the Perks table?


Relational database systems use ________ to ensure that relationships between coupled tables remain consistent.

Referential integrity rules

The smallest unit of data a computer can handle is called a:


A grouping of characters into a word, a group of words, or a complete number is called a record.


Every record in a file should contain at least one key field.


A foreign key is a field that links to a separate table.


A DBMS makes the:

physical database available for different logical views.

The logical view of a database:

presents data as they would be perceived by end users.

Which of the following allows users to add, change, delete, or retrieve data in a database?

Data manipulation language

In a relational database, the three basic operations used to develop useful sets of data are:

select, project, and join.

The select operation:

creates a subset consisting of all records in the file that meet stated criteria.

The project operation:

creates a subset consisting of columns in a table.

Which of the following is an automated or manual file that stores information about data elements and data characteristics such as usage, physical representation, ownership, authorization, and security?

Data dictionary

Which of the following is the most prominent data manipulation language today?


What is the purpose of a DBMS’s data definition function?

Structuring the database

Both Oracle and Microsoft Access use SQL to retrieve information from a database.


DBMS simplify how end users work with databases by separating the logical and physical views of the data.


A DBMS is special software for creating, storing, organizing, and accessing data from a database.


A physical view shows data as it is organized on the storage media.


End users use a data manipulation language to manipulate data in the database.


MongoDB and SimpleDB are both examples of:

NoSQL databases.

Access is a:

DBMS for desktop PC systems.

In clustering, a data mining tool will find:

new groupings within data.

MySQL is a:

popular open-source DBMS.

Data mining is more ________ than OLAP.

discovery driven

All of the following are tools or technologies for extracting information from unstructured data sets except:

SQL queries.

DBMS typically include report-generating tools in order to:

display data in an easier-to-read-format.

Which of the following database types would be best suited for storing multimedia?

Non-relational DBMS

Pre-configured hardware-software systems that use both relational and non-relational technology optimized for analyzing large datasets are referred to as:

Analytic platforms.

Which of the following statements about data warehouses is not true?

Data warehouse systems provide easy-to-use tools for managers to easily update data.

A data mart usually can be constructed more rapidly and at lower cost than a data warehouse because:

it typically focuses on a single subject area or line of business.

Tools for consolidating, analyzing, and providing access to vast amounts of data to help users make better business decisions are known as:

Business intelligence

Which of the following enables users to view the same data in different ways using multiple dimensions?


OLAP is a tool that enables users to:

obtain online answers to ad hoc questions in a rapid amount of time.

Data mining is a tool for allowing users to:

find hidden relationships in data.

In terms of the data relationships found by data mining, associations refers to:

occurrences linked to a single event.

In terms of the data relationships found by data mining, sequences refers to:

events linked over time.

Which of the following would you use to find patterns in user interaction data recorded by web servers?

Web usage mining

Which of the following would you use to find out which websites with content related to database design were the most often linked to by other websites?

Web structure mining

Businesses use ________ tools to search and analyze unstructured data sets, such as emails and memos.

text mining

Hadoop is a(n):

open-source software framework designed for distributing data-processing over inexpensive computers.

A data ________ stores current and historical data of potential interest to decision makers throughout the company.


A(n) ________ is a dedicated computer in a client/server environment that hosts a DBMS.

Database server

Which of the following is an example of a company whose business model is based on access to large databases through the web?


Links pointing to an online document are a sign of:


Links coming out of an online document are a sign of:

richness or variety of topics covered.

Within a corporate information services department, the task of establishing the physical database and its logical relations are responsibilities of the ________ function.

database administration

The confusion created by ________ makes it difficult for companies to create customer relationship management, supply chain management, or enterprise systems that integrate data from different sources.

data redundancy

Detecting and correcting data in a database or file that are incorrect, incomplete, improperly formatted, or redundant is called:

data scrubbing.

A(n) ________ is a structured survey of the accuracy and level of completeness of the data in an information system.

data quality audit

Common data quality problems include all of the following except:

Internet connectivity problems.

Is the schematic view of the entire database that describes the relationship in a database?

A schematic of the entire database that describes the relationships in a database is called a(n): Entity-relationship diagram. A one-to-many relationship between two entities is symbolized in a diagram by a line that ends: With a crow's foot preceded by a short mark.

Which of the following is the type of logical database model that treats data as if they were stored in two dimensional tables?

Relational Database The various software systems used to maintain relational databases are known as a relational database management system (RDBMS). In this model, data is organised in rows and column structure i.e., two-dimensional tables and the relationship is maintained by storing a common field.

What is the purpose of data modeling quizlet?

Discuss the importance of data modeling. It is a way to represent reality. Is the blueprint for the database. The database designer uses data models to facilitate the interaction among designers, application programmers, and end users.

What is the proper term for activities that detect and correct data in a database that are incorrect incomplete improperly formatted or redundant?

Detecting and correcting data in a database or file that are incorrect, incomplete, improperly formatted, or redundant is called: data scrubbing.