Which of the following best describes the role of social support in coping with stress?

The life events approach to the study of stress would be considered

Response-oriented approach

Which researcher and theorist first coined the term "stresss" and proposed that there are three stages to the stress response?

The first phase of the “general adaptation syndrome” is _______.

The “general adaptation syndrome” has three phases. In what order do they occur? 

alarm reaction, resistance, exhaustion

Chronic tightness in the neck and shoulders, as a response to stress, would be an example of which phase of the general adaptation syndrome?

According to Selye’s theory of the general adaptation syndrome, what is the final stage of response to stress?

________ psychologists suggest that the reaction to acute stress is an adaptive mechanism that enabled our primitive ancestors to summon optimal levels of energy.

In which stage of the general adaptation syndrome does an increased risk of illness occur?

Holmes and Rahe (1967)’s checklist measure is based on the premise that ____ change requires adaptation.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding Selye’s model?

One finding from the National Study of Daily Experiences (NSDE) was that:

people tend to perceive their own stressful events as more severe than they are perceived by a noninvolved rater

Using the figure below, which of the following individuals is at the greatest risk for developing breast cancer?

Claire: older, high cholesterol and 10 lbs overweight, divorced once, widowed for 3 years, falling out with her sibling, employer cut her hours from 35 to 20 hours a week, and therefore, she lost her benefits

The theory that women developed additional stress responses aimed to protect calm and quiet children, to remove them from harm’s way, and to marshal resources to help is called:

Males typically exhibit a _____ response to stress; women typically exhibit a _____ response to stress.

fight or flight; tend-and-befriend

Which statement best describes gender differences related to PTSD?

Men are more exposed to trauma than women during their lifetimes; women are more apt to suffer from PTSD.

According to Yehuda, which gender is most likely to experience a higher incidence of PTSD?

In the diary study that tracked the daily stressors of about 1,500 people, it was found that the proportion of days that people reported experiencing any stressors began to decline after

Using the figure below for reference, which of the following statements BEST describes the data?

Men and women report having fewer days with stressors as they go from middle (40– 59) to older adulthood

the study of changes in gene expression due to subjective perceptions of the social environment is called

genetic changes have been found in groups experiencing low socioeconomic status and posttraumatic stress disorder. These findings illustrate:

environment-gene interactions

Research examining stress-related growth has shown

that how one appraises and copes with problems may be the key to deriving benefits from stressful experiences

social support and coping strategies are both examples of

which of the following would be an example of a "problem-focused" way of coping with stress?

seek information or advice

according to carver, which of the following would be an example of "denial" coping

"I've been saying to myself, this isn't real"

According to Carver, which of the following would be an example of "acceptance" coping?

"I've been learning to live with it"

According to Carver, which of the following would be an example of "Active coping" style of coping?

"I've been concentrating my efforts on doing something about the situation I'm in"

a study examining how people coped with the Washington DC sniper attacks in 202 showed that people restricted their usual activities in many areas. Women reduced activities significantly more than men for all types of activities EXCEPT:

Faced with the news that her father's tumors have grown, an adult says to her friend, "At least we’ve spent more quality time together and express our love for one another more once he got the diagnosis.” This is an example of what form of coping?

The phrase "social support" includes which of the following actions?

a. consoling a friend over a lost job, loaning money to your brother and referring your mother to a good doctor

Research on social support has shown

that perception of quality of support is more strongly related to health than the amount of contact with others.

When the negative effect of stress is smaller for those who have adequate social support than it is for those whose social support is weak, researchers refer to this as the

The beneficial effect of social support on disease rates in the face of stress has been found _______. 

at all ages and in both genders

Which of the following findings would be the clearest illustration of the buffering effect of social support?

Unemployed men who enjoy close relationships with their wives are less likely to be depressed than are those men who have distant relationships with their wives

According to research, which of the following features of social support is most closely linked to a buffering effect?

perception of the quality of support

religious coping to reduce stress relies upon

a. finding a meaning in suffering  b. achieving a sense of control by trusting God 

c. gaining social solidarity with others who share one’s beliefs

maintenance of a healthy functioning following exposure to potential trauma

Of the four outcomes people can have after exposure to trauma, which is the most prevalent, according to Bonanno?

Hardiness, according to Maddi, describes people who __________.

a. are committed to finding meaning in life

b. believe that they can control their own surroundings and the outcome of events

c. believe that all life experiences bring growth and knowledge 

Researchers are challenging the concept of “grief work,” the idea that people experiencing trauma need to “let it all out,” because

it labels resilient people as pathological

Which statement best describes gender differences related to PTSD

Men are more exposed to trauma than women during their lifetimes; women are more apt to suffer from PTSD.

Selye’s approach would be considered

Which medical researcher and theorist has most significantly shaped our current thinking about human stress?

Results of Almeida’s diary study of about 1,500 adults showed that the most common stressors were

Interpersonal arguments and tensions

According to Yehuda, which gender is most likely to experience a higher incidence of PTSD? 

Compared to other adults in the U.S.,_______ adults have greater incidence of high blood pressure and stroke than other racial/ethnic groups.

Which of the following features of a social support appears to be most critical in providing a buffering effect in the face of stress?

perception of quality support

When the negative effect of stress is smaller for those who have adequate social support than it is for those whose social support is weak, researchers refer to this as the

Which of the following best describes the role of social support and coping with stress quizlet?

Which of the following best describes the role of social support in coping with stress? It has primarily positive effects in coping with stress.

Which option is most helpful for coping with stress?

Eat healthy, exercise, get plenty of sleep, and give yourself a break if you feel stressed out. Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals.

Which is the best description of social support?

Social support is the physical and emotional comfort given to you by your family, friends, co-workers and others. It's the knowledge that you are part of a community of people who love and care for you, value you and think well of you.

Which is a way to cope with stress quizlet?

Doing something that's healthy for your body or mind when you're feeling stressed can help you feel better. Keeping your body healthy by eating nutritious foods, getting enough physical activity and avoiding tobacco, alcohol and other drugs can also lower your overall stress level or help keep stress under control.


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