Which of the following best explains why human resource management is important to all managers quizlet?

Ngày đăng: 23/08/2018, 04:12

hrm questions 46 terms nikkiromah 1) The basic functions Answer: D of management Explanation: D) The five basic functions of the include all of the management process include planning, organizing, following EXCEPT staffing, leading, and controlling Outsourcing jobs may be an aspect of human resources, but it is not one of the A) staffing primary management functions B) planning C) organizing D) outsourcing 2) A manager is best Answer: B described as a person Explanation: B) A manager is someone who is who is responsible for responsible for accomplishing the organization's goals, and who does so by managing the efforts of the A) teaching new organization's people Most writers agree that managing employees basic skills involves performing five basic functions: planning, B) accomplishing the organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling organization's goals C) communicating with stockholders D) delegating authority to subordinates 3) Which individual in Answer: A an organization is Explanation: A) The manager is the person responsible responsible for for accomplishing an organization's goals by planning, accomplishing the organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling the efforts organization's goals by of the organization's people An entrepreneur may planning, organizing, manage people or may hire a manager to so instead, staffing, leading, and but entrepreneurs are defined as individuals who start controlling personnel? their own businesses A) manager B) generalist C) marketer D) entrepreneur 4) Which of the Answer: D following represents Explanation: D) The management process includes five the five functions of basic functions—planning, organizing, staffing, leading, planning, organizing, and controlling Strategic management refers to the staffing, leading, and process of identifying and executing the organization's controlling? mission by matching its capabilities with the demands of A) strategic its environment management B) adaptability screening C) succession planning D) management process 5) Which basic Answer: A function of Explanation: A) Planning, organizing, staffing, leading, management includes and controlling are the five functions of management developing rules and The planning function involves establishing goals and procedures? standards, developing rules and procedures, and A) planning developing plans and forecasts B) organizing C) leading D) staffing 6) Which basic Answer: B function of Explanation: B) Planning, organizing, staffing, leading, management involves and controlling are the five functions of management maintaining employee The leading function involves getting others to morale and motivating accomplish a task, maintaining morale, and motivating subordinates? subordinates A) planning B) leading C) organizing D) developing 7) What specific Answer: C activities listed below Explanation: C) The planning function of management are part of the involves establishing goals and standards, developing planning function? rules and procedures, and developing plans and A) giving each forecasts The other functions of management are subordinate a specific organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling task B) training and developing employees C) developing rules and procedures D) establishing quality standards 8) Celeste spends Answer: A most of her time at Explanation: A) The planning function of the work establishing management process requires managers to establish goals for her staff of goals and standards, develop rules and procedures, and fifty employees and develop plans and forecasts Leading involves developing motivating staff, while controlling requires a manager to procedures for various set standards, such as sales quotas Assigning tasks to tasks In which function employees is an aspect of the organizing function of the management process does Celeste spend most of her time? A) planning B) organizing C) motivating D) staffing 9) John primarily Answer: C spends his time giving Explanation: C) The organizing function of management tasks to subordinates involves giving each subordinate a specific task, and establishing establishing departments, delegating authority to departments He is subordinates, establishing channels of authority and performing what communication, and coordinating the work of function of subordinates Leading, planning, and controlling are management? other activities in the management process A) leading B) planning C) organizing D) controlling 10) Which function of Answer: A the management Explanation: A) The organizing function of the process includes management process includes delegating authority to delegating authority to subordinates and establishing channels of subordinates and communication The organizing function also includes establishing channels establishing departments and coordinating the work of of communication? subordinates A) organizing B) motivating C) leading D) staffing 11) Amini, a sales Answer: C manager with a Explanation: C) Setting standards such as sales quotas, commercial real estate quality standards, or production levels are activities firm, uses sales quotas involved in the control function of the management to assess the process Checking to see how actual performance performance of his compares with these standards and taking corrective staff members, and he action as needed are additional control functions then develops strategies for corrective action Which function of the management process is Amini most likely performing? A) planning B) staffing C) controlling D) organizing 12) Which of the Answer: A following activities is Explanation: A) Giving subordinates tasks is an aspect of related to the the organizing function Recruiting employees, organizing function of developing procedures, and establishing standards are the management activities related to other management functions process? A) giving each subordinate a specific task B) recruiting prospective employees C) developing rules and procedures D) establishing quality standards 13) All of the following Answer: D are activities Explanation: D) Determining what type of people should performed within the be hired, recruiting prospective employees, selecting staffing function of the employees, setting performance standards, management process compensating employees, evaluating performance, EXCEPT counseling employees, and training and developing A) evaluating employees are aspects of the staffing function performance Maintaining employee morale is an activity of the leading B) providing training function C) recruiting employees D) maintaining morale 14) Which of the Answer: C following terms best Explanation: C) An organization, such as IBM, Apple, and describes firms such as Google, consists of people with formally assigned roles IBM, Apple, and who work together to achieve the organization's goals Google? Bargaining units, work councils, and open shops may A) bargaining unit work within an organization B) work council C) organization D) open shop 15) In the management Answer: C process, which activity Explanation: C) The staffing function involves evaluating is part of the staffing the performance of employees Developing rules is a function? planning function, and maintaining morale is a leading A) developing rules function Setting standards such as production levels is B) maintaining morale an aspect of the controlling function of the management C) evaluating process performance D) setting production levels 16) Which function of Answer: C the management Explanation: C) Setting standards such as sales quotas, process involves quality standards, or production levels is part of the setting standards such controlling function of the management process as sales quotas and Planning, organizing, and leading are other functions in production levels? the management process A) planning B) organizing C) controlling D) leading 17) Which activity is Answer: D part of the controlling Explanation: D) Recruiting and training are staffing function of the functions, while developing rules is a planning function management process? Controlling involves setting standards and then checking A) recruiting to see how an employee's actual performance compares prospective to those standards employees B) training and developing new employees C) developing departmental rules and procedures D) comparing employee performance with standards 18) is the process Answer: A of acquiring, training, Explanation: A) Human resource management is the appraising, and process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating compensating employees, and of attending to their employees, and labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns attending to their labor Career planning is the process of assessing personal relations, health and skills and establishing a plan to achieve specific goals safety, and fairness concerns A) Human resource management B) Career planning C) Behavioral management D) Job evaluation 19) Human resource Answer: D management is best Explanation: D) Human resource management is the defined as the process process of acquiring, training, appraising, and of compensating employees, and of attending to their A) controlling and labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns orienting new Orienting new employees and outsourcing jobs may be employees required of HR managers at times, but hiring, training, B) organizing and and paying workers are the main tasks of HR scheduling work management activities for teams C) outsourcing and offshoring clerical jobs to foreign countries D) acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees 20) is the right to Answer: B make decisions, to Explanation: B) Authority is the right to make decisions, direct the work of to direct the work of others, and to give orders others, and to give Arbitration refers to settling a disagreement through a orders third party A) Leadership B) Authority C) Arbitration D) Bargaining 21) All of the following Answer: A are a line manager's Explanation: A) Staff managers are authorized to assist responsibilities for and advise line managers Line managers have line effective HR authority, which means they typically work to control management EXCEPT labor costs, develop employees, and orient new workers A) advising upper management B) controlling labor costs C) developing employees D) orienting new employees 22) Line authority is Answer: D best defined as a Explanation: D) Line authority is a manager's right to manager's right to issue orders to other managers or employees, which creates a superior-subordinate relationship Staff A) use flexible authority refers to a manager's right to advise other decision-making managers or employees, which creates an advisory powers relationship B) advise other managers or employees C) advocate on behalf of his or her department D) issue orders to other managers or employees 23) In most Answer: A organizations, human Explanation: A) Human resource managers are usually resource managers are staff managers They assist and advise line managers in categorized as , areas like recruiting, hiring, and compensation However, who assist and advise line managers still have human resource duties in areas like recruiting, hiring, and compensation A) staff managers; line managers B) line managers; middle managers C) line managers; staff managers D) functional managers; staff managers 24) Which of the Answer: C following has Explanation: C) All line managers are heavily involved historically been an with personnel issues, such as hiring and training new integral part of every employees Not all line managers participate in dress line manager's duties? codes, budgets, and policies, but they are always A) establishing dress involved in issues relating to subordinates codes B) developing annual budgets C) addressing personnel issues D) creating personnel policies 25) Which of the Answer: B following best explains Explanation: B) Getting results is the bottom line of why HR management is managing, and it is primarily accomplished through important to all human capital Managers throughout a firm need good managers? people to get results, and hiring and retaining good A) Economic people is the objective of HRM challenges facing the world call for advanced cost-cutting and streamlining B) Investing in human capital enables managers to achieve positive results for the firm C) An enthusiastic labor force is likely to provide financial support to local unions D) Technological changes and global competition require clear organization charts 26) Larry is a line Answer: C manager at a large Explanation: C) Line managers are typically involved with sporting goods store HR tasks such as training employees, interpreting Which of the following policies, and communicating with employees for is LEAST likely to be interviewing and disciplinary purposes Providing one of Larry's HR financial advice is not a responsibility of most line responsibilities? managers A) training new employees B) interpreting company policies C) sharing financial advice D) disciplining employees 27) All of the following Answer: D are examples of human Explanation: D) Job analysis, training, and equal resource specialties employment opportunity coordination are all duties of EXCEPT the HR department HR specialists are less likely to serve A) job analyst as financial advisors B) training specialist C) EEO coordinator D) financial advisor 28) Nicole works as a Answer: C job analyst at a Explanation: C) Job analysts collect and examine computer firm Which detailed information about job duties to prepare job of the following most descriptions Recruiters interview job candidates, and likely describes compensation managers handle benefits programs Nicole's duties in her current position? A) searching for qualified job candidates B) processing employee benefits programs C) collecting information about job duties D) planning and organizing training activities 29) In general, how Answer: C many human resource Explanation: C) In most firms, there is one HR employee employees would be for every 100 company employees Therefore, a firm with on staff for a firm with 500 company employees would require HR employees 500 total employees? to oversee all of the firm's HR issues A) B) C) D) 10 30) Which of the Answer: D following human Explanation: D) Recruiters are required to maintain resource management contact within the community and perhaps travel specialties would most extensively to search for qualified job applicants Labor likely require extensive relations specialists, training specialists, and job analysts travel? would require less travel A) labor relations specialist B) training specialist C) job analyst D) recruiter 31) Which of the Answer: A following focuses on Explanation: A) Transactional HR groups focus on using using centralized call centralized call centers and outsourcing arrangements centers and with vendors, such as benefits advisors, to provide outsourcing specialized support in day-to-day transactional HR arrangements with activities to a firm's employees Activities may include vendors as a way to changing benefits plans and providing updated appraisal provide specialized forms support for certain HR activities? A) transactional HR groups B) corporate HR groups C) embedded HR units D) HR consulting firms 32) An HR generalist at Answer: C Wilson Manufacturing Explanation: C) In the embedded HR unit structure, an has been assigned to HR generalist is assigned directly to a department within the sales department an organization to provide localized human resource to provide HR management assistance as needed Transactional, management corporate, and centers of expertise are three other assistance as needed typical organizational approaches to HR Which of the following best describes the structure of the HR services provided at Wilson Manufacturing? A) transactional HR groups B) corporate HR groups C) embedded HR units D) HR centers of expertise 33) Roberta Whitman Answer: A has recently been Explanation: A) The embedded HR unit assigns HR hired by Jackson generalists directly to departments like sales and Pharmaceuticals as the production to provide the localized human resource senior vice president management assistance the departments need If of human resources employees are unable to receive the HR assistance they Jackson need on a regular basis, then it would be appropriate for Pharmaceuticals has a the firm to assign HR generalists to each department as history of problems a direct line to the HR department within its HR department including high employee turnover, EEO violations, inadequate training programs, and benefit enrollment difficulties With years of experience transforming HR departments in other firms, Whitman believes she can correct the problems at Jackson Pharmaceuticals Which of the following best supports the argument that Whitman should create embedded HR units and assign relationship managers to each department within the firm? A) Employees frequently complain about the inconsistent assistance they receive from the HR department due to its large size B) The global nature of the firm makes it difficult for the HR department to effectively communicate corporate messages to employees scattered around the world C) Centralized call centers would enable the HR department to provide specialized support on daily transactional activities D) Line managers want to implement additional screening and evaluations to improve the quality of their subordinates 34) Roberta Whitman Answer: C has recently been Explanation: C) The transactional HR group focuses on hired by Jackson using centralized call centers and outsourcing Pharmaceuticals as the arrangements with vendors to provide specialized senior vice president support in day-to-day transactional HR activities to the of human resources company's employees By outsourcing benefits Jackson administration, Jackson would allow HR managers to Pharmaceuticals has a focus on other issues and enable benefits specialists to history of problems handle benefits enrollment and coverage issues It is not within its HR the role of line managers to handle benefits department including administration high employee turnover, EEO violations, inadequate training programs, and benefit enrollment difficulties With years of experience transforming HR departments in other firms, Whitman believes she can correct the problems at Jackson Pharmaceuticals Which of the following best supports Whitman's idea to develop a transactional HR group to handle benefits administration? A) Extensive training has been provided to line managers so that they fully understand the different insurance options available to employees B) Lower insurance premiums would eliminate the need for outsourcing medical services and improve employee health coverage C) Outside vendors specializing in all aspects of benefits administration would provide improved support to the firm's employees D) All employees are currently required to participate in health screening and drug tests to eliminate high risk employees from the benefits plan 35) Planning, Answer: TRUE organizing, staffing, Explanation: A manager is someone who is responsible leading, and for accomplishing the organization's goals, and who controlling are the five does so by managing the efforts of the organization's basic functions of the people Most writers agree that managing involves management process performing five basic functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling t/f 36) Personnel Answer: FALSE management involves Explanation: Personnel management involves recruiting, recruiting prospective setting performance standards, and counseling employees, setting However, the controlling function of the management performance process requires managers to monitor production levels standards, and and set other types of standards monitoring production levels 37) Setting standards Answer: FALSE such as sales quotas, Explanation: Setting standards such as sales quotas, quality standards, or quality standards, or production levels is part of the production levels is controlling, rather than the leading, function of human part of the leading resource management Leading involves maintaining function of human morale and motivating workers resource management 38) The planning Answer: TRUE function of Explanation: The planning function of management management includes includes establishing goals and standards, developing establishing goals and rules and procedures, and developing plans and standards and forecasting Planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and developing forecasts controlling are the five functions of the management process 39) Communicating is Answer: FALSE one of the five basic Explanation: Planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and functions of the controlling are the five functions of the management management process process Although communicating with employees is part of every step, it is not one of the five basic functions 40) Staff managers are Answer: FALSE authorized to issue Explanation: Line managers, not staff managers, are orders to subordinates authorized to issue orders down the chain of command and are directly in Staff managers have the authority to advise other charge of managers or employees accomplishing the organization's basic goals 41) In most large firms, Answer: TRUE human resource Explanation: Assisting and advising line managers is the managers assist line heart of the human resource manager's job HR assists in managers with hiring, hiring, training, evaluating, rewarding, counseling, training, evaluating, promoting, and firing employees rewarding, counseling, promoting, and hiring employees 42) Extensive travel is Answer: FALSE required of recruiters, Explanation: Recruiters will most likely have to travel to compensation interview prospective candidates Other HR positions managers, and job such as compensation manager or job analysts are less analysts likely to travel 43) Firms of all sizes Answer: FALSE are required under Explanation: Employers usually have about one HR employment laws to professional per 100 employees Small firms (say, those have at least one full- with less than 100 employees) generally not have the time human resource critical mass required for a full-time human resource manager on staff manager 44) Transactional HR Answer: FALSE groups focus on Explanation: Corporate HR groups focus on assisting top assisting top management in big picture issues such as developing a management in big firm's long-term strategic plan Transactional HR groups picture issues such as focus on providing specialized HR support on daily developing a firm's transactional HR activities like benefits administration long-term strategic plan 45) An embedded HR Answer: FALSE unit focuses on using Explanation: The transactional HR group focuses on centralized call centers using centralized call centers and vendors (such as and benefits advisors benefits advisors) to provide specialized support in day- to provide specialized to-day transactional HR activities to the company's support employees The embedded HR unit assigns HR generalists to departments to provide the assistance the departments need 46) IBM isolates HR Answer: FALSE functions into silos, Explanation: According to IBM's senior vice president of which enables teams human resources, the traditional HR organization of HR specialists to improperly isolates HR functions into "silos" such as focus on the needs of recruitment, training, and employee relations He says specific groups of this silo approach means there's no one team of HR employees specialists focusing on the needs of specific groups of employees OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR 16 terms 13 terms Relg Rationality final info sys informations sy stem security 10 terms 16 terms info sys networking and communication questio ns info sys data and datab ases questions ... managers? people to get results, and hiring and retaining good A) Economic people is the objective of HRM challenges facing the world call for advanced cost-cutting and streamlining B) Investing in... 10 terms 16 terms info sys networking and communication questio ns info sys data and datab ases questions

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Why is human resource management important to all managers quizlet?

Why is HR management important to all managers? - Avoid personnel mistakes. - Improve profits and performance. The right to make decisions, to direct the work of others, and to give orders.

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