Which of the following best describes the relationship between modern presidents and their parties?

Which amendment to the Constitution limits the president to two elected terms in office?

22nd Amendment

23rd Amendment

21st Amendment

25th Amendment

22nd Amendment

Which of the following is an implied presidential power?

issuing executive orders

making policy recommendations

appointing department heads

vetoing legislation

issuing executive orders

Which of the following is an example of an expressed power?

organizing the federal bureaucracy

invoking executive privilege

issuing executive orders

vetoing legislation

vetoing legislation

Which of the following is a check on the president's power to appoint judges?

judicial veto

Senate confirmation

bureaucratic approval

budgetary support

Senate confirmation

Which of the following is an expressed presidential power?

entering into treaties with foreign nations

serving as head of state in diplomatic relations

exercising executive privilege

entering into executive agreements

entering into treaties with foreign nations

Which of the following is a duty the president assumes as a public opinion leader?

shaping the party agenda

serving as head of state

implementing party priorities

shaping the national agenda

shaping the national agenda

President Ronald Reagan's management style resembled that of which of the following?

a general

a wheel


a carburetor


President Jimmy Carter preferred which style of leadership?


big picture




Which of the following actions taken by President Reagan is considered a delegated power?

creating the EPA

providing Congress with budget recommendations for the EPA

appointing an administrator to head the EPA

developing policy priorities for the EPA

providing Congress with budget recommendations for the EPA

Which statement about executive orders is accurate?

The president's authority to issue executive orders is an expressed power from Article III of the Constitution.

Executive orders require a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress to become law.

The president's authority to issue executive orders is derived from the presidential oath of office and the Executive Power Clause.

The Supreme Court does not have the power to rule on the constitutionality of executive orders.

The president's authority to issue executive orders is derived from the presidential oath of office and the Executive Power Clause.

Executive privilege was invoked in which of the following cases?

school desegregation in Little Rock, Arkansas

the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings in the Senate

the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings in the Senate

The president's veto power is derived from which of the following?

the Supremacy Clause

Article II of the Constitution

the Executive Power Clause

Article I of the Constitution

Article I of the Constitution

When might we expect to see a large number of vetoes?

when Congress is out of session

when there is a Republican Congress and a Democratic president

when the United States is involved in a war

when there is a Democratic Congress and a Democratic president

when there is a Republican Congress and a Democratic president

Which of the following reflects a duty of the vice president?

to vote in the Senate if there is a tie

to remain a constant presence in Congress

to oversee troop deployments

to replace the Speaker of the House in his or her absence

to vote in the Senate if there is a tie

Which of the following represents a presidential check on judicial power? Choose the BEST answer.

vetoing legislation

convening Congress

nominating justices to federal courts

presiding over an impeachment hearing

nominating justices to federal courts

Which of the following powers would a president most likely utilize toward the end of his or her term?

nominating a Supreme Court justice

giving a State of the Union address

granting a pardon to a convicted criminal

appointing a secretary of state

granting a pardon to a convicted criminal

When a large group of people (such as draft dodgers) is not punished for a crime but rather brought into compliance with the law, this is known as what?


a reprieve

a pardon

executive forgiveness


If a president wishes to enter into a treaty with another country, what is required before he or she can proceed?

the approval of two-thirds of the Senate

the approval of three-fourths of the House

the approval of three-fourths of the Senate

the approval of two-thirds of the House

the approval of two-thirds of the Senate

What alternative mechanism may a president use to enter into an international agreement without the support of legislators?

proposing a UN resolution

issuing an executive order

signing an executive agreement

replacing an ambassador

signing an executive agreement

Under what circumstances might the president use the power to receive foreign dignitaries and appoint U.S. ambassadors? Choose the BEST answer.

to recognize the legitimacy of other nations

to provide a check on the judicial system

to criticize proposed legislation

to strengthen party loyalty

to recognize the legitimacy of other nations

What was the goal of the War Powers Resolution of 1973?

to expand the military authority of the president and relieve Congress of certain military-related responsibilities

to formally end the war in Vietnam

to increase public knowledge of wartime developments by granting the media greater access to the Pentagon

to limit the power of presidents to engage the U.S. military without congressional approval

to limit the power of presidents to engage the U.S. military without congressional approval

In entering into conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, President George W. Bush did which of the following?

mobilized troops after Congress had declared war on these nations

waited until the War Powers Resolution had passed Congress

concluded an executive agreement

acted in his capacity as commander in chief

acted in his capacity as commander in chief

How many executive departments existed during the time that George Washington served as president?






How large is the federal civilian workforce in the executive branch?

nearly 500,000 employees

nearly 1.9 million employees

nearly 100,000 employees

nearly 1.5 million employees

nearly 1.9 million employees

Which of the following is TRUE of the modern presidency?

The United States has lost its place on the global stage, which has weakened the presidency.

Programs and policies administered by the executive branch have shrunken considerably.

Congress has delegated less authority to the president, causing the presidency to shrink.

The mass media has strengthened the relationship between the president and the people.

The mass media has strengthened the relationship between the president and the people.

Which of the following was a primary focus of government policies and programs between the 1780s and 1930s?

social initiatives such as welfare and pension programs

economic stimulus

federal bureaucratic expansion

commerce between states and with other nations

commerce between states and with other nations

Which of the following occurred during the Great Depression and its aftermath?

The federal government contracted in size due to the severity of the recession.

The Supreme Court's interpretation of the Commerce Clause remained consistent with its historical treatment of this clause.

The executive branch created a number of new bureaucratic offices.

Government programs were implemented to deal with events like Shays' Rebellion.

The executive branch created a number of new bureaucratic offices.

Which department was most recently added to the president's cabinet?

the Department of Agriculture

the Department of Homeland Security

the Department of Education

the Department of Housing and Urban Development

the Department of Homeland Security

Presidents have historically depended on their party in which of the following capacities?

supporting judicial nominees

mobilizing voters

setting the agenda

funding the campaign

mobilizing voters

Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between a president and his party?






Which of the following would represent an instance of the president "going public"?

delivering a State of the Union address

circumventing Congress to petition the people directly

opening campaign donations to the people

revealing classified information

circumventing Congress to petition the people directly

How has President Donald Trump changed the relationship between the presidency and party members?

by giving his legislative agenda to members of his own party in Congress before "going public"

by using Twitter to bypass the filters of party and press

by using his influence to campaign for party members

by inviting party leadership to speak for him in the press

by using Twitter to bypass the filters of party and press

Globalization and technological progress have had which of the following effects on the U.S. presidency?

They have not had any effect on presidential power.

They have made it easier for the president to make decisions.

They have generally decreased presidential power.

They have generally increased presidential power.

They have generally increased presidential power.

The United States' role as a world leader has which of the following consequences?

decreased presidential power

a transition away from importing and exporting

increased isolationism

ripple effects from domestic economic activity

ripple effects from domestic economic activity

What conclusion can be drawn from the UK's decision to leave the European Union and President Trump's replacement of NAFTA? Choose the BEST answer.

The process of globalization remains unchanged.

Globalization has ended.

The process of globalization is not inevitable.

Globalization is stronger than ever.

The process of globalization is not inevitable.

Why might the Founders have limited the powers of the executive branch?

They preferred the idea of a direct democracy.

They wanted to avoid the tyrannical power of a king.

They sought continuity with the executive powers outlined in the Articles of Confederation.

They intended for the judicial branch to be the most powerful.

They wanted to avoid the tyrannical power of a king.

How have presidents expanded their power over time? Choose the BEST answer.

through public relations campaigns

through their interpretation of implied powers

through constitutional amendments

through their use of expressed powers

through their interpretation of implied powers

What action by President Trump was limited by federal courts?

the War Powers Resolution

the Voting Rights Act of 1965

the Equal Rights Act

Executive Order 13769

Executive Order 13769

Which of the following situations represents a check on presidential power?

the president promoting an aide to become his new chief of staff

the Senate holding a vote on a Supreme Court nomination

the governor of a state deciding to challenge the president for reelection

the Supreme Court declining to hear a challenge to an executive order

the Senate holding a vote on a Supreme Court nomination

What is impeachment?

the conviction of a public official for committing a crime

the removal of someone from office for political misconduct

the formal accusation of political wrongdoing

the crime allegedly committed by a public official

the formal accusation of political wrongdoing

What occurs directly after the Judiciary Committee drafts articles of impeachment?

An official resolution to impeach the president is adopted by the House.

The Senate holds a trial reviewing the evidence against the president.

A debate and vote on the articles takes place among all House members.

The Judiciary Committee takes a vote to determine if actions are impeachable.

A debate and vote on the articles takes place among all House members.

How has political polarization influenced the impeachment process?

It created stronger public support for Congress's impeachment power.

It makes it easier to remove a president from office.

It has increased the power of the judiciary.

It limits the power of Congress to convict the president.

It limits the power of Congress to convict the president.

What was Bill Clinton's approval rating upon leaving office?

22 percent

66 percent

38 percent

51 percent

66 percent

The fact that Bill Clinton left office with a much higher approval rating than that of George W. Bush can be explained by which of the following factors (among others)?

Bush's charismatic personality

the thriving economy at the end of the Bush administration

the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan initiated by the Bush administration

Clinton's scandal-free tenure in office

the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan initiated by the Bush administration

According to Richard Neustadt, a president's performance is directly related to which of the following?

the ability to maintain good relations with the media

the power to persuade

general appearance

management style

the power to persuade

James David Barber, a noted presidential scholar, achieved renown when he foresaw problems based on the character of which president?

George W. Bush

John F. Kennedy

Bill Clinton

Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon

According to Barber's typology, which of the following personality types potentially makes the best type of president?

passive negative

active negative

active positive

passive positive

active positive

According to Table 4, which of the following presidents is characterized as having a passive negative personality?

Ronald Reagan

George Washington

Woodrow Wilson

Bill Clinton

George Washington

According to presidential historians, which president ranked first in terms of leadership characteristics?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Ronald Reagan

Abraham Lincoln

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Abraham Lincoln

Why did President Johnson secretly record over 9,000 telephone conversations during his presidency?

He wanted to preserve his activities for posterity.

He used them to monitor the political developments in his office.

The recordings are constitutionally required of all sitting presidents.

He suffered from extreme paranoia that others were conspiring against him.

He used them to monitor the political developments in his office.

Which statement BEST describes Johnson's personality?

He was cold and reserved no matter the audience.

He was irritable and unruly in front of his peers.

He was talkative in front of the press but quiet and thoughtful in small groups.

He was more relaxed and playful with small groups than he was in public.

He was more relaxed and playful with small groups than he was in public.

Which description of the respective personalities of Lyndon B. Johnson and John F. Kennedy is the MOST accurate?

Johnson appeared youthful and confident, while Kennedy came across as inexperienced and serious.

Johnson had a solemn and sometimes awkward demeanor, while Kennedy was more charismatic and popular.

Kennedy was younger and was easily underestimated, while Johnson was more popular and experienced.

Both men had witty personalities that helped them become well-known figures before their presidencies.

Johnson had a solemn and sometimes awkward demeanor, while Kennedy was more charismatic and popular.

Which of the following challenges faced Johnson when he became president?

a Republican-controlled Congress that Johnson had made enemies of during his time in the Senate

massive public demonstrations against the war in Vietnam

speculation that Johnson himself had been involved in the plot to kill Kennedy

speculation that Cuba or the Soviet Union had been responsible for Kennedy's assassination

speculation that Cuba or the Soviet Union had been responsible for Kennedy's assassination

Who was Larry O'Brien, and why did Johnson want to speak with him?

O'Brien was Johnson's Senate mentor, and Johnson wanted him to offer political advice.

O'Brien was the director of the FBI, and Johnson wanted him to provide some details on the investigation into Kennedy's assassination.

O'Brien had been one of President Kennedy's closest aides, and Johnson wanted his loyalty.

O'Brien was one of Johnson's closest friends, and Johnson wanted his support.

O'Brien had been one of President Kennedy's closest aides, and Johnson wanted his loyalty.

Which of the following BEST describes Johnson's relationship with former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy?

friendly and supportive

cold and strained

angry and hostile

polite and reserved

friendly and supportive

How does historian Robert Dallek analyze the relationship between Johnson and Jackie Kennedy?

Johnson's affection for Jackie Kennedy was legitimate, but he was also conscious of the political benefits of keeping her close.

During Johnson's first days in the White House, Jackie Kennedy was the one person that the new president interacted with on a purely personal level, without thinking about the political ramifications.

The phone calls between them are evidence that Johnson was openly flirtatious with Jackie Kennedy and may have been interested in her romantically.

The phone calls between them are evidence that Johnson believed that he should distance himself from anything connected to the previous administration, including Jackie Kennedy.

Johnson's affection for Jackie Kennedy was legitimate, but he was also conscious of the political benefits of keeping her close.

What does President Johnson tell Senator Richard Russell to convince him of the importance of serving on the commission tasked with issuing a definitive report on the Kennedy assassination?

Johnson brings up the prospect that all the speculation about Khrushchev and Castro's involvement in Kennedy's assassination could lead to a catastrophic war with the Soviet Union.

Johnson tells Russell that the senator's unique knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald's background and Cuban connections will provide the commission valuable insight as it investigates potential conspiracies behind Kennedy's assassination.

Johnson reminds Russell of the senator's long-running friendship with Earl Warren and maintains that the two men have always done their best work together.

Johnson argues that the commission needs a prominent Democrat like Russell to provide political balance and convince the American public that its conclusions are truly bipartisan.

Johnson brings up the prospect that all the speculation about Khrushchev and Castro's involvement in Kennedy's assassination could lead to a catastrophic war with the Soviet Union.

Which of the following BEST describes a way in which the phone conversation between Johnson and Russell can be viewed as representative of Johnson's personality?

the way Johnson points out that he can't arrest Russell and he's not going to turn him over to the FBI

the way Johnson appointed Russell to the Warren Commission without his permission and then bullied him into agreeing

the way Johnson appears to remember an earlier conversation differently from the way Russell remembers it

the way Johnson brings up patriotism at the end of the conversation

the way Johnson appointed Russell to the Warren Commission without his permission and then bullied him into agreeing

Which description BEST represents the personality that President Johnson projects during these telephone conversations?

exceptionally stoic and generally withdrawn

politically cautious and personally reserved

politically shrewd and personally assertive

exceptionally humble and generally unpersuasive

politically shrewd and personally assertive

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the president and Congress quizlet?

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the president and Congress? Congress is superior in power and authority to the president.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between presidents and their cabinets throughout American history?

Which of the following best describes the relationship between Presidents and their Cabinets throughout American history? Some Presidents have relied heavily on the advice of their Cabinets while other Presidents have tended to ignore their advice.

How is the president's relationship with Congress influenced by which party is in power quizlet?

How is the President's relationship with Congress influenced by which party is in power? If the President is of the majority party, then he can usually count on party loyalty to advance his agenda.

What are the main roles that modern presidents fulfill quizlet?

The President enforces U.S. laws, creates policies, hires and fires officials within the executive branch, and appoints federal (national) judges.