Which of the following does your textbook recommend for adapting your nonverbal communication to the online environment?

dialect. What does your textbook say about speech dialects? all of the above: Most languages have dialects; Dialects are usually based on regional or ethnic speech patterns; No dialect is inherently better or worse than another dialect. What does your thick headed mean? what does thick headed mean.

What advice does your textbook give practicing speech delivery?

What advice does your textbook give for practicing speech delivery? Record the speech to check how it sounds. establish eye contact with the audience before you start to speak.

What does your textbook recommend regarding the last step of practicing delivery for a speech quizlet?

What does your textbook recommend regarding the last step of practicing delivery for a speech? Rehearse under conditions as close as possible to the actual speech situation.

Which of the following does your textbook recommend for adapting your nonverbal communication to the online environment?

Which of the following does your textbook recommend for adapting your nonverbal communication to the online environment? Keep your hands close to your face so the audience can see them.

What does your textbook say about contact for public speakers who address audiences in the United States?

What does your textbook say about eye contact for public speakers who address audiences in the United States? Speakers should look at the audience about 80 to 90 percent of the time they are talking.

Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do when rehearsing your first speech?

Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do when rehearsing your first speech? For your first speech, your textbook recommends trying to end on a clever or thought-provoking note. The topical method of speech organization follows a time pattern. -Rehearse the speech out loud.

When preparing a speech introduction you should?

An introduction should make the topic, purpose, and central idea clear. This might be a good place for you to review the material in Chapter 4 about writing central idea statements and specific purposes. For most speeches, the central idea and preview (Element 5) should come at the end of the introduction.

What does your textbook say about preparing effective speech conclusions?

What does your textbook say about preparing an effective speech conclusion? Make your conclusion about 5 to 10 percent of the entire speech. Keep an eye out for concluding materials as you research the speech.

What advice does your textbook give for practicing speech delivery concentrate on gaining control?

What advice does your textbook give for practicing speech delivery? Concentrate on gaining control of the ideas instead of learning the speech word for word. Practice your speech in front of a mirror to check for eye contact and distracting mannerisms.

What does your textbook recommend as the first step of practicing delivery group answer choices?

What does your textbook recommend as the first step of practicing delivery? Go through your preparation outline aloud to see if what is written works orally.

Which of the following is discussed in your textbook as a guideline for effective informative speaking?

Your textbook recommends comparison and contrast as ways to avoid abstractions in an informative speech. … Informative speakers should avoid explaining ideas in personal terms.

Which of the following is recommended by your textbook for an effective online speaking?

Which of the following is presented in your textbook as a guideline for online speaking? all the answers are correct: Control the visual environment; Adjust your pacing; Adapt your nonverbal communication.

Which of the following is recommended by your textbook as a way to improve your listening?

Which of the following is recommended by your textbook as a way to improve your listening? Suspend judgment until you hear all the speaker has to say.

Is the loudness or softness of your voice?

Volume “The loudness or softness of the speaker’s voice.” 2. Pitch “The highness or lowness of the speaker’s voice.” Use inflections, “changes in the pitch or tone of a speaker’s voice.” Avoid a monotone, “a constant pitch or tone of voice.” 3.

Is the lowness or highness of the speaker's voice?

Pitch. Pitch is the highness or lowness of a speaker’s voice. Changes in pitch are known as inflections.

What is a good speech delivery?

An ideal speech is one that is delivered slowly and in the usual tone. It helps the audience to hear and understand the message clearly. Another important feature of a good speech is that it should be delivered in an unbiased and unemotional way. Speaker’s emotion may drive him away from the main theme.

Which of the following does your textbook recommends that you do in the conclusion of your first speech?

Terms in this set (14) For your first speech, your textbook recommends trying to end on a clever or thought-provoking note.

When preparing a speech your textbook What should you recommend?

To prepare an effective speech introduction, your textbook recommends that you. 1. Get the attention and interest of your audience.

What is a good introduction for a speech?

A good introduction needs to get the audience’s attention, state the topic, make the topic relatable, establish credibility, and preview the main points. Introductions should be the last part of the speech written, as they set expectations and need to match the content.

What do you say at the end of a speech?

Use your conclusion as an opportunity to summarize the main points of your speech. Don’t repeat your main points word for word; rather, paraphrase the key themes and arguments you have just presented. Consider ending your speech with an additional anecdote or quotation that captures the theme of your speech.

What are the three most common reasons for speaking?

There are three general purposes that all speeches fall into: to inform, to persuade, and to entertain.

Which of the following is discussed in your textbook as a basic criterion for the effective use of language in public speaking group of answer choices?

Which of the following is discussed in your textbook as a basic criterion for the effective use of language in public speaking? According to your textbook, words refer to ideas or concepts rather than to tangible objects.

Which of the following is recommended by your textbook as a way to enhance the effectiveness?

Which of the following is recommended by your textbook as a way to enhance the effectiveness of your examples? Practice delivery to enhance your extended examples.

Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a guideline for a preparation outline group of answer choices?

Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a guideline for a preparation outline? Label the introduction, body, and conclusion. In a preparation outline, the specific purpose is usually stated after the introduction. Stating main points in a word or two is usually sufficient for a preparation outline.

What does it mean to say that a speech of introduction should be adapted to the main speaker?

What does it mean to say that a speech of introduction should be “adapted to the main speaker”? The speech should avoid creating discomfort for the main speaker. According to your textbook, the main purpose of a speech of presentation is to present. A gift or an award to the recipient.

What would be the best way to practice your speech?

  1. Practice in the room where you’ll be speaking, if you can.
  2. Stand up. You get more realistic voice projection.
  3. Rehearse with props and visual aids.
  4. Arrange an audience. …
  5. Consider what you will wear when your speech will be delivered.

When you reach the end of your speech you should maintain eye contact with the audience?

When you reach the end of your speech, you should maintain eye contact with the audience for a moment after you finish talking. A single practice session of two or three hours is usually the best way to rehearse your speech.

What advice does your textbook give practicing speech delivery?

What advice does your textbook give for practicing speech delivery? Record the speech to check how it sounds. establish eye contact with the audience before you start to speak.

What advice does your textbook give for practicing speech delivery group of answer choices?

What advice does your textbook give for practicing speech delivery? Do: Record the speech to check how it sounds. Do NOT: Prepare a speaking outline at the end of your rehearsal process, or try to limit yourself to a single practice session.

What does your textbook recommend regarding the last of practicing delivery for a speech?

What does your textbook recommend regarding the last step of practicing delivery for a speech? Rehearse under conditions as close as possible to the actual speech situation.

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to keep from plagiarizing?

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to steer clear of incremental plagiarism? Cite the sources of all quotations and paraphrases in your speech.

Which of the following are included in your textbook as guidelines for ethical?

Which of the following are included in your textbook as guidelines for ethical speechmaking? Be honest in what you say, be fully prepared for each speech, and make sure your goals are ethically sound. Explain your credibility on the speech topic. listening to the speaker courteously and attentively.

Which of the following is recommended by your textbook for effective online speaking quizlet?

Which of the following does your textbook recommend for giving an effective online speech? Both know your technology and control the visual environment.

Which of the following is discussed in your textbook as a good way to adjust the pacing of an online speech group of answer choices?

As your textbook explains, using visual aids can be a good way to vary the pacing of an online speech.

Which of the following is discussed in your textbook as a good way to adjust the pacing of an online speech?

Which of the following is discussed in your textbook as a good way to adjust the pacing of an online speech? Speak without notes. Use visual aids. Talk more slowly than in an in-person speech.

Which of the following does your textbook mention as advantage of extemporaneous delivery?

Which of the following does your textbook mention as an advantage of extemporaneous delivery? It allows greater spontaneity than does speaking from a manuscript.

When your textbook describes public speaking as a form of empowerment?

when your textbook describes public speaking as a form of empowerment, it means that bublic speaking is : a way to make a difference in something we care about.

Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do when rehearsing your first speech?

Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do when rehearsing your first speech? For your first speech, your textbook recommends trying to end on a clever or thought-provoking note. The topical method of speech organization follows a time pattern. -Rehearse the speech out loud.

Which of the following does your textbook recommend for developing your first classroom speech quizlet?

Which of the following does your textbook recommend for developing your first classroom speech? Be creative in structuring the speech, Use colorful, descriptive language, Describe an exciting experience.

How loud the speaker should speak depends on?

Volume. Volume is the loudness of the speaker. It is the psychological characteristic of physical strength (amplitude). … Determining the Volume: Higher amplitude will be perceived as louder sound.

What is the quality of sound heard?

timbre, also called timber, quality of auditory sensations produced by the tone of a sound wave. The timbre of a sound depends on its wave form, which varies with the number of overtones, or harmonics, that are present, their frequencies, and their relative intensities.

Which of the following is recommended by a textbook for effective online speaking?

Which of the following is presented in your textbook as a guideline for online speaking? all the answers are correct: Control the visual environment; Adjust your pacing; Adapt your nonverbal communication.

Which of the following is discussed in your textbook as a good way to adjust the pacing of an online speech quizlet?

Which of the following is discussed in your textbook as a good way to adjust the pacing of an online speech? Speak without notes.

Which of the following does your textbook recommend when you need to speak impromptu quizlet?

Which of the following does your textbook recommend when you need to speak impromptu? Both maintain eye contact with the audience and use signposts to help listeners keep track of your ideas.

Which of the following does your textbook recommend for doing speech research quizlet?

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as tips for doing research? Both think about your materials as you research and start researching your speech early. Both make a separate entry for each note and distinguish in her notes between paraphrases and direct quotations.


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