Which of the following describes those powers that are shared by the national government and the states quizlet?

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Terms in this set (27)

Why did the Framers choose federalism?

The Framers wanted to avoid forming a government that was too powerful. Consequently, authority is divided powers between the national government and state governments.

what powers does the national government have?

borrow and coin money, levy taxes, raise armies...

what powers do state governments have?

draw electoral district lines, conduct elections, establish state court systems

what powers are shared by both the national government and the state governments?

collect taxes, provide for the health and welfare of people, build roads, borrow money

how does the Constitution limit the powers of the state and national governments?

The Bill of Rights limits national government. States are not allowed to coin money or tax imports and exports from other states; states cannot form armies or enter treaties with other nations

how dos the Constitution guide the relationships between the nation and the 50 states?

the Constitution describes the responsibilities that the national government and the states have toward one another

expressed powers

the powers explictly granted to Congress by the Constitution

implied powers

the powers assumed by the government that are not specifically listed in the Constitution

inherent powers

those delegated powers of the Constitution that are assumed to belong to the national government because of it is a sovereign state

reserved powers

the powers that are not specifically granted to the federal government nor denied to the states that are reserved for the states

concurrent powers

the power that is shared by both the federal and state governments

full faith and credit clause

the provision of hte Constitution that requires each state to honor the public acts, official records, and judicial proceedings of every other state

what role does the Supreme Court play in American federalism?

the supremacy clause of Article VI of the Constitution states that the Constitution, national laws and treaties made by national government are the supreme law of hte land

How was the government power divided in dual federalism

the powers of the national government included only those powers listed in the Constitution. All other powers were reserved to the states

what events caused the expansion of national power in the twentieth century?

Southern states tried to secede from the US due to disagreements over slavery; this led to the civil war

dual federalism

the time period when national and state governments were sen as equal authorities, operating over separate areas of influence, and hte authority of national government was limited to the expressed powers; "layer cake" federalism

doctrine of nullification

belief that states had the right to cancel federal laws with which they disagree

doctrine of secesion

idea that a state had the irght to separate from the Union

cooperative federalism

1930-1960 an era of federalism during which hte national and state government shared functional authority in board policy areas; also called marble cake federalism

creative federalism

1960-1980 period in which the naitonal government channeled federral funds to local governments and citizens groups to address problems states could or would not address; also called "picket fence" federalism

new federalism

1980-present the modern era in federalism in which authority that rested with the national government is being returned to the states; also called devolution


the modern trend in federalism in which more power is given back to the states; also known as new federalism

fiscal federalism

a system of spending, taxing and providing grants in the federal system

grants in aid

federal funds given to state and local governments for specific projects

categorical grants

a federal grant that can only be used for a specific purpose of state and local spending; these grants usually require the state contribute money in addition to the national money

block grants

federal grants given to state and local governments for broad purposes, such as welfare, community development, education, public health

federal mandates

regulations that the national government imposes on state and local governments

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Which of the following are powers shared by the national and state governments?

Concurrent powers refers to powers which are shared by both the federal government and state governments. This includes the power to tax, build roads, and create lower courts.

What powers are shared by the national and state governments quizlet?

Print money , make treaties,conduct foreign policies, declare war, provide army and navy, amend constitution, make laws necessary and proper to carry these powers. Which powers concentrate on establishing public schools systems?


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