Which of the following correctly details the techniques of reflecting feelings

The most immediate and potentially powerful tense for a reflection of feeling is:

    A) past tense.
  B) present tense.
  C) future tense.
  D) all tenses have equal power.

Q. 2

The check-out is important because:

    A) it provides the client room to clarify things that the interviewer may have missed.
  B) it tends to clarify what the client has been saying.
  C) if the counselor is wrong, the client can come back and restate the issue more clearly.
  D) All of these

Q. 3

Which of the following correctly details the techniques of reflecting feelings?

    A) Sentence stem, feeling label, content summary, past tense, check-out
  B) Feeling label, brief context, sentence content, tense, check-out
  C) Sentence stem, feeling label, brief context, tense, check-out
  D) Feeling label, brief context, tense, check-out, closing

Q. 4

Which of the following is NOT an emotional word?

    A) Angry
  B) Excited
  C) Joyful
  D) Considerate

Q. 5

The effective salesperson:

    A) wisely ignores the feelings of her or his clients.
  B) carefully observes emotions so he or she can optimize sales.
  C) will note the feelings of clients and may regularly reflect them back.
  D) none of these

Q. 6

In order to reflect feeling, the interviewer must first identify the presenting emotion. Which of the following is NOT a method to identify feelings?

    A) Match one of the primary emotions to client behavior.
  B) With a closed question, ask the client to supply the missing feeling word.
  C) Ask an open question: How do you feel about that?
  D) Name the feeling expressed implicitly by client behaviors.

if you use paraphrases effectively, you may anticipate that the client will

Counselor response: "They keep making fun of your shoes?"
This response can be classified as

Encourage in the form of a restatement using Damaris's exact key words.

Which of the following is TRUE of an accurate paraphrase?

a. Learning a few key words in the client’s language.
b. Suggesting that the client talk about especially important issues in his/her own language and then translating them for the interviewer.
c. Becoming competent and knowledgeable in key aspects of a culture.
d. All of these

Summarizing encompasses a longer period of conversation and issues too

discussed by the client over several interviews. In summarizing, the interviewer attends to verbal and nonverbal comments from the client over a period of time and then selectively attends to key concepts and dimensions, restating them for the client as accurately as possible. The facts, thoughts, and emotions are included in the summary. A check-out at the end for accuracy is an important part of the summarization.

Which of the following might be useful for the interviewer who wishes to work with bilingual clients, even though not particularly skilled in the languages of the client

A. Learning a few keywords and the client’s language.
B. Suggesting that the client talk about especially important issues in his or her own language and then translating them for the interviewer.
C. Becoming competent and knowledgeable in key aspects of a culture.
D. All of these

To master the skills of gold, Tiger Woods

Practice, practice, practice

The first step in the eliciting and reflecting feelings is to recognize key emotional words expressed by the client. Which of the following is NOT an emotional word

Social emotions are built on primary emotions and are learned and family and cultural context.

Non-verbal indications of a client who is deeply emotional may most often include

a)Rapid breathing, speech hesitations, and facial flushing

Rapid breathing, speech hesitations, and facial flushing

Assuming you have sufficient trust to help a client increase emotional expression, you might try

A. commenting on their non-verbals, (correct)
B. asking them to repeat emotionally loaded words,(correct)
D. a and b are correct

Which of the following will NOT help you practice reflection of feeling?

D. focusing on integrating reflection of feeling with questioning and encouraging and paraphrasing

D. focusing on integrating reflection of feeling with questioning and encouraging and paraphrasing

Which of the following correctly details the techniques of reflecting feelings?

C. sentence stem, feeling label, brief context, tense, checkout

sentence stem, feeling label, brief context, tense, checkout

The emotional center of the brain is the

Which of the following emotional styles is accurately defined below?

Sensorimotor , Concrete , Abstract formal-operational , Abstract dialectic/systemic

If you're working in management, reflections of feeling

is often shortened to a brief acknowledge meant of feeling

To help clients decrease emotional expression, the following might be useful.

“let's stop for a moment and breathe deeply.")

The basic listening sequence can help ensure that

A. encouraged to bring out the facts feeling and thoughts around their issues,
B. clients tell their storys more fully,
C. interviewers reduce their talk time,
D. all of the above

When the interviewer links to an earlier client comment, introduces a new frame of reference, or uses the positive asset search, these are components of

Crespi studied teenagers on death row and found

These were not pleasant
individuals, but Tony found that they had experienced
an average of 10 identifiable events of abuse, incest,
trauma, and neglect as they grew up. Small wonder
that they lack understanding and respect for others!
Crespi's findings suggest that life events have produced
their lack of empathy, with resultant less firing
of mirror neurons. Some believe that genetics are the
cause" of antisocial and acting-out behavior. But it is
also clear that we need to understand and consider the
likely developmental history of individuals exhibiting
such behavior.

"Robert, I'd like to know some things that have gone well for you at work." Identify the stage from the five-stage dimensions of the interview where an interviewer would most likely use this statement.

paraphrase, structuring, open question, and beginning positive asset search

"Mobility" is to "immobility" as cultural intentionality is to

A. stuckness
B. impasse
C. blocked
D. all of the above

not a direct, harsh challenge. Think of it, rather, as a more gentle
that involves listening to the client carefully and respectfully; and, then, seeking to I
the client examine self or situation more fully. Confrontation is not "going against"
client; it is "going with" the client, seeking clarification and tlic possibility of a crea
New, which enables resolution of difficulties.

Which one of the following is NOT a technique to supportively challenge or confront a client?

match tonal quality with the client during the feedback of discrepancies.

According to the authors, direct confrontation may be inappropriate for

Asian, Latina/ Latino, and Native American clients

The reality of the story is acknowledged during _______ of the Client Change Scale

1. I feel sad because my friend and I had a serious argument

A. Sensorimotor (correct)
B. Concrete
C. Formal Operational
D. Dialectic/Systematic

As I reflect on it, I think I am sad in many such situations. Loss and difficulties between people really trouble me.

A. Sensorimotor
B. Concrete
C. Formal Operational (correct)
D. Dialectic/Systematic

Perhaps my sadness is representative of my family and cultural background. We gave so much attention to getting along that I have real trouble in dealing with conflict. None of us ever argued.

A. Sensorimotor
B. Concrete
C. Formal Operational
D. Dialectic/Systematic (correct)

Angry eyes, blazing with fire, "DAMMIT"

A. Sensorimotor (correct)
B. Concrete
C. Formal Operational
D. Dialectic/Systematic

I was walking down the hall in the high school and this group came up to me and called me a filthy name. I just came out as gay. I feel really angry about it.

A. Sensorimotor (correct)
B. Concrete
C. Formal Operational
D. Dialectic/Systematic

Well, as I think about it, it is good that I can get angry. In the past, I used to hide who I was. Perhaps I can feel a little better about myself as I allowed myself to get angry.

A. Sensorimotor
B. Concrete
C. Formal Operational (correct)
D. Dialectic/Systematic

This school really makes it hard for gays and lesbians to be themselves. It upsets me and makes me angry, but I also know that I've got to deal with the system as it is if I am ever going to help it change. Those who fear me are perhaps the ones who need the most help.

A. Sensorimotor
B. Concrete
C. Formal Operational
D. Dialectic/Systematic (correct)

Spirituality is vital in my culture. I have gained so much for my families observing all the Holy laws and rituals. I gain great comfort from my surroundings.

A. Sensorimotor
B. Concrete
C. Formal Operational
D. Dialectic/Systematic (correct)

The spirit is in me and I experience it right now as a warm, protecting feeling in my heart.

A. Sensorimotor (correct)
B. Concrete
C. Formal Operational
D. Dialectic/Systematic

Last night, we had a family ritual. The first thing we did was to sit down and pray together. I got a real feeling of comfort just in being there.

A. Sensorimotor
B. Concrete
C. Formal Operational
D. Dialectic/Systematic (correct)

As I think about it, my religion has always been and always will be a real comfort to me.

A. Sensorimotor
B. Concrete
C. Formal Operational (correct)
D. Dialectic/Systematic

What is an example of reflecting feelings?

For example, they might have hunched their shoulders as they said, 'I was so scared; I didn't know what to do. ' We might reflect that back by hunching our own shoulders, mirroring their body language while also saying 'I felt so scared; I didn't know what to do. '

What is the correct definition of a reflection of feelings?

a statement made by a therapist or counselor that is intended to highlight the feelings or attitudes implicitly expressed in a client's communication and to draw them out so that they can be clarified. Also called reflection response.

What are the reflection of emotions?

Reflection of feelings is a term used in psychology to describe when a counselor listens to what a patient says and then mirrors the patients' words and feelings to help the patient recognize and label their emotions.

What is the most powerful tense for reflection of feeling?

all of the above. The most immediate and potentially powerful tense for a reflection of feeling is: a. past tense.


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