Which of the following circumstances led in part to the drafting of a new constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation quizlet?

Why was the Missouri Compromise significant?

a.)It led to a revival of the Federalist party.
b.)It let states decide for themselves whether to allow or forbid slavery.
c.)It decided the election of 1824 without any consideration for the popular vote.
d.)It highlighted divisions over slavery that had been growing since the nation gained independence.

d.)It highlighted divisions over slavery that had been growing since the nation gained independence.

Which of the following was a major economic shift in the North in the early 19th century?

a.)The development of steamboats was part of a transportation revolution in the North.
b.)With the invention of interchangeable parts, many crafts became mechanized in factories.
c.)Improvements in transportation facilitated a shift in population from the northern states to the southern ones.
d.)Free-labor ideology created closer ties between the North and the South.

b.)With the invention of interchangeable parts, many crafts became mechanized in factories.

For what purpose was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

a.)To satisfy a commitment made to Anti-Federalists during ratification to clarify the unalienable rights that all Americans possess
b.)To separate the three branches of government from each other, as promised to the Federalists during ratification
c.)To satisfy Alexander Hamilton's concern that too much power was being concentrated in the hands of the people
d.)To satisfy Thomas Jefferson's demand that a framework by which new rights could be added to the Constitution be established

a.)To satisfy a commitment made to Anti-Federalists during ratification to clarify the unalienable rights that all Americans possess

Which of the following circumstances led in part to the drafting of a new Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation?

a.)High inflation wreaked havoc on the national economy.
b.)Soldiers were required to continue serving after the war.
c.)Politicians encouraged uprisings against their opponents.
d.)Economic regulations set by Britain were still in force.

a.)High inflation wreaked havoc on the national economy.

Which of the following statements might have been said by an Anti-Federalist?

a.)"Dividing the federal government into three branches will sufficiently protect our individual liberties."
b.)"Our nation is not large enough to necessitate or benefit from a republican form of government."
c.)"A strong central government will concentrate too much power in the hands of an elite few."
d.)"A pure democracy would devolve into mob rule and the blind following of tyrants."

c.)"A strong central government will concentrate too much power in the hands of an elite few."

What problems might a government founded today under the Articles of Confederation have?

a.)The state governments have no control over the national government.
b.)The state governments are not allowed to have their own militias.
c.)The national government has the power to tax, but it isn't representative.
d.)The national government cannot enforce treaties with foreign powers.

d.)The national government cannot enforce treaties with foreign powers.

Which of the following statements about political tensions during the Jackson administration is true?

a.)Jackson questioned the right of the federal government to pass tariffs at all.
b.)All of the southern states nullified the federal government's tariff.
c.)Southern plantation owners believed tariffs did more harm than good.
d.)Jackson sent military into South Carolina to enforce federal law.

c.)Southern plantation owners believed tariffs did more harm than good.

Which of the following quotations best represents the cultural attitudes associated with the Second Great Awakening?

a.)"It is time to reject traditional ties to Great Britain's institutions and create our own denominations."
b.)"What begins as a glass with friends soon devolves into poverty and disease and ultimately suicide."
c.)"My doctrine then is, that whatever it is morally right for man to do, it is morally right for woman to do."
d.)"Public roles as reformers and moral guides for society reflect traditional roles in the home."

a.)"It is time to reject traditional ties to Great Britain's institutions and create our own denominations."

Which of the following statements about the French Revolution might have been said by a Federalist?

a.)"Our independence from Britain is still delicate, so we should support them all we can."
b.)"The violence and aggression in France is shocking and cannot be condoned."
c.)"We sympathize with the French, but ultimately it is not our place to get involved."
d.)"The French supported us in our revolution, so we should support them in theirs."

b.)"The violence and aggression in France is shocking and cannot be condoned."

Which of the following statements about the divided political climate during the administrations of George Washington and John Adams is true?

a.)Partisan newspapers incited criticism of, and dissatisfaction with, the administrations.
b.)The administrations of Washington and Adams represented the Anti-Federalist party and its economic policies.
c.)Voters were angered that much of the conflict between the two parties happened in private.
d.)John Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts to reverse the positions Washington had held.

a.)Partisan newspapers incited criticism of, and dissatisfaction with, the administrations.

Which of the following statements about the southern economy before the Civil War is true?

a.)The southern climate was ideal for the cultivation of cotton.
b.)Slavery began to diminish after the invention of the cotton gin.
c.)Cotton was important in the South, but not to the nation as a whole.
d.)The slave population continued to grow as new slaves were imported from abroad.

a.)The southern climate was ideal for the cultivation of cotton.

Which of the following did many young women see as a positive aspect of working in the Lowell mills?

a.)Working apart from the family with other young women created a sense of independence and solidarity.
b.)There was a greater amount of leeway toward social norms in the mills than in the women's families.
c.)Women were only expected to work 4-6 hours a day, giving them ample free time.
d.)Employers encouraged the formation of labor unions and negotiated win-win contracts.

a.)Working apart from the family with other young women created a sense of independence and solidarity.

Which of the following complicated Jefferson's ability to create an "empire of liberty" in the west?

a.)Private citizens were not entitled to any property in the Western territories.
b.)The United States didn't have enough people yet to settle the newly acquired lands.
c.)Much of the land was claimed by Native Americans, who were forced to give it up.
d.)Native Americans were to be given their own lands in the west, under the jurisdiction of the federal government.

c.)Much of the land was claimed by Native Americans, who were forced to give it up.

Which of the following led in part to the War of 1812?

a.)Passage of the Embargo Act under Thomas Jefferson
b.)Alliance with the French for assistance against Native Americans
c.)Impressment of American sailors by British vessels in the Atlantic
d.)A failed attempt by loyalists to establish an American monarchy

c.)Impressment of American sailors by British vessels in the Atlantic

Which of the following was a cause of Indian Removal from the American South?

a.)An executive order issued by Andrew Jackson commanded it.
b.)The desire of the Cherokee to begin purchasing slaves.
c.)Fear of rebellions and conspiracies convinced the government to remove native populations.
d.)Elements of white supremacy reinforced perceptions that America belonged to the white man.

d.)Elements of white supremacy reinforced perceptions that America belonged to the white man.

Which of the following quotations represents most Americans' attitudes toward deference by the 1820s?

a.)"All free men should be allowed to vote, regardless of race."
b.)"Voting rights should be strict to prevent 'mobocracy.'"
c.)"Men of virtue like Thomas Jefferson should lead while others follow."
d.)"The franchise should be expanded to include most white men."

d.)"The franchise should be expanded to include most white men."

Which of the following statements would most likely have been spoken by a supporter of Andrew Jackson?

a.)"The government is morally responsible for making sure the infrastructure is up to date."
b.)"The president should veto legislation that expands the federal government."
c.)"Limiting the use of alcohol will greatly improve our society"
d.)"Sectional divides between Americans are our biggest concern."

b.)"The president should veto legislation that expands the federal government."

Which of the following was a cause of Indian removal from the American South quizlet?

Which of the following was a cause of Indian Removal from the American South? The emergence of some Native American tribes as sustainable economic competitors threatened white developers.

Which of the following practices led in part to the creation of Jay's Treaty between the United States and Great Britain in 1794?

Which of the following practices led in part to the creation of Jay's Treaty between the United States and Great Britain in 1794? Britain had captured hundreds of American ships trading with the French.

Which of the following quotations best represents the cultural attitudes associated with the temperance movement quizlet?

Which of the following quotations best represents the cultural attitudes associated with the Temperance movement? "Drunkenness has the potential to destroy the morality of our nation, so it must be countered by all means."

Which of the following led in part of the War of 1812?

Causes of the war included British attempts to restrict U.S. trade, the Royal Navy's impressment of American seamen and America's desire to expand its territory.