Which of the following characteristics of cloud allows user to provide service to multiple clients?

Explanation: Answer options E, D, C, and B are correct.
They are all characteristics of cloud computing:

On demand self-services: Computer services such as email, applications, network, or server service can be delivered without needing human interaction with each service provider.
Broad network access: Cloud capabilities are accessible over the network and accessed via standard mechanisms that support the use of heterogeneous thin or thick client platforms such as mobile phones, laptops, and PDAs.
Resource pooling: The computing resources of the providers are pooled together and use the multiple-tenant model, with different virtual and physical resources dynamically assigned and reassigned depending on the consumer demand for serving multiple consumers.
Rapid elasticity: Cloud services can be rapidly and elastically provisioned in order to quickly scale out and rapidly released in order to quickly scale in. The capabilities that are present for provisioning generally appear unlimited to the consumer, and can be bought in any quantity at any time.
Measured service: The resource usage of cloud computing can be measured, controlled, and reported and provides transparency for the provider and consumer of the utilized service. Cloud computing services make use of a metering capability that controls and optimizes the use of resources.
Multi Tenacity: It refers to the requirement for policy-driven enforcement, segmentation, isolation, governance, service levels, and chargeback/billing models for different consumer constituencies.

Explanation: Answer options D, B, and A are correct.
Virtualization offers several benefits:

Maximizes the utilization of resources.
Simplified and elastic provisioning
Workload balancing
Dynamic fault tolerance against software failures (through rapid bootstrapping or rebooting).
Ability to quickly perform proof-of-concepts with little or no capital investment
Hardware fault tolerance (through migration of a virtual machine to different hardware).
Securely separate virtual operating systems.
Support legacy software without having to support their underlying old, EOL'd hardware
Answer option C is incorrect. Virtualization is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as an operating system, a server, a storage device, or network resources. The technology enables a more efficient utilization of existing computing resources. For example, with virtualization technology, you can run multiple operating systems concurrently on a single physical server, where each operating system runs as a self-contained computer. It The goal of virtualization is usually a more effective use of resources.


With cloud computing, you don’t have to sign long-term contracts. You pay only for what you use, the duration of your use. You can pay in minutes, hours, or seconds.


Because of customer use of resources, which may change at any point in time, your computing resources also scale accordingly and automatically.


The management of hardware resources that is integral to traditional methods of computing is not done by you. Your cloud provider will handle that. In other words, your cloud provider provides you with the server. Your duty is to upload your code, and they execute it. This way, the whole process looks serverless.

On-demand self-services

With cloud computing, you are able to administer your computing resources. You are able to provide, monitor, and manage computing resources as you want.

Resource pooling

This characteristic prevents resources by cloud providers from becoming dormant. Resource pooling means that resources are shared to serve multiple clients at one time.

Broad network access

The client can access the cloud data or transfer data to the cloud from any place with just a device and an internet connection at any time.


Security is one other important characteristic of cloud computing. Data security, physical security, security from natural disasters, etc. is assured.

The Essential Characteristics of Cloud Computing are:

  • On-demand self service
  • Multi-tenancy and resource pooling
  • Broad network access
  • Rapid elasticity and scalability
  • Resource pooling
  • Measured and reporting service
  • Automation
  • Resilience
  • Large Network Access
  • Work from any location
  • Comfortable payment structure
  • Service Excellence
  • Easy maintenance
  • Flexibility
  • Economical and Security
  • Availability

Which of the following characteristics of cloud allows user to provide service to multiple clients?

Let’s discuss them in detail:

On-demand self-service

Cloud computing delivers on-demand service. It provides the feature of monitoring server uptime with computing capabilities to the end-users. Cloud computing provides pre-defined network storage that enables the end-users to monitor their computing capabilities. Cloud computing works on a self-service model.

They help end-users to make better decisions as they know how to use cloud computing services.

Multi-tenancy and resource pooling

One of the most important features of cloud technology is multi-tenancy. It can be defined as the software architecture that enables the single program instance to provide services to multiple end-users. This feature enables the usage of the same computing resources by multiple customers.

Broad network access

Cloud computing is achieved through standard computing mechanisms, and this feature helps promote heterogeneous thick and thin client platforms.

Examples of such platforms comprise mobile phones, laptops, dedicated workstations, and tablets. The capabilities are delivered across multiple networks. Cloud computing, therefore, helps break barriers and boundaries as they function across multiple geographies.

Rapid elasticity and scalability

The cloud computing capabilities can be released elastically. It enables you to scale the cloud computing services inward and outward, and it helps to be commensurate with the dynamic demand posted by the end-users.

Resource pooling

Cloud computing delivers affordable resource pooling solutions. With resource pooling, organizations can reduce substantial computing costs, and it helps in the dynamic pooling of resources that enable them to deliver computing services to several consumers.

Measured and reporting service

Cloud systems offer the metering capability to monitor, control, and optimize the usage of cloud resources. This feature can be defined as a measured service.

The metering capability is placed at some level of the abstraction of applicable services. Therefore, this feature enables transparency for both the provider of service and the consumer.


Through automation, IT teams and developers maintain and modify cloud services. When cloud infrastructure is in place, it ensures minimum interaction from humans. All the configurations are installed to ensure the monitoring and maintenance of cloud computing services, and such configurations are mostly automated. Therefore, automation in cloud computing facilitates the faster expansion of cloud services.


Cloud computing delivers continuous server uptime, and hence it offers resilient services. It offers the capability to recover from any service interruption. The cloud service provider also develops strategies that boost disaster management, achieved by maintaining backup cloud nodes.

Large Network Access

Cloud computing is so versatile that it enables its users to access cloud services. These fundamental characteristics of Cloud Computing also enable them to upload data to the cloud from anywhere. For this, you need to have a decent internet connection and a robust device that helps make a connection to the cloud.

Work from any location

Cloud computing promotes the feature of remote working. It helps the end-user function, work, or deliver remote services from any location. Users are therefore able to access company data even on their smartphones or through laptops. It also enables users to connect with one another quickly.

Comfortable payment structure

Cloud computing offers a flexible payment structure that plays an important role in the cost-cutting of organizations. Pricing varies based on the features and functionalities chosen by a customer.

The payment options provided by the cloud service providers to the end-users are very simple and streamlined, which aides them in saving on substantial costs and time.

Service Excellence

Cloud computing delivers end-users with a wide range of services. The cloud service providers share end users’ service level agreements with their clients.

It also provides documentation on how they would achieve continuous availability and bandwidth of their clients’ services.

Easy maintenance

Easy maintenance is one of the critical features of cloud computing. The client is never involved in maintenance-related services. Its managed by the cloud computing provider. The maintenance services are so well planned that the downtime remains significantly low. Moreover, the cloud undergoes regular updates that help in capability optimization.


The end-users benefit from the flexibility offered by the cloud services when they host data in the dedicated cloud. This ensures that the end-users can do away from traditional hosting techniques wherein they had to change or switch the service providers more frequently.

Economical and Security

This feature is one of the key aspects of cloud computing. It helps the big organizations to save a substantial amount on IT-related expenditure. You need to pay a small fee to the third-party providers to ensure that the cloud space is adequately administered and maintained. This also helps in boosting security in exchange for a nominal fee.


Cloud computing offers highly resilient services, and the cloud services are available for 24 x7 duration if the cloud resource faces downtime, the system recovers and starts within no time.

While the cloud service makes a recovery, information stored in servers, networks, and databases remains to be secured. Since cloud services can be accessed from any geographical location, their services remain available most of the time.


❓ What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is defined as the process of providing computing resources such as storage, applications, databases, software, and services. It also includes networking capabilities done on-demand self-service basis.

The cloud service providers deliver these services by hosting such services from remote servers. They charge their end-users monthly or as per the usage policy aligned with the cloud facility. They deliver computing services without the need of having physical resources.

Cloud servers can be distributed across multiple locations. Due to the ever-increasing need for data storage requirements posted by big organizations, cloud computing has become popular as it delivers a cost-effective solution.

⚡ Why utilize Cloud computing?

Here are the reasons for using Cloud Computing:

  • They help in cost reduction in terms of procuring new software and hardware.
  • They deliver highly scalable business solutions.
  • They help raise the capacity to cater to the ever-increasing business needs of large organizations.
  • Cloud computing is reliable as they offer backup and inexpensive ways to recover data.
  • They deliver effective and productive solutions to help in doing time and cost management.
  • They also offer security and, at the same time, make computing resources easily accessible.
  • They help end-users of enterprises to access applications and services efficiently. They need not worry about their complex business structure.

Which of the following characteristics of cloud allow user to provide service to multiple client using the same physical equipment?

Multi-tenancy and resource pooling Multi-tenancy allows multiple customers to share the same applications or the same physical infrastructure while retaining privacy and security over their information.

Which of the following characteristic of cloud allows user to provide service to?

One of the most important features of cloud technology is multi-tenancy. It can be defined as the software architecture that enables the single program instance to provide services to multiple end-users. This feature enables the usage of the same computing resources by multiple customers.

Which of the following are characteristics of cloud services?

Characteristics of Cloud Computing Services.
Available On-Demand. Cloud services are expected to be available on-demand. ... .
Accessible from a Network. Cloud services are generally accessible from the public Internet. ... .
Resource Pooling ("Overbooking") ... .
Elastic Scalability. ... .
Measured Service. ... .
Service Level Agreements. ... .

What are the characteristics of cloud?

Cloud computing is composed of 5 essential characteristics, viz: On-demand Self Service. Broad Network Access. Resource Pooling.