Which of the following contributed to the rise of age segregation in contemporary society?

B)rise of secondary education.C)decrease in family values.D)increase of extracurricular activities.Answer: C6. A group of individuals who are born during a particular time period (e.g., the baby boomers) isknown as what?

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7.Following the end of World War II, many parents wanted to have children as soon aspossible, creating what has come to be called the postwar:

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8.During the first half of the 21st century, the adolescent population is expected to:

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9.As a social scientist who works with advocacy groups, it is most likely that ProfessorSandburg would be interested in tracking the size of the adolescent population over aperiod of time for all of the following reasons,except:A)he wants to see how funds are allocated for such things as social services, education,and health care.B)he wants to understand the behavior of different cohorts.C)he wants to see how these groups are influenced by the mass media.D)he wants to see the degree of political or social influence that given cohorts have.Answer: C

10.According to some commentators, teenagers have become separate from adult society toTB-5 | 2

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