Which of the following best describes what it means to exercise higher order critical thinking

Field 017: Computer/Technology (Subtest II)
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Competency 0001
Understand using current best practices and research findings on the effective use of technology to improve teaching and learning.

A research study claims that a group of students who used a computer-based technology product tended to perform better on standardized tests than students who did not use the product. In analyzing the scientific validity of this study, which of the following is the most important question to ask first?

  1. Did the students have the same amount of preparation time prior to taking the standardized tests?
  2. Did the two groups consist of students who were equivalent in terms of ability and background?
  3. Were the students instructed using a student-centered or a teacher-centered approach to learning?
  4. Were both groups of students allowed to use the product while taking the standardized tests?
Answer Correct Response: B.
In any scientific study, it is essential that the researchers carefully control the variables that could influence the observed results of the experiment. In a study such as the one described in the question, the best way to control the variables is to make certain that the two experimental groups are equivalent in terms of the backgrounds and ability levels of the students. With proper controls, the researchers can be more certain that the conclusions of the study are scientifically valid. Competency 0001
Understand using current best practices and research findings on the effective use of technology to improve teaching and learning.

A teacher is interested in using technology to expand students' understanding of the process of scientific inquiry. Which of the following student activities would most effectively meet this goal?

  1. using simulation software to design and conduct investigations
  2. using the Internet to participate in virtual field trips
  3. using the Internet to research recent scientific discoveries
  4. using database software to organize scientific data
Answer Correct Response: A.
The process of scientific inquiry requires students to learn about the world in which they live by formulating hypotheses and designing experiments to support or disprove a given hypothesis. A software program that allows students to design and conduct simulated investigations would help students formulate and test hypotheses and therefore develop their understanding of the process of scientific inquiry. Competency 0001
Understand using current best practices and research findings on the effective use of technology to improve teaching and learning.

A middle school teacher has one computer in the classroom that is connected to the Internet. Which of the following would be the most effective plan for student use of this computer?

  1. having students use the computer as a reward for superior performance
  2. having students use the computer to practice basic computer skills
  3. having students use the computer to complete drill-and-practice activities
  4. having students use the computer for research activities
Answer Correct Response: D.
A single computer connected to the Internet can be used to conduct research on almost any topic. Individual students or small groups of students can take turns using the computer to find up-to-date information that can be printed out on paper or electronically saved to a file. Competency 0001
Understand using current best practices and research findings on the effective use of technology to improve teaching and learning.

A social studies teacher is introducing students to the Internet as an information resource. The teacher begins by presenting a lesson on how to use a Web browser. Which of the following would be the most effective next step for this teacher to take?

  1. Have students find and download software that relates to the class.
  2. Have students post a question to a social studies newsgroup.
  3. Have students do a "treasure hunt" in which they search for answers to questions from a prepared list.
  4. Have students begin doing independent research on topics of their choice.
Answer Correct Response: C.
After students have learned the basic features of a Web browser, the best way for them to learn how to use the browser to locate information is to ask them to find answers to questions from a well-prepared list. Competency 0001
Understand using current best practices and research findings on the effective use of technology to improve teaching and learning.

Which of the following activities would be most effective in improving students' skills in critically analyzing Internet-based information?

  1. using an electronic dictionary to look up vocabulary words
  2. evaluating news-related Web sites for objectivity
  3. using an online encyclopedia to find information for a research paper
  4. learning to use Web-browsing software
Answer Correct Response: B.
Having students evaluate news-related Web sites is an effective way to improve their ability to critically analyze information on the Web. Students can examine the objectivity of online news sources by accessing several sites that cover the same news events and then comparing and contrasting the reporting of events on those sites. Competency 0001
Understand using current best practices and research findings on the effective use of technology to improve teaching and learning.

A student who has difficulty concentrating and has a low tolerance for frustration is planning a science research project that will include a final presentation. Which of the following educational technologies is most likely to benefit this student?

  1. an assistive listening device
  2. text-to-speech software
  3. a large keyboard for input
  4. graphic organizer software
Answer Correct Response: D.
A student with a low tolerance for frustration and who has difficulty concentrating would benefit from using graphic organizer software. The software would help the student organize his or her ideas and create the presentation in a logical fashion. The ability to construct visual diagrams would also help the student clarify his or her thinking, prioritize the information to present, and make connections among related topics in the presentation. Competency 0001
Understand using current best practices and research findings on the effective use of technology to improve teaching and learning.

In a classroom in which educational technology has been effectively integrated, which of the following is the most appropriate role for student portfolio assessment?

  1. using students' work to examine their progress in meeting learning objectives
  2. assigning grades to individual projects using a weighted grading system
  3. reinforcing decisions based on more traditional methods of student assessment
  4. determining whether computer-based instruction has improved students' content knowledge
Answer Correct Response: A.
A portfolio is a collection of student work and can consist of reports, presentations, video projects, and other work samples. When evaluated using reliable methods of scoring, such as scoring rubrics, a student's portfolio can provide teachers with valuable information for assessing the student's progress toward meeting learning objectives. Competency 0002
Understand criteria for evaluating and selecting software and electronic learning media.

When evaluating software designed to be used independently by students, it is most important to determine whether the software:

  1. has multiplatform capabilities.
  2. has an abundance of graphics.
  3. is easy to navigate.
  4. integrates audio, text, and video.
Answer Correct Response: C.
When students are using a software package independently, the students must be able to easily navigate the various menus and levels of the program. The program's interface should be simple to use and should not detract from the program's learning content and objectives. Competency 0002
Understand criteria for evaluating and selecting software and electronic learning media.

Which of the following is the most important factor to consider when selecting a digital encyclopedia for classroom use?

  1. the copyright status of the included material
  2. the capability to display full-color graphics
  3. the ability of the software to block access to objectionable material
  4. the ease of use and effectiveness of the search capabilities
Answer Correct Response: D.
A digital encyclopedia can contain thousands of articles, images, maps, charts, audio clips, video clips, and other media. Finding the information desired can be a challenge. The encyclopedia needs to have an easy-to-use and effective search function that will allow users to quickly find the information they need. Competency 0002
Understand criteria for evaluating and selecting software and electronic learning media.

A high school math class includes several students who are academically gifted. Their school is purchasing a tutorial package to help these students learn at an accelerated pace. Which of the following is the most important factor to consider in selecting the tutorial?

  1. Supplemental printed materials and access to online assistance should be included in the package.
  2. The package should integrate multimedia and other motivational resources.
  3. The program should prescribe that student performance on built-in assessments will determine the pace and direction of learning.
  4. Students should not be able to obtain correct answers from the program, but should be required to solve problems on their own.
Answer Correct Response: C.
Tutorial software can be used for individualizing student instruction. A good tutorial package will include regular assessments that students must pass in order to advance through the tutorial. This feature determines the pace and direction of student learning and allows gifted students to learn the material at an accelerated rate while still ensuring mastery of the content. Competency 0002
Understand criteria for evaluating and selecting software and electronic learning media.

A sixth-grade teacher is evaluating a software program that requires students to design a riverboat and use it to successfully complete a journey. Along the way, students must obtain supplies and overcome a variety of obstacles. This type of program is most useful for fostering students':

  1. ability to use abstract reasoning.
  2. critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
  3. ability to reason by analogy.
  4. cooperative learning and teamwork skills.
Answer Correct Response: B.
The riverboat software described in the question is a simulation program designed to help students re-create the trials and tribulations of a journey by riverboat. The obstacles to overcome and problems to solve in the course of the simulation program are intended to improve the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills of the students. Competency 0002
Understand criteria for evaluating and selecting software and electronic learning media.

A group of teachers is evaluating online subscription databases for use by students. The most important factor in selecting a database from among several that have similar content is whether the:

  1. teacher can restrict student access to material in the database.
  2. reading level of the material is age-appropriate for the students.
  3. software provides interpretive feedback.
  4. content can be downloaded as a variety of file types.
Answer Correct Response: B.
An online subscription database needs to be written at an age-appropriate reading level in order for students to understand the material. The information contained in the database is of little use if the students are unable to comprehend or interpret the text. Competency 0002
Understand criteria for evaluating and selecting software and electronic learning media.

Which of the following features of computer-assisted instruction is likely to be most beneficial to students preparing for standardized tests of reading comprehension?

  1. the presence and effectiveness of built-in assessment tools
  2. the presence of reading material with which students are familiar
  3. the ability of the teacher to alter the format of the material
  4. the ability of students to navigate the system independently
Answer Correct Response: A.
Computer-assisted instruction for preparing students for standardized tests of reading comprehension would be most beneficial if the instruction came with effective built-in assessment tools. Effective assessment tools help students identify their strengths and needs, become familiar with various standardized test question formats, and gain experience with test-taking skills and strategies. Competency 0002
Understand criteria for evaluating and selecting software and electronic learning media.

Which of the following is the most important factor to consider when evaluating the graphics in an instructional game for a middle school science class?

  1. Graphics should avoid using representations of any specific gender, age, or cultural group.
  2. Graphics should be used to replace written or narrated text whenever possible.
  3. Graphics should depict real-world objects that students are likely to encounter in their daily lives.
  4. Graphics should fulfill an important purpose related to the learning objectives of the game.
Answer Correct Response: D.
Educational software programs often use graphics to interest and motivate students. A well-designed educational software program will use the graphics as an important learning component to help students master the learning objectives of the game. Competency 0002
Understand criteria for evaluating and selecting software and electronic learning media.

Which of the following software products would be most appropriate to use in implementing an inquiry-based instructional strategy?

  1. a simulation that requires users to manipulate variables in order to keep a virtual mouse alive and train it to do specified tasks
  2. an instructional game that rewards users by allowing them to interact with engaging animations when they master a new arithmetic skill
  3. a virtual tour that uses multi- media components to simulate the experience of walking through a tropical rain forest
  4. a tutorial that explains how recent scientific knowledge and technological developments may impact society in the future
Answer Correct Response: A.
An inquiry-based instructional strategy presents students with situations in which they need to investigate and design solutions to problems. A simulation requiring students to manipulate variables to keep a mouse alive would provide students with a problem that could be adapted to an inquiry-based instructional strategy. Students could propose solutions and use the simulation to test and evaluate these solutions.

Which of the following are behaviors of critical thinkers quizlet?

Essential Intellectual Traits to be a critical thinker. The eight intellectual traits are: Intellectual humility, Intellectual courage, Intellectual empathy, Intellectual autonomy, Intellectual integrity, Intellectual perseverance, Confidence in reason, and Fair-mindedness.

Which of the following is an example of a critical thinking skill quizlet?

Reflection, using a pain-rating scale to be precise and specific, and nursing assessment (the first step of the nursing process) are examples of critical thinking skills. Explaining a procedure based on policy is not critical thinking.

Which of the following describes critical thinking quizlet?

Which of the following statements best defines critical thinking? Feedback: Critical thinking involves thinking about thinking while thinking in order to make thinking better. Feedback: Critical thinking involves analyzing, evaluating, and improving one's own thinking.

Which is the best description of critical thinking?

"Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action" (Scriven, 1996).


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