Which of the following can manage OS and application as a single unit encapsulating them?

-a set of virtual hardware devices, including virtual CPU, virtual RAM, virtual I/O devices, and other virtual hardware devices. It resembles and behaves like a traditional, physical server and runs a traditional operating system (OS), such as Windows or Linux
-many VMs can run on each physical host concurrently
-VMs running on the same host are isolated from one another
-The OS installed on the VM is unaware that it is running in a VM
-Administrators and users in one VM cannot access the underlying host OS or the guest OS of other VMs running on the same host.
-Virtual Machine can be, Server (Virtual Server), Desktop (Virtual Desktop), VM Guest OS or classic part of computer can be call Virtual CPU (vCPU), virtual Disk (vDisk) etc.

-security for virtual enviornments refers to the tools necessary to control access to and use of all of the other layers of virtualization technology.
-Depending upon the Approach:
-security can require a small piece of software, often called an agent, to be added to each virtual resource or
-Capture the stream of network communication going from server to server, from application to application, from storage device to server. This way, a great deal of processing can be done on each stream of communication to filter out worms, viruses, malware, and the like. This function is often combined with other management functions, such as configuration management, performance management, or automation of tasks. This approach does not require that agents be installed on each resource.

- Cut development time: PaaS offerings usually provide pre-coded application components for faster programming such as application search and workflow, security, and directory services.
- Cost savings: End-users save money by offloading hardware, software, and programming purchases to the service provider. And since development is faster, businesses can avoid the extra expense of new programmers and IT admins.
- Faster cross-platform and mobile development: Some PaaS providers build their environments around mobile application development, and/or cross-platform portability. This makes mobile and cross-platform apps quicker and easier to develop and upgrade.
- Flexible and affordable services: End-users can choose the features they want on a pay-as-you-go basis including advanced programming and analytics tools.
- Geographically distributed teams: Remote teams can work together using the same development environment, and development can run 24x7 if development teams are in multiple time zones.
- Efficient development lifecycle: PaaS environments provide full lifecycle services including application programming, testing, deploying, managing, hosting, and updating. Individual offerings will differ in how extensive each lifecycle offering is. Increase developer
Innovation: High costs of computing infrastructure and programming tools can stymie development
- innovation and experimentation. development teams. Cost-effective PaaS encourages innovative development teams.
- Scalability: Extremely scalable cloud infrastructure enables PaaS developers to rapidly provision computing infrastructure, and to offer high performance cloud applications to massive end-user communities.

•Reduced capital expenditure and predictable operational expenditure: Companies access Software as a Service in return for a monthly fee, so they pay for the software as they use it. Since it is the responsibility of the SaaS provider to purchase and maintain all the infrastructure required to run the application, companies that adopt SaaS can avoid the large up-front capital outlays on hardware and software licenses associated with running applications on-premise. Instead SaaS customers fund their software usage with predictable monthly operational expenditure.
•Scalability: Software as a Service providers operate out of clouds with resources that are practically unlimited, enabling customers to scale their software usage almost indefinitely. That means that customers can pay for what they need: if they need to add users as they grow, or following an acquisition, they can do so almost instantly without worrying about resource capacity or needing to think about over-provisioning resources to allow for possible further expansion.
- Flexibility: Implementing a new application takes most businesses many months and involves purchasing and installing hardware, installing the software, implementing backup and disaster recovery procedures, testing, and rolling the software out to users. By contrast users can be up and running with SaaS applications in the cloud in a matter of hours.
- More efficient software management: A Software as a Service provider running its software in the cloud can often manage its product on behalf of all its customers much more efficiently than individual companies running their own instances of an application in-house. That's because of economies of scale and because the SaaS provider builds up expertise running its own software. :
- SaaS customers also enjoy the benefits of software that is automatically updated with bug fixes and security patches - and upgraded periodically to include new features - without the need for any action on their part.
- A side-benefit of this is that corporate IT staff can be freed from the often tedious and time-consuming tasks of maintaining software and carrying out upgrades to work on more productive IT tasks.
•Accessibility: Since SaaS applications are accessed over the Internet, that means that users can access the software from anywhere, using anything from an office PC to a tablet or smartphone. And because data is stored in the cloud that also means that there are no data synchronization issues: mobile workers can use the most up-to-date data, and any data that they enter is immediately available to all other corporate users.
•Resilience: Since SaaS applications are hosted in the cloud, along with the associated data, that means that in the event of a disaster at a customer's premises the application and data will be unaffected and still be accessible from a backup location or via mobile devices.

•Security risks: Using SaaS applications necessarily involves moving data outside the corporate network and entrusting it to a third party. Although there are security standards that SaaS companies have to adhere to, and arguably they are likely to have more expertise and resources to dedicate to cloud security, entrusting data to a third party involves some risk.
•Poor Performance: Since SaaS applications rely on a connection between the end-user and the cloud, it may be that insufficient bandwidth is available for the desired number of people to access Software as a Service with acceptable performance.
•Difficulty integrating with other applications: Many applications run by businesses share data with other applications that the company uses. But if an application is run in the cloud that can make it harder for integrations to be carried out with applications run on-premise, or with other SaaS apps running in the cloud. The good news is that integrating SaaS applications is not nearly as hard as integrating on-premise applications, because they have usually been designed with exposed APIs for integration. Tools from vendors including Jitterbit, Dell Boomi, SnapLogic, Mulesoft, are available to build integrations that are not already built in to SaaS applications.
•Data availability and downtime worries: Any time data is stored outside the corporate network there is a danger that it will be inaccessible due to a service outage at the SaaS provider's cloud - although arguably this is likely to occur less frequently than an application outage in a corporate data center. A more serious problem is that a Software as a Service provider could go out of business, taking all the data with it.
- A related problem is that Software as a Service customers risk being "locked in" to their SaaS provider if the provider does not have practical provisions in place for customers to retrieve their data or move it to an alternative SaaS provider within a reasonable timeframe and at a reasonable cost.
•Lack of access to open source code: There are many benefits to using open source applications, including the ability to alter the code to suit particular needs. But when open source applications are accessed from the cloud using the SaaS model companies no longer have the capability to alter the source code, and are instead reliant on the SaaS provider carrying out customizations on the code that is offered as a service.

Sets with similar terms

Which of the following can manage OS and application as a single unit by encapsulating them?

It is a means of separating hardware from a single operating system. Which one is NOT generally a change after Virtualization? c. Can manage OS and application as a single unit by encapsulating them into virtual machines.

What are the 2 types of full virtualization systems?

Full Virtualization.
Operating System..
Virtual Machine..
Federal Information System..
Guest Operating System..

Which is most commonly used for managing the resources for every virtual system?

That's called system virtualization. It most commonly uses the hypervisor for managing the resources for every virtual system. The hypervisor is a software that can virtualize the hardware resources. Virtualization, changing the mindset from physical to logical.

What is OS virtualization in cloud computing?

OS Virtualization or Operating System Virtualization works as the last mode of Cloud Computing Virtualization. It is the mode of virtualization of the server. OS Virtualization means in which we use software that lets system hardware run different operating systems on a single computer.