Which of the following best explains the change in the frequency distribution of fur color phenotypes in the mouse population as shown in the figures above?

2.A group of mice was released into a large field to which no other mice had access. Immediately after the release,a representative sample of the mice was captured, and the fur color of each individual in the sample wasobserved and recorded. The mice were then returned to the field. After twenty years, another representativesample of the mice was captured, and the fur color of each individual in the sample was again recorded. Whichof the following best explains the change in the frequency distribution of fur color phenotypes in the mousepopulation, as shown in the figures above?a.The allele for gray fur color is unstable, and over twenty years most of those alleles mutated to becomealleles for black fur.b.The field was composed primarily of lightcolored soil and little vegetation, affording gray miceprotection from predators.c.Sexual selection led to increased mating frequency of black and brown versus gray and brown.d.The gray mice were hardest to capture and so were underrepresented in the twentyyear sample.

Use the following information to answer question 3:The following figures display data collected while studying a family, some members of which have sicklecelldisease—a rare genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the hemoglobin beta gene (HBB). There are at leasttwo alleles of the HBB gene: the HbA allele encodes wildtype hemoglobin and the HbS allele encodes the sicklecell form of hemoglobin. Genetic testing provided insight into the inheritance pattern for sicklecell disease.Figure 1. Pedigree of a family with affected individuals. Squares represent males, circles represent females,shaded symbols represent individuals with sicklecell disease.5' CTG ACT CCT GAG GAG AAG TCT 3'Nontemplate Strand3' GAC TGA GGA CTC CTC TTC AGA 5'Template StrandFigure 2. A portion of the DNA sequence from the wildtype hemoglobin allele (HbA) that codes for normalhemoglobin.

Which of the following best explains the observed distribution pattern of the snails?

Which of the following best explains the observed distribution pattern of the snails? The founder effect suggests that dark-colored snails migrated from the southern regions to the north and established the populations found there.

Which if the following best predicts how the population will be affected by the landslide?

Which of the following best predicts how the population will be affected by the landslide? The surviving organisms will evolve into a new species. The reduced population will likely have allelic frequencies that are different from the initial population.

Which of the following best predicts what would happen if the whale population decreased?

Which of the following best predicts what would happen if the whale population decreased? The surface fish populations would decline due to reduced populations of algae.

Which of the following best explains how some cells of an individual produce and secrete a specific enzyme but other cells of the same individual do not?

Which of the following best explains how some cells of an individual produce and secrete a specific enzyme, but other cells of the same individual do not? The cells transcribe and translate different combinations of genes, leading to the productions of different sets of proteins.