Which of the following describes the process by which one screens selects organizes and interprets stimuli to give them meaning?

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Perception is reality.” Nowhere does that hold more true than for marketers trying to drive awareness, consideration and purchase of their products and services. The perceptions consumers have of a brand, its values and its products and services can have a dramatic impact on consumer purchase behavior. If a business can foster positive perceptions focused on these aspects, it’s likely to build a sustainable, loyal and growing customer base.

Just what is perception? Perception is defined as the process by which individuals select, organize and interpret stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world. It can be described as how we see the world around us. Two individuals may be exposed to the same stimuli, but how each person selects, organizes and interprets these stimuli is a highly individual process based on each person’s needs, values, past experiences and expectations.

Consumers act and react on the basis of their perceptions, not on the basis of objective reality. Thus, to marketers, consumers’ perceptions are much more important than their knowledge of objective reality. It is important that marketers understand perception and its related concepts to determine what factors influence consumers to make purchase decisions.

In consumer behavioral terms, perception is the result of two inputs that interact to form the personal evaluations that ultimately drive purchase:

• Physical stimuli from the outside environment

• People’s expectations and motives based on past experiences

While it’s difficult to impact the expectations and motives formed on past experiences, here’s how you, as a marketer, can impact the physical stimuli consumers perceive in the world around them.

What are physical stimuli?

Physical stimuli are any unit of input that impacts your sense of sight, smell, touch, hearing or taste. This could be anything from marketer-created stimuli such as a billboard or a display ad to stimuli that are more native to the environment (e.g., being jostled by a pedestrian on a busy street or the sound of crickets chirping in the suburbs at night).

How do stimuli impact consumer decision making?

External stimuli can impact many stages of the consumer decision making process, making it a critical consideration for marketers. For example, consider the first three stages of this process:

• Problem recognition: Problem recognition can be triggered by both internal and external stimuli. In the case of external stimuli, advertisements that consumers hear and see or discussions with friends or family members can prompt consumers to realize they have an unmet need awaiting fulfillment.

• Information search: External stimuli created by marketers are a critical component of the information search phase, especially for high involvement or new products. Consumers routinely look to websites, blogs, affiliates and discussion forums for insight into various product options to fulfill the problem they have recognized.

• Alternative evaluation: When evaluating various alternatives, consumers often look to create a list of determinant attributes, the most important attributes that drive purchase of a product or service, and they evaluate each alternative against those determinant attributes. Marketers can create external stimuli in the form of advertising to identify and communicate determinant attributes, as Pepsi famously did with freshness in the mid-1990s.

What role do marketers play in creating physical stimuli that influence perceptions?

Much of the discipline of marketing communications focuses on creating stimuli that positively influence consumer perceptions. Best practices in doing so include:

• Identifying your product’s value proposition: In order to influence perceptions, you need to define and document your product’s value proposition. Your value proposition is your big picture brand promise, the benefit your product or service uniquely provides. Defining your value proposition requires you to understand your target customers’ unmet needs and how your products, as well as that of your competitors, will fulfill those needs. Identifying gaps where your customers face unmet needs that are not fulfilled by competitors can help you to identify your product’s value proposition.

• Developing a holistic market communications strategy to influence perceptions: Marketers should document and share their strategic goals on an annual, bi-annual or quarterly basis depending on their company’s cadence. Doing so will enable them to identify and prioritize activities for the time period, and one of those activities might include building, influencing or changing consumer perceptions about their product or service.

• Developing a multichannel tactical strategy: Once you have a sense of your product’s value proposition (what you want to communicate about your product or service) as well as your marketing strategy (your goals for a defined time period), consider developing a thorough tactical plan that includes the marketing tactics you plan to launch during that time period, the objectives of each tactic, the channel, the spend and quantitative metrics you plan to measure. In order to more persuasively influence consumer perceptions, consider incorporating experiential marketing tactics into your plan. Unlike most marketing tactics that appeal to your sense of sight and/or sound (e.g., television commercials, print ads, radio spots, etc.), experiential marketing has the ability to engage more of a consumer’s senses and therefore may be more impactful in influencing consumer perceptions.

• Being aware of sensory adaptation: Consider how often your consumers experience sensory adaptation, the phenomenon of getting used to marketing tactics that stimulate certain sensations. Sensory adaptation often leads to consumers becoming less able to notice particular stimuli, like marketing tactics, in their environment. That’s why consistently evaluating the performance of your tactics and refreshing the creative is critical.

According to the 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer, 48% of American consumers do not trust businesses -- an increase in distrust since 2016. With so much distrust in businesses, marketers have a responsibility to positively influence consumer perceptions, especially if they have a strong value proposition that clearly improves the lives of their customers. Doing so doesn’t have to be guesswork. Grounding your tactical plan, or the stimuli you create, in a well-researched value proposition, could enable you to positively influence consumer perceptions -- and therefore their reality.

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Which of the following describes the process by which one screens selects organizes and interprets stimuli to give the meaning?

Perception. The process by which one screens, selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli to give them meaning.

What is the process by which an individual selects organizes and interprets?

Perception is the process by which individuals screen, select, organize, and interpret stimuli in order to give them meaning.

What is the perception process?

Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting information from our senses. Selection: Focusing attention on certain sights, sounds, tastes, touches, or smells in your environment. Something that seems especially noticeable and significant is considered salient.

Which term is used to describe the process of assigning meaning to stimuli?

Assigning meaning to stimuli is a part of the perceptual process called. interpreting. During perception, we assign meaning to stimuli. This is termed. interpretation.


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