Which of the following helps producers distribute goods from sellers to customers?


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Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management

Distribution Movement of goods and services from producers to customers
Marketing (distribution) channel System of marketing institutions that enhances the physical flow of goods and services, along with ownership title, from producer to consumer or business user
Logistics Process of coordinating the flow of information, goods, and services among members of the distribution channel
Supply chain management control of the activities of purchasing, processing, and delivery through which raw materials are transformed into products and made available to final consumers
Physical Distribution Broad range of activities aimed at efficient movement of finished goods from the end of the production line to the consumer
Marketing Intermediary is an organization that operates between producers and consumers or business users
Wholesaler is an intermediary that takes title to the goods it handles and then distributes these goods to retailers, other distributors, or sometimes end consumers
Direct Channel carries foods directly from a producer to the business purchaser or ultimate user
Direct Selling a marketing strategy in which a producer establishes direct sales contacts with its product's final users
Industrial distributor commonly refers to intermediaries in the business markets that take title to the goods
Manufacturers' representative provides an independent sales force to contact wholesale buyers
Dual Distribution refers to movement of products through more than one channel to reach the firm's target market
Reverse channels channels designed to return goods to their producers (recycling)
Product Factors Product characteristics that guide the choice of optimal marketing channel strategy
Organizational and Competitive factors Companies with strong financials, management, and marketing resources feel less need for help from intermediaries
Distribution Intensity refers to the number of intermediaries through which a manufacturers distributes its foods in a particular market
Intensive Distribution seeks to distribute a product through all available channels in a trade area
Selective Distribution a firm chooses only a limited number of retailers in a market area
Exclusive Distribution Distribution of a product through a single wholesaler or retailer in a specific geographic region
Exclusive dealing agreement which prohibits a marketing intermediary (a wholesaler, more typically a retailer) from handling competing products
Closed Sales Territories to restrict their distributors to certain geographic regions
Tying Agreements which allow channel members to become exclusive dealers only if they also carry products other than those they want to sell
Channel Captain Dominant and controlling member of a marketing channel
Horizontal Conflict sometimes results from disagreements among channel members at the same level, such as two or more wholesalers or two or more retailers, or among marketing intermediaries of the same type
Vertical Conflict may result in frequent and severe conflict. channel members at different levels find many reasons for disputes, as when retailers develop private brands to compete with producers brands
Gray Goods goods produced for overseas markets often at reduced prices, enter U.S. channels through the actions of of unauthorized foreign distributors
Vertical Marketing System planned channel system designed to improve distribution efficiency and cost-efficacy by integrating carious functions throughout the distribution chain
Forward Integration a firm attempts to control downstream distribution
Backward Integration occurs when a manufacturer attempts to gain greater control over inputs in its production process
Corporate marketing system when a single owner runs an organization at each stage of the marketing channel
Administered marketing system achieves channel coordination when a dominant channel member exercises its power
Contractual marketing system coordinates distribution through formal agreements among channel members
Retail Cooperative a group of retailers establishes a shared wholesaling operation to help them compete with chains
Franchise in which a wholesaler or dealer agrees to meet the operating requirements of a manufacturer or other franchiser
Supply Chain complete sequence of suppliers and activities that contribute to the creation and delivery of merchandise
Upstream management involves managing raw materials, inbound logistics and warehouse and storage facilities
Downstream management involves managing finished product storage, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and customer service
Radio frequency identification technology that uses a tiny chip with identification information that can be read by a scanner using radio from a distance
Enterprise resource planning system is an integrated software system that consolidates data from among the firm's unit
Third-Party (contract) logistics firms specialized in handling logistical activities for their clients
Customer Service level of customer service the distribution activites support
Transportation how the firm ships its products
Inventory control quantity of inventory the firm maintains at each location
Protective packaging and materials handling how the firm packages and efficiently handles goods in the factory, warehouse, and transport terminals
Order Processing how the firm handles orders
Warehousing the distribution system's location of stock and number of warehouses the firm maintains
Sub-optimization results when the managers of individual physical distribution functions attempt to minimize costs, but the impact of one task leads to less than optimal results on the others
Customer service standards state the goals and define acceptable performance for the quality of service a firm expects to deliver to its customers
Common carriers often considered the backbone of the transportation industry, provide transportation services for hire to the general public
Contract carriers are for-hire transporters that do not offer their services to the general public
Private Carriers do not offer services for hire. Used solely in internationally generated freight in private companies
Intermodal operations Combination of transport modes, such as rail and highway carriers (piggyback). and water and air carriers (fishy-back) to improve customer service and achieve cost advantages
Vendor managed inventory systems like this are based on the assumption that suppliers are in the best position to spot understocks or surpluses, cutting costs along the supply chain that can be translated into lower prices at the checkout counter
Materials handling system logistics managers arrange and control activities for moving product within plants, warehouses, and transportation terminals
Containerization combining several unitized loads

What helps producers distribute goods from sellers to customers?

A distribution channel represents a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which the final buyer purchases a good or service. Distribution channels include wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and the Internet. In a direct distribution channel, the manufacturer sells directly to the consumer.

Which of the following is an individual or firm that helps to distribute a product?

Intermediary - An independent or corporate-owned business that helps move products from the producer to the ultimate consumer. Intermediate market - A set of wholesalers and retailers that buy goods from others and re-sells them.

What is the role of a sales agent during the distribution process?

A direct employee of a distributor or wholesale organization, the distribution sales representative is responsible for selling the products her company sells. She is often responsible for a specific territory and the customers that reside within that territory.

Which distribution channel is used by companies that distribute their goods through their own system of outlets quizlet?

Terms in this set (15) Which distribution channel is used by companies that distribute their goods through their own system of outlets? Explanation: B) This illustrates retail distribution.


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