Which of the following is a correctly worded main point for a speech preparation outline smallpox

Chapter 11 True-False Questions1.TF2.TF3.T F4.T F5.T F6.TF7.TF8.T F9.T F10.T F11.T F12.TF13.TF14.T F1.The visual framework of a preparation outline shows the relationshipsamong the speaker’s ideas.2.The preparation outline should be drawn up before a speaker beginsresearch for a speech.3.You should include your specific purpose statement with your preparationoutline.4.Including the specific purpose with your preparation outline makes it easierto assess how well you have constructed the speech to accomplish yourpurpose.5.In a preparation outline, the specific purpose is usually stated before theintroduction.6.In a preparation outline, the specific purpose is usually stated as part of theintroduction.7.In a preparation outline, the specific purpose and central idea are identifiedby Roman numerals.8.According to your textbook, the introduction, body, and conclusion should allbe labeled in a speech preparation outline.9.When making a preparation outline, you should state your main points andsubpoints in full sentences to ensure that you develop your ideas fully.10.When making an outline, you should place the main points farthest to theleft and less important ideas progressively farther to the right.

11.In the most common system of outlining, main points are identified byRoman numerals and subpoints by capital letters.12.In the most common system of outlining, main points are identified bycapital letters.13.Stating main points in a word or two is usually sufficient for a preparationoutline.14.A preparation outline should include transitions and internal summaries.CHAPTER 11—OUTLINING THE SPEECH20815.T F16.T F17.T F18.T F19.T F20.T F21.T F22.T F23.T F24.T F25.T F26.T F27.T F28.T F29.T F30.T F31.T FAccording to your textbook, transitions and other connectives should be identifiedwith Roman numerals on a speech preparation outline.According to your textbook, connectives are given symbols and indentation like theother parts of the speech preparation outline.A preparation outline should include your bibliography.It is seldom necessary to include a formal bibliography in the preparation outlinefor a classroom speech.According to your textbook, the two major bibliographic formats are thosedeveloped by the Modern Language Association (MLA) and the AmericanPsychological Association (APA).“Dogs” would be an appropriate title for a speech to inform an audience about themajor breeds of show dogs.“Are Our Bridges Safe?” would be an appropriate title for a speech on bridgesafety.

As your textbook explains, phrasing your speech title as a question can be highlyeffective.“Money” would be an appropriate title for a speech about new security measuresto stop counterfeiting.

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Outlining is an important part of public speaking because

an outline helps ensure that ideas flow clearly from one to another

Outlining is important to public speaking because an outline helps a speaker

judge whether each part of the speech is fully developed; ensure that ideas flow clearly from one to another; solidify the structure of a speech

According to your textbook, outlining is important to public speaking because an outline helps you judge whether

your main points are properly balanced; you have adequate supporting materials for your main points

Two types of speech outlines discussed in your textbook are the

preparation outline and the speaking outline

Both a preparation outline and a speaking outline should

use a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation

Which of the following should be included in a preparation outline

the bibliography; a specific purpose statement; transitions, internal previews, and internal summaries; the central idea

According to your textbook, Raul should include which of the following in his preparation outline

transitions; the central idea; a bibliography

According to your textbook, which of the following should be included in a preparation outline

a bibliography; a specific purpose statement

All of the following are necessary in a preparation outline except

directions for delivering the speech

According to your textbook, the specific purpose statement in a preparation outline should appear

before the text of the outline itself

According to your textbook, as Bekah prepares her preparation outline for her speech on spiders, she should remember to include all of the following except

directions for delivering the speech

Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a guideline for a preparation outline

Label the introduction, body, and conclusion

According to your textbook, when making a preparation outline, you should

label transitions and internal summaries; state the specific purpose as a separate unit before the outline itself

Ryo is working on the preparation outline for his informative speech. According to your textbook, his outline should

state main points and subpoints in full sentences

According to your textbook, transitions, internal summaries, and other connectives should be

included in the preparation outline; labeled as a transition, internal summary, etc

In a preparation outline, main points should be

positioned farthest to the left

The main points in a preparation outline are

located farthest to the left

The main points in a preparation outline are

identified by Roman numerals

Which of the following is a correctly worded main point for a speech preparation outline

There are two major types of leadership

Which of the following is a correctly worded main point for a speech preparation outline

Smallpox poses a real danger to the United States

As explained in your textbook, subpoints in a preparation outline should be

written in full sentences

Arranged in random order below are a main point, two subpoints, and two sub-subpoints from a speech preparation outline. Which is the main point

two types of skin cancer are melanoma and basal cell carcinoma

Arranged in random order below are a main point, two subpoints, and two sub-subpoints from a speech preparation outline. Which is the main point

Phobias can develop either in childhood or adulthood

According to your textbook, a speech title should

attract the audience’s attention

A speech title should

attract the attention of the audience; be brief; suggest the main thrust of the speech

A catchy speech title is fine as long as it is

relevant to the speech

"Adventures in the Grand Canyon" is an appropriately worded

speech title

"What’s Your Learning Style?" is an appropriately worded

speech title

According to your textbook, which of the following should be included in a speaking outline

key words or phrases to jog the speaker’s memory; cues for delivering the speech; statistics and quotations that might be easily forgotten

When preparing a speaking outline, you should

follow the visual framework of the preparation outline; make sure the outline is plainly legible; keep the outline as brief as possible

According to your textbook, the main reason to keep a speaking outline brief is to

help the speaker maintain eye contact with the audience

According to your textbook, the speaking outline

is used to jog a speaker’s memory during the speech

According to your textbook, a speaking outline usually

includes the quotations a speaker plans to use

According to your textbook, a speaking outline

contains delivery cues for the speaker

As discussed in your textbook, delivery cues on a speaking outline may include

highlighting of key phrases; words such as "pause"

When Cody creates a speaking outline for his informative speech on hockey, he should

include cues for delivering the speech; write out quotations he plans to use in the speech; follow the visual framework of the preparation outline

Alexus has completed her final preparation outline and is preparing her speaking outline for her speech on macrobiotic foods. According to your textbook, as Alexus prepares her speaking outline, she should remember to

make sure the outline is plainly legible; keep the outline as brief as possible

In a speaking outline, subpoints are

identified by capital letters

According to your textbook, in a speaking outline, the conclusion should be

labeled as a separate part of the speech

What are the main points in a preparation outline?

A. Preparation outlines are written using full-sentences, citations, and are designed to help you write and organize your speech. B. Your preparation outline should include your specific purpose statement and your thesis statement at the top, directly above the title.

What is a preparation outline?

A preparation outline is the full sentence outline used to construct and organize all of the components in your speech. Your teacher will rarely ask you to construct a full manuscript for your speech, so the preparation outline is really the construction of the main content of your speech.

What is a correctly worded main point for a speech preparation outline?

In a preparation outline, main points are identified by capital letters. In a preparation outline, main points and subpoints should be written as full sentences. Even though a speaking outline should be kept as brief as possible, you should usually write out quotations in full.

Which of the following should be included in a preparation outline?

Which of the following should be included in a preparation outline? A specific purpose statement, transitions, internal previews & summaries, & the thesis statement. One of the advantages of speaking from a manuscript is that it frees a speaker from the need to establish eye contact with the audience.

When preparing a speaking outline you should quizlet?

The eight guidelines are that the preparation outline should include the speaker's specific purpose statement, include the central idea, clearly label the introduction, body, and conclusion, have a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation, state the main points and sub points in complete sentences, label ...

Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a guideline for the preparation outline?

Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a guideline for a preparation outline? Label the introduction, body, and conclusion. In a preparation outline, the specific purpose is usually stated after the introduction. Stating main points in a word or two is usually sufficient for a preparation outline.