Which of the following explains how civil society interacts with politics in both Nigeria and Mexico quizlet?





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Terms in this set (118)


The process of expanding and intensifying linkages between states, societies, and economies is called?

Greenpeace is a good example of a(n)

nongovernmental organization.

The dominant political party in twentieth-century Mexico was the:

Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI).

Multinational Corporations (MNCs)

Firms that produce, distribute, and market their goods or services in more than one country

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

How MNCs contribute to the globalization of production

Cultural leveling

The process whereby through increasing interaction the cultures of the world will overtime become homogeneous

The World Trade Organization is a good example of a(n)?

intergovernmental organization

The elephant graph of global inequality over the past 35 years shows:

Rising middle class income growth in developing nations combined with a declining income growth for middle classes of rich developed nations.

How does a representative get elected to the House of the People in India?

winning the plurality of the vote on the first ballot in an SMD

International Regimes

Fundamental rules and norms that link states together and shape their relationships

Critics of globalization speak of the problem of a "democratic deficit," meaning:

the movement of power toward international organizations may reduce public representation and control.


A system wherein a state extends its power in order to directly control territory, resources, and people beyond its borders

Policy goals of the Washington Consensus:

Cutting government services, opening up to trade, and privatize state industries.

Iranians differ from much of the Middle East in that:

They are not Arabs and do not speak Arabic.


In first-past-the-post, single-member districts when district lines are drawn to maximize a parties possible wins


The term for the physical occupation of a foreign territory through military force, businesses, or settlers

Executive power in Iran lies primarily with the:

supreme leader and president

Special economic zones (SEZs)

try to attract foreign capital by creating areas where tariffs and regulations are reduced.

Policies required for loans by the IMF and World Bank to increase economic liberalization and reduce the states role in the economy in less-developed countries are often referred to as?

Structural adjustment policies or neoliberal development model

After World War II, many countries in Asia discarded import substitution and opted for a form of economic development that sought to build up its economy by producing for external markets rather than domestic ones. The approach is known as:

export-oriented industrialization

Poor countries under colonial rule went through a process of dependent development, which means that these countries

Developed to export primary commodities and import finished products.

For Karl Marx, which of the following was most important for explaining all human action?


For most of his career, Marx generally argued that communist revolution was most likely in

Countries where capitalism was most advanced.

When designing their communist systems both China and the USSR relied on:

Rudimentary ideas put forward by Marx combined with a lot of revisions and new ideas added by Lenin and Mao.

The transition to capitalism in Russia went through what was known as _______ and had mixed results. Comparatively, China's transition was more ______ with better economic results.

Shock therapy; gradual

China's legislature is known as the

National People's Congress

Which of the following was NOT a reason for the fall of the USSR

Television ads in Russia created a demand for Levi's and the people voted against communism in the next election.

One major problem in the Russian that emerged from the transition to capitalist democracy, and a pattern that has only increased recently under President Putin is?

Concentrated ownership of the nations natural resources and major industries in the hands of an oligarchy.

Gorbachev's perestroika was concerned with

economic and political reforms.

When comparing transitions to capitalism of former communist states, what issue do many argue was most important?

Pre-communist histories.

Both Russia's and China's approach to civil society and media has been and continues to be

Oppressive and censored with control of both tied to the leaders

Nondemocratic regimes are best defined as political systems in which

a small group of individuals exercises power over the state without being constitutionally responsible to the public.

What event of the early 1990s caused a sharp increase in the number of democracies in the world?

The collapse of the Soviet Union and communist bloc.

Country X holds regular elections for a legislature, though most of its citizens have little faith in the validity of the results. Its powerful military operates largely outside of the control of the government, but it does not control the actions of the government. The government executive wields enormous power, but there is also a judiciary that occasionally rules on constitutional matters. A number of political parties compete with each other, but the government regularly restricts their campaigning activities. Based on this description, in which category could Country X most reliably be placed?

illiberal regime

When an authoritarian leaders rule rests on encouraging the public to obey the leader based on his or her extraordinary qualities and compelling ideas, it is called:

Cult of Personality

Which of the following statements about populism is accurate?

Populism draws much of its power from an anti-institutional approach

A system in which states co-opt members of the public by providing specific benefits to a person in return for public support is:


China is an example of what type of authoritarian regime?

One party rule

Apart from coercion, dictators have two basic instruments to mobilize cooperation and to prevent rebellion, they are:

Policy concessions and distributions of rents

Which of the following statements best explains the difference between Brazil's and Nigeria's experience with military rule?

Unlike Brazil, the military regime in Nigeria succumbed to the resource trap.

Rentier State

The positive relationship between having vast amounts of a valuable natural resource and having a nondemocratic regime occurs through two related processes. The first increases the ability of rulers to buy off potential opponents through rent payments

Dutch disease

The second, know as _______, rests on how having a valuable resource prevents the development of other aspects of the economy and prevents middle class development and democratizing pressures

First world

During the Cold War, the developed democracies were commonly referred

Two issues increasing euroscepticism among EU members are:

Democratic deficit; Schengen area

Many suggest that developed democracies are undergoing significant social, political, and economic changes, becoming:


EU Parliament

This institution of the European Union government is chosen directly by the people of Europe


The process by which powers are sent down to local levels of government is known as

Germany, Canada, and the United States are comparable in ______ but very different in ______.

level of GDP per capita; their Gini index measure of inequality

The viability of the welfare state is most challenged by

increasingly old populations

Which of the following is correlated with leave votes in the UK Brexit referendum?

Regions hurt by increasing trade, trade shocks such as job losses or a decline in manufacturing.

What explains Mexican immigration to the United States even though Mexico has seen significant advances in democracy and economic growth in the last two decades?

poor farmers from the south losing jobs due to cheaper agricultural imports from the United States

Social Capital

Defined as "the collective value of social networks and shared norms that promote reciprocity, trust, and cooperation", the concept of ______ developed partially out of the work of Robert Putnam.

WTO is a good example of a(n):
a. multinational corporation.
b. nongovernmental organization.
c. intergovernmental organization.
d. global civil society.

c. Intergovernmental Organization

In which ways has China's transition from the communist model differed from that of Russia?
a. It nationalized more industries than it privatized.
b. It sought economic change with little political change.
c. It has actively promoted strong nationalism.
d. It has failed to expand its natural resources sector.

b. It sought economic change with little political change.

A system wherein a state controls territory, resources, and people beyond its borders is:


Globalization is associated with the growing power of non-state in three categories that are?


What did the Washington Consensus do?

In the 1980s it encouraged an increase in state power.

Which of the following can be described as totalitarian?
a. the Soviet Union under Stalin
b. Iraq under Saddam Hussein
c. Saudi Arabia under the Saud family
d. China under Xi Jingping

a. Soviet Union under Stalin

Which statement describes the relationship between civil society and nondemocratic regimes?
a. They wield such power that civil society is irrelevant.
b. They often seek to empower and expand civil society.
c. They eliminate the state as arena for social organization.
d. Elimination of civil society encourages populism

d. Elimination of civil society encourages populism

Political globalization has the most potential to lead to:
a. growing state capacity but weakening autonomy.
b. growing state autonomy but weakening capacity.
c. weakening state autonomy and capacity.
d. strengthening state autonomy and capacity

c. weakening state autonomy and capacity.

South Korea pursued this strategy to achieve its rapid econ development

export-oriented growth

Bureaucratic authoritarianism typically relies on the close cooperation of which groups?

the military and the state bureaucracy

In terms of political structure, in which ways are the United States and France similar?

They rely on SMD plurality or majority in legislature voting

What is meant by the term liberal democracy?

system that promotes participation, competition, and liberty

Revolution is most accurately defined as

public seizure of state to overturn existing government.

When authoritarian regimes sanction a certain civil society organizations and restrict others:


A system where states co-opt members by providing benefits in return for public support is:


rent seeking

activities undertaken by individuals or firms to influence public policy in a way that will increase their incomes

What was an effect of rapid development of Asian countries in 1970s on the study of democracy?

Helped to discredit modernization theory

One major concern of those who believe globalization will be detrimental to social progress?

Could inspire increased levels of violent fundamentalism

Import substitution is closely related to which of the following political-economic systems?


How have the governments in Russia and China responded to growing nationalism?

Promote nationalism as a means of asserting legitimacy

Which of the following statements about legislative structures is accurate?

Majority of liberal democracies have bicameral systems.

One of the challenges in putting Marx's ideas into practice has been that

he left no specific outline for how to build communism.


The process by which powers are sent down to local levels of government

Which of the following is the best-known example of the process of integration?

The creation of the EU

Head of Government

The executive in charge of dealing with running the state and formulating policy

Bicameral systems can be traced back to different representation for

Religious and urban groups

Abstract review

Ability of constitutional courts to strike down legislation without a specific court case

Concrete Review


Appellate Review

after a trial/hearing, the appeal to the next level of court where the court will review the record of what happened at the lower level. The court will not conduct a trial nor receive new evidence or testimony

Prime ministers can be removed through which mechanism?

Vote of no confidence

Policies supported by the IMF and other IGOs to liberalize less-developed countries are part of?

Washington Consensus

Civil Society

Organized life outside of the state often seen as critical to democracy is known as?

Informal sector

The untaxed, unregulated, and unprotected sector of poor country economies

Proportional Representation

the percentage of votes a party receives determines seats

In which of the following ways does a coup d'état differ from a revolution?

Elites are the agent of change

Terrorism can be defined as the use of violence by:

nonstate actors against civilians to achieve a pol goal.

Studies of the relationship between economic conditions and terrorism find that

isn't a correlation between econ deprivation and terrorism.

Which statement about relationship between regime type, terrorism, and revolution is accurate?

a. Revolution occurs in all regimes, terrorism in authoritarian
b. Revolution and terrorism don't correlate with regime type.
c. Both are less likely under democratic regimes.
d. Terrorism is influenced by ideology, revolution is not.

c. Both are less likely under democratic regimes.

The attacks by Dylan Roof and Timothy McVeigh are most accurately described as:


The modern state spread throughout the world primarily through

colonial dominance imposed by European states.

In which of the following ways does a parliamentary system differ from a presidential one?

PMs must have majority to stay in office; presidents do not.

the rule of law

The idea of legal institutions to which everyone is subject

Ethnic identity can be defined as a set of

institutions binding people together through common culture.

Political culture can be defined as:

a society's norms for political activity.

Government can be defined as

the leadership that runs the state

In which of the way does clientelism differ from corporatism?

Clientelism relies on individual patronage.

Which of the following statements about one-party rule is accurate?

It is often combined with a corporatist regime.

The important differences between the economic transitions in Russia and China were:

Russia's shock therapy more rapid w/ state's role reduced

Once considered unusual, military rule became common over the past 50 years, particularly in

Africa and Latin America.

The USSR and China today are examples of what type of regime?

One party state

Many now speak of the European Union as a body that has become:


According to your text, postmodern values tend to emphasize what?

Quality of life

Postindustrialism is most likely to threaten the economic security of:

the less educated

The viability of the welfare state is most challenged by:

Increasingly old populations

Which country the best example of a country that could be described as a theocracy?


China, Mexico, and Nigeria all have high levels of corruption but varying levels of:


Asymmetric federalism refers to a system in which power is divided unevenly between:

Regional bodies

Max Weber's three forms of political legitimacy are:

traditional, charismatic, and rational-legal.

traditional legitimacy


Rational Legitimacy


rational-legal legitimacy


Gorbachev's perestroika was concerned with:

economic and political reforms.

In which of the following ways do both conservatives and liberals differ from radicals?

Don't see the need to fundamentally reorder political system

Which concepts or phenomena was first and most directly connected to state development?

growing ethnic identity

Which country lacks a significant social democratic party and ideology?


Which of the following is thought to be the major pressure that will inevitably globalize Iran?

Its young demographic

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