Which of the following best explains why the Mexican economy faltered despite help from the International Monetary Fund as argued in the passage?

Civil society organizations and broad movements of protest can facilitate collective action by popular groups of the
poor and disenfranchised endowing them with a greater capacity to shape institutions and policy agendas. . . . With
the growth of inequality in many countries . . . conditions for the empowerment of and civic action by popular
groups are much less [positive]. . . . [T]he material insecurity provoked by deindustrialization and labor market
deregulation have contributed to the loss of the material and organizational resources essential for collective
action. . . ." Some argue, "that growing inequalities not only "inevitably install large resource disparities in the political arena," they also "inhibit coalition formation. . . ." [T]hese conditions have had a particularly profound impact in the democracies that have emerged since the 1970s, most of which inherited highly inegalitarian social and political structures caused by prolonged periods of
authoritarianism. In many new democratizing settings . . . globalization and austerity policies reinforced inherited
patterns of inequality. . . . Thus, socioeconomic inequality itself makes it harder for the poor to organize and contest
the growth of inequality. This trap affects many new democracies and, at its root, is caused by the fact that they have, on average, weaker civil societies compared to older, established democracies.

Source: "Civil Society and Democracy in an Era of Inequality," Comparative Politics (April 2017), pp. 391-409

According to the author, which of the following economic policies is most likely to successfully address the problems discussed in the passage?

China has taken a multi-pronged approach in its economic relations with Africa, according to Deborah Brautigam
[of] Johns Hopkins School of Advanced and International Studies. China is a significant source of foreign direct
investment in Africa; offers development loans to resource-rich nations . . . invests in agriculture; and develops
special trade and economic cooperation zones in several states . . . "Chinese banks and companies are offering
finance that allows them to secure a greater share of the business deals in Africa as part of their move to 'go
global.' This brings with it risks for African borrowers—but also opportunities," writes Brautigam.
Chinese financing comes often in the form of loans and credits provided by the People's Bank of China, the China
Development Bank, the Export-Import Bank of China, and the China-Africa Development Fund. Between 2000
and 2014, Chinese banks, contractors, and the government loaned more than $86 billion to Africa . . . However,
these large loans are beginning to raise questions about debt loads in African countries, showing indications of a
potential debt crisis.

According to the passage, which of the following is the most likely implication of China's current economic
policies toward African nations?

Sets with similar terms

Which of the following accurately explains a consequence of economic liberalization policies in China?

Which of the following accurately explains a consequence of economic liberalization policies in China? Economic liberalization in China created job growth on the east coast, causing migration from the west to the east.

Which of the following explains how the IMF affected the outcome of the Russian economic transition in the 1990s?

Which of the following explains how the IMF affected the outcome of the Russian economic transition in the 1990s? The IMF provided financial assistance to Russia, which influenced the types of restructuring Russia could undertake.

Which of the following is an implication of the author's argument for international trade between Western countries and oil rich countries?

Which of the following is an implication of the author's argument for international trade between Western countries and oil-rich countries? Oil-rich countries should nationalize oil resources to reduce political influence of foreign governments.

Which of the following is a feature shared by the political systems of Great Britain and Russia?

Which of the following is a feature shared by the political systems of Great Britain and Russia? Separate individuals serving as head of state and head of government.