Which of the following groups was the policy described in the passage designed to eliminate?

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Terms in this set (48)

A historian agreeing with Heilbroner's central argument about the causes of British industrialization would likely emphasize which of the following? 13

James Watt's...

A historian arguing against the revolutionary nature of industrialization would likely cite which of the following as evidence? 13

The continued existence of cottage industry...

The lag in Eastern European coal production was most likely a result of which of the following? 13

The dominance of traditional landed aristocracy

As demonstrated in the painting, how was this artistic movement in opposition to certain principles of the Enlightenment? 18

It emphasized the natural over the human-made.

The pace of German industrialization between 1880 and 1900 contributed most directly to which of the following? 13

A new wave of imperial expansion and competition for colonies

The economic ideas expressed in this passage are best understood in the context of which of the following?
(Referring to Friedrich List, German Economist, Nation System of Political Economy, 1841) 13

Liberal efforts to help German Industries compete with British manufacturing

Based on the ideas in this passage and the context in which it was created, the author would have most likely supported which of the following?
(Referring to Friedrich List, German Economist, Nation System of Political Economy, 1841) 13

The formation of the Zollverein, a German customs union

The ideas in this passage most directly challenge the principles of...
(Referring to Friedrich List, German Economist, Nation System of Political Economy, 1841) 13


What is the main argument in the passage against limiting the number of hours a factory laborer could work?

It takes away the control workers have over their own choices.

The goal of the bill described in the source was most similar in the type of reform it advocated to which other bill? 14

The Mines Act of 1842

Which general economic change in society was most directly encourage by the development described in the passage? 14

The ties between rural and urban areas increased.

Which development was helped most by railroads? 14

It allowed for the cheaper and more efficient transportation of raw materials and manufactured goods.

Which best explains the context for the change described in the passage? 14

New Technology was improving the lives of middle-class families.

According to the writer of the passage, how did the British government react to the Irish Potato Famine? 14

The British government did little to alleviate the effects of the famine.

Which historical development most directly created the conditions for the crisis discussed in the passage? 14

The Industrial Revolution aided British exploitation of Ireland.

Which was a consequence of the Irish famine? 14

It increased political tensions and Irish Nationalism.

The political conditions described by Metternich were largely the result of which of the following development? 15

The French and Industrial Revolutions

Based on the context in which the passage was written, which group did Metternich believe posed the largest threat to the political order in 1820? 15


Which statement best describes how the views of most 19th-century leaders differed from those Metternich? 15

They were more likely to agree to political reforms.

The ideas expressed by Kollar most clearly show the influence of which of the follwing? 15

Romantic Nationalism

The danger facing Austria by Von Beust was part of a larger trend that also was a danger for which state? 15


The unification of several groups of Slavs into the single state of Yugoslavia would have been supported by... 15

Only Kollar

The Charter of Censorship represents which important aspect of post Napoleonic Europe? 15


Which leader of thinker would most likely have agreed with the ideas expressed by Nicholas I? 15

Prince Klemens von Metternich

Which of the following set of idea had the most influence of Bakunin? 16


Which of the following ideas would have been influenced by Bakunin's ideas of collective anarchism seen in the above excerpt? 16


Which individual would have agreed most with the ideas in this passage? 16

Georges Sorel

What is the broader context of the "dangerous game" that the cartoonist thought the Russian tsar was playing in 1854? 16

The tsar allied with other conservative rulers in Europe who were opposed to liberal political reforms.

Why would a political cartoon like this one have been more effective in Britain during the mid-19th century than in earlier times. 16

British Nationalism was in decline in the 19th century.

The movement Cavour was most supporting in this passage was... 16


Who probably disagreed most with the views expressed in the passage? 16


Which of the following states had the most influence in the Italian regions that Cavour wanted to unite? 16

Austria and Russia

Which of the following most directly led to the spread of ideas such as those expressed in the image? 17

The desire to disseminate the ideals of the French Revolution

The colonial relationship depicted in this image was most directly undermined by which of the following? 17

Ethiopia's defeat of Italy

The Program of the Pan-German League is best understood within the context of which of the following developments? 17

Germany's shift toward a more antagonistic foreign policy under WIlhelm II

The policies described in the passage best exemplify which of the following aspects of imperialism? 17

The technological infrastructure that facilitated imperial expansion.

In addiation to the factors described in the passage, which of the following had the greatest impact on European imperial expansion in the late 19th? 17

Advances in medicine to combat disease

Hobson's critique of imperialism is best understood in context of which of the following? 17

Rising imperialist tensions in the years leading up to the First World War.

Which claim about the colonial system did Hobson challenge most directly? 17

That British prosperity relied on natural resource from colonies.

Hobson's view of imperialism most likely would have been shared by which of the following groups in the early 20th century? 18


What do people such as Sorel and other anti-capitalists advocate in order to achieve societal transformation? 18

measured political reforms

What system found support in the author's Social Darwinism? 18


Which of the following authors is considered a literary exponent of this same movement? 18

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Which of the following factors best accounts for the increase in coal output in France and Germany during the 19th century? 13

State Sponsorship...

Which school of philosophy is best represented by this passage? 18


Which thinkers would most likely agree with the ideas expressed in this passage? 18

Nietzsche and Bergson

The painting by Turner above, as well as works by artists suchas as Goya and Delacroix, are examples of the artistic movement known as... 18


This passage can be best tied to what scientific theory espoused about this same period of time? 18

theory of natural selection

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