Which of the following factors should a company consider when determining if an industry offers good prospects for attractive profits?

Which of the following factors can increase the bargaining power of suppliers?

Determining Factors: Bargaining Power of Suppliers

There are five major factors when determining the bargaining power of suppliers:

Number of suppliers relative to buyers

Dependence of a supplier’s sale on a particular buyer

Switching cost (switching costs of suppliers)

Availability of suppliers for immediate purchase

Possibility of forward integration by suppliers

When is Bargaining Power of Suppliers High/Strong?

Switching costs of buyers are high

Threat of forward integration is high

Small number of suppliers relative to buyers

Low dependence of a supplier’s sale on a particular buyer

Switching costs of suppliers are low

Substitutes are unavailable

Buyer relies heavily on sales from suppliers

When is Bargaining Power of Suppliers is Low/Weak?

Switching costs of buyers are low

Threat of forward integration is low

Large number of suppliers relative to buyers

What are the key success factors in an industry quizlet?

What are Key Success Factors? The strategy elements, product and service attributes, operational approaches, resources, and competitive capabilities with the greatest impact on competitive success in the marketplace.

Which question helps to determine an industry's key success factors?

An industry's key success factors can always be deduced by asking what factors: such as product attributes and service characteristics are crucial, and what resources and competitive capabilities are needed, and what shortcomings are evident to put a company at a competitive disadvantage.

Which of the following conditions determines whether buyer bargaining power in an industry is weak?

Which of the following conditions determines whether buyer bargaining power in an industry is WEAK? There is a surge in buyer demand that creates a "seller's market."

Which of the following are factors that tend to result in weak rivalry among competing sellers?

Factors that tend to result in weak rivalry among competing sellers include: B) rapid growth in buyer demand, high buyer costs to switch brands, and more strongly differentiated products.