Which of the following is a disadvantage of a parallel implementation of an information system?

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1) The goal of the planning phase of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) is to define the business need for a project.


10) A project- and issue-tracking software offers customizable dashboards to developers that help them see at a glance how a project is coming along.


9) End-users with disabilities should be considered in the design phase of the SDLC.


8) A use case diagram will show the series of steps involved in the implementation process of a system.
Answer: FALSE


7) The choice of software development environments and hardware architecture is affected by the experience and capabilities of an organization's IT staff.


6) Screen attractiveness is an example of a performance requirement in a system.


5) Business process reengineering was criticized because it overemphasized the importance of the human element in managing business processes.


4) A process diagram traces how each process operates from beginning to end in a way that is clear to all the stakeholders.


3) The person who leads a requirements analysis needs to have a solid background in business management and information systems.


2) A feasibility study is an important part of the analysis stage of the SDLC.


17) A reason why the waterfall method is still in use is because business managers are comfortable with its logical and familiar structure.


15) A drawback of the waterfall method is the inability to make changes to previous stages once they are complete.


16) Agile software development methods use a highly structured approach in which tasks are sequenced according to the SDLC.


18) Prepackaged software is a good option for business functions that do not need to offer competitive advantage.


19) A disadvantage of custom system development is that it involves high overall cost and requires more time before going live.


20) A systems integrator is a special kind of consultant who has expertise in making the different hardware and software components of an information system work together.


11) A code review is a peer review process in which programmers familiar with a project check over one another's work to ensure it is well documented and properly written.


12) In acceptance testing, tests are conducted by an organization's IT staff to assess how well a system performs under peak loads.


13) A phased implementation is an expensive process that launches a new system while the old one is still running.


14) Often, the only logical choice for the implementation of small systems is a direct implementation strategy.


22) Jonathan has joined a new software company in Manhattan and has been assigned the task of developing an internal communications system. He begins the task by assessing how the system will help in efficiently coordinating the projects that the company handles and in determining the feasibility of the system. In the given scenario, Jonathan is in the ________ step of the systems development life cycle.
A) testing
B) planning
C) design
D) maintenance

B) planning

32) Which of the following is an example of the security requirements included in an RDD?
A) screen attractiveness
B) response time
C) encryption
D) user navigation

C. encryption

27) Mike, a research analyst, is in the analysis phase of a project, the goal of which is the development of smile shutter technology in cameras. Mike first identifies and analyzes the integral elements that need to be included in the technology such as red eye removal, blink detection, and face identification and then prioritizes them as mandatory, preferred, or nonessential. Which of the following processes is being illustrated in the given scenario?
A) probabilistic analysis
B) competitive analysis
C) requirements analysis
D) amortized analysis

C) requirements analysis

31) Which of the following is a function of a requirements definition document (RDD)?
A) emphasizing the impact that information systems have on business processes
B) specifying the features that an information system should have
C) conducting the S.W.O.T. analysis of the business' industry
D) estimating the maintenance cost of a business process

B) specifying the features that an information system should have

30) Michael Hammer's business process reengineering was criticized because it ________.
A) overemphasized the importance of people in business processes
B) reiterated redesign as a major contributor to the failure of most business processes
C) failed to realize that the human element is key to improving business processes
D) emphasized the importance of processes that do not necessarily add value to business

C) failed to realize that the human element is key to improving business processes

29) An early form of business process management (BPM) that was developed as a means to make sweeping changes to eliminate all processes that did not add value was known as ________.
A) business process reengineering
B) business process mapping
C) business process automation
D) business process modeling

A) business process reengineering

28) The major function of a process diagram is to trace ________.
A) process operations from beginning to end in a way that is clear to all stakeholders
B) the errors that could possibly creep into the process during the analysis stage of the SDLC
C) the maintenance cost of an initiative
D) the implementation cost of an initiative

A) process operations from beginning to end in a way that is clear to all stakeholders

26) ________ is a process in which stakeholders identify the features that a project will need and then prioritize them as mandatory, preferred, or nonessential.
A) Requirements analysis
B) Informative modeling
C) Acceptance testing
D) Feasibility study

A) Requirements analysis

25) ________ is an important part of the planning stage of the systems development life cycle and examines whether an initiative is viable from technical, financial, and legal standpoints.
A) Procurement analysis
B) Feasibility study
C) Market share analysis
D) Brand assessment

B) Feasibility study

21) ________ is the first step in the systems development life cycle, which defines the business need for a project, assesses its importance to the company, and determines whether the project is feasible.
A) Testing
B) Planning
C) Maintenance
D) Development

B) Planning

24) ________ is a driver of information systems development that touches on security, privacy, safety, and regulatory compliance.
A) Customer relationship management
B) Return on investment
C) Competitive advantage
D) Risk management

D) Risk management

23) Info Labs Inc., a marketing communications company, launches a project at a fixed cost of $180,000. What is the amount of savings earned from the project per month if it returns the investment in 3 years?
A) $5,000
B) $7,000
C) $9,000
D) $10,000

A) $5,000

34) Screen attractiveness is an example of the ________ included in an RDD.
A) compliance requirements
B) integration requirements
C) security requirements
D) usability requirements

D) usability requirements

41) A general rule of thumb is that an organization should consider buying software rather than building it if the ________.
A) software can meet 75% to 80% of all business requirements
B) existing software would require extensive customization
C) organization needs to retain its business processes with only slight variations
D) software needs to fit enterprise architecture perfectly

A) software can meet 75% to 80% of all business requirements

40) ________ an information system is typically the best choice for a business when the available systems support common business functions, such as financial or human resource management.
A) Promoting
B) Selling
C) Building
D) Buying

D) Buying

39) Sam Torres, a security officer at a content management firm, is required to monitor the people coming in and going out of the organization and ensure data privacy through the process of encryption. Which of the following types of requirements is Sam focusing on in the given scenario?
A) interface requirements
B) language requirements
C) usability requirements
D) security requirements

D) security requirements

33) Components such as response time, availability, and scalability are examples of the ________ included in an RDD.
A) security requirements
B) performance requirements
C) accessibility requirements
D) language requirements

B) performance requirements

38) Lee works for Pink Net Worldwide Inc., an advertising company in California. Lee is developing software to improve the process of coordination with clients. Which of the following requirements is he concentrating on if he is interfacing the clients' software with a few of the information systems that are currently functioning within the company?
A) compliance requirements
B) usability requirements
C) integration requirements
D) performance requirements

C) integration requirements

37) Which of the following features is most likely an example of the usability requirements included in an RDD?
A) complex navigation
B) high task efficiency
C) bright, flashy graphics
D) high accessibility for people with disabilities

B) high task efficiency

36) User navigation and data display are examples of the ________ included in an RDD.
A) compliance requirements
B) security requirements
C) interface requirements
D) integration requirements

C) interface requirements

35) Tom Daniels, an employee of a telecommunications company, is developing software that would enable customers to activate value-added services in a matter of seconds. Which of the following requirements is Tom developing if he is working to improve the visual appeal of the interface and to enhance the ease of learning the software?
A) compliance requirements
B) integration requirements
C) security requirements
D) usability requirements

D) usability requirements

42) Which of the following best describes service-oriented architecture (SOA)?
A) systems created with mutually dependent software components
B) systems with a single software component that handles all the service functions
C) systems assembled from relatively independent software components
D) systems with a single software component that handles one important service function

C) systems assembled from relatively independent software components

53) ________ is a peer review process in which programmers familiar with the project and the development environment check over one another's work to ensure it is well documented and properly written.
A) Double-blind review
B) Single-blind review
C) Adversarial review
D) Code review

D) Code review

52) The ________ offers customizable dashboards so that developers can see at a glance how a process is coming along, what activities they need to complete in a day, and how they can keep abreast of all aspects of the process.
A) project- and issue-tracking software
B) mind mapping software
C) keystroke logging software
D) version control software

A) project- and issue-tracking software

51) Which of the following functions does a project- and issue-tracking software perform?
A) comparing and analyzing a project with a competitors' project in the market
B) enforcing checkout procedures to prevent developers from writing over another's files
C) allowing customers to estimate the sales of a product before its launch in the market
D) maintaining a complete history of project activity, including dates and tasks assigned

D) maintaining a complete history of project activity, including dates and tasks assigned

50) Which of the following functions does the version control software perform?
A) allowing developers to interact with different versions of a system simultaneously
B) allowing developers to track different versions of news feeds once they are put on networks
C) allowing developers to write over one another's files to efficiently integrate data
D) allowing developers to track versions of the source code during development

D) allowing developers to track versions of the source code during development

49) Which of the following is the primary goal of the development phase of the SDLC?
A) analyzing and documenting what a system should do for a business
B) translating the requirements definition document into a workable design
C) converting a design into a fully operational information system
D) calculating the return on investment for a business project

C) converting a design into a fully operational information system

48) Which of the following should be undertaken during the design phase of the SDLC?
A) defining the business need for a project
B) keeping in mind end users with disabilities
C) conducting risk analysis for a project
D) estimating a project's likely return on investment

B) keeping in mind end users with disabilities

47) Designers use the unified modeling language (UML) to ________.
A) improve communication and clarity by using standardized graphics symbols and notations
B) establish clarity in audio models of object-oriented and software-intensive systems
C) test and repair implemented software systems and hence establish clarity in communication
D) design information systems using flashy graphics and multi-dimensional animations

A) improve communication and clarity by using standardized graphics symbols and notations

46) Johanna Taylor, a creative developer at Leo Technologies Inc., is developing a website for the company. To address the usability needs of website visitors, she ensures that visitors would be able to easily locate what they need on the website. She avoids flashy graphics and chooses a font with high readability. Joanna is most likely in the ________ stage of the SDLP.
A) testing
B) design
C) maintenance
D) implementation

B) design

44) The ________ phase is a technical blueprint for a whole system which captures all aspects of how the system's components will function together to accomplish goals, using descriptions, diagrams and models.
A) maintenance
B) design
C) testing
D) implementation

B) design

45) A use case diagram is used to indicate how ________.
A) direct implementation is carried out in companies
B) users can switch from one operating system to another
C) database tables are interconnected with one another
D) different types of users will interact with a system

D) different types of users will interact with a system

43) Service-oriented architecture is especially useful in ________ companies.
A) agile
B) static
C) slow-moving
D) dying

A) agile

54) Testing is a part of the ________ phase of the SDLC.
A) analysis
B) development
C) implementation
D) planning

B) development

61) Which of the following is a type of testing for information systems where developers use the same input and compare the new system's output to the output generated by the system it is replacing?
A) stress testing
B) parallel testing
C) unit testing
D) acceptance testing

B) parallel testing

60) Which of the following types of testing for information systems is conducted to assess how well a system performs under peak loads?
A) stress testing
B) parallel testing
C) unit testing
D) system testing

A) stress testing

59) Which of the following is involved in the integration testing process for information systems?
A) checking the functionality of small modules of code during the development phase
B) testing a new system's interfaces with other software components it links to
C) determining whether a project is complete as specified by the end user
D) conducting tests to assess how well a system performs under peak loads

B) testing a new system's interfaces with other software components it links to

58) The type of testing that involves end users performing final testing to determine whether a project is complete as specified is known as ________.
A) stress testing
B) parallel testing
C) unit testing
D) acceptance testing

D) acceptance testing

57) Which of the following types of testing involves both end users and IT staff testing the functionality of an entire IS?
A) system testing
B) parallel testing
C) unit testing
D) acceptance testing

A) system testing

56) ________ is a type of testing for information systems that involves programmers checking the functionality of small modules of code during the development phase of the SDLC.
A) Unit testing
B) System testing
C) Integration testing
D) Acceptance testing

A) Unit testing

55) Joshua Lee, an engineer at Footprints Inc., is provided with a design by the creative team in his company for creating a software that would help travel agents answer and track traveler requests efficiently. He is now converting the design into an operational information system. Which of the following phases of the SDLC is the software currently in?
A) analysis phase
B) development phase
C) implementation phase
D) planning phase

B) development phase

62) Which of the following do all types of information system tests mimic?
A) problems the IT staff are likely to face while developing the system
B) events the system is likely to handle when it goes live
C) challenges advertisers are likely to face while promoting the system
D) maintenance issues the users are likely to face while using the system


71) A ________ switches off the old system and launches all the modules of the new one on a single, very hectic go-live date, sometimes called the "big bang."
A) phased implementation
B) direct implementation
C) parallel implementation
D) pilot implementation

B) direct implementation

70) Which of the following occurs during a phased implementation?
A) focusing on different departmental groups at a time
B) launching the new system while the old one is still running
C) focusing on launching modules in steps rather than all at once
D) launching all the modules of the new system on a single go-live date

C) focusing on launching modules in steps rather than all at once

69) A disadvantage of a ________ is that the new system's modules may be tightly integrated, so implementing one without the others may create some confusion and require temporary interfaces to the old systems.
A) phased implementation
B) direct implementation
C) parallel implementation
D) pilot implementation

A) phased implementation

68) Escapade Inc., a travel agency in Sydney, is using a highly expensive implementation process for a short period of time. It launches the new system while the old one is still running and employees have to do their jobs twice, once on each system. Which of the following is the company using?
A) parallel implementation
B) phased implementation
C) direct implementation
D) pilot implementation

A) parallel implementation

67) Which of the following is a disadvantage of a parallel implementation of an information system?
A) The process cannot provide the same result that is produced by the existing system.
B) The process is expensive in nature and is usually in place for only a short period.
C) The process switches off the old system when two new processes are running.
D) The process can run only old systems as it does not have the setup to operate on new systems.

B) The process is expensive in nature and is usually in place for only a short period.

66) Which of the following is an advantage of a parallel implementation of an information system?
A) The process is inexpensive and thus can be undertaken over a long period of time.
B) There are two systems processing the same case, both of which should have the same output.
C) The existing process is automatically switched off when new processes are running.
D) The implementation makes each system process distinctly different cases.

B) There are two systems processing the same case, both of which should have the same output.

65) A ________ of an information system launches the new system while the old one is still running and employees either do their jobs twice or two separate teams handle the same processes.
A) phased implementation
B) direct implementation
C) parallel implementation
D) pilot implementation

C) parallel implementation

64) Which of the following will take place in a parallel implementation of an information system?
A) launching the new system while the old one is still running
B) launching two similar systems with different outputs at the same time
C) switching off the old system when new processes are running
D) launching modules of the new system in phases rather than all at once

A) launching the new system while the old one is still running

63) Independent testers are critical in testing information systems mainly because ________.
A) programmers are inept at testing their own code
B) programmers are generally too busy to test their codes
C) federal law mandates third-party feedback before a system is approved by an organization
D) most state laws mandate third-party feedback before a system is approved by an organization

A) programmers are inept at testing their own code

72) A major advantage of a ________ is that people whose roles span modules do not have to switch back and forth between old and new modules.
A) phased implementation
B) direct implementation
C) parallel implementation
D) pilot implementation

B) direct implementation

77) The ________ phase of the waterfall method involves nailing down requirements, at which point the developers estimate the time and resources needed to complete a project.
A) analysis
B) implementation
C) development
D) testing

A) analysis

76) The ________ involves the sequential occurring of systems development life cycle tasks, with one activity starting only after the previous one has been completed.
A) iterative method
B) agile method
C) waterfall method
D) Gauss-Seidel method

C) waterfall method

75) Which of the following best describes legacy systems?
A) new systems which are unable to replace old systems
B) new systems which are replicas of old regal systems
C) old systems which are built on aging or obsolete architectures
D) old systems that are no longer in use

C) old systems which are built on aging or obsolete architectures

4) The ________ refers to a process organizations put into place to manage and prioritize requests to add new features to an information system.
A) conformity assessment
B) calibration process
C) change control process
D) requirements analysis

C) change control process

73) A ________ is often the only logical implementation strategy for smaller systems.
A) phased implementation
B) direct implementation
C) pilot implementation
D) parallel implementation

B) direct implementation

78) Which of the following is a drawback of the waterfall method?
A) It is unable to adapt to changes in the business landscape.
B) Several activities occur at the same time, which makes it hard to monitor them.
C) Once a task is completed, it cannot be changed.
D) Its SDLC tasks occur in a nonsequential manner.

A) It is unable to adapt to changes in the business landscape.

83) An agile method that focuses on frequent releases of workable software and short time boxes for development is known as ________.
A) Scrum programming
B) extreme programming
C) prototype modeling
D) incremental modeling

B) extreme programming

82) ________ is an agile method for software development that relies on tightly knit, cohesive teams that do sprints of 2 to 4 weeks each.
A) Scrum
B) Extreme programming
C) Spiral modeling
D) V-modeling

A) Scrum

81) In the ________, tasks are not sequenced according to the SDLC and many activities occur simultaneously.
A) V-model method
B) agile method
C) iterated method
D) waterfall method

B) agile method

80) ________ refers to the creation of software prototypes that can be shared with users for receiving feedback, so that developers can make improvements before a lot of effort is spent building a fully functioning version.
A) Incremental development
B) Social engineering
C) Agile software development
D) Rapid application development

D) Rapid application development

79) The ________ compresses the time horizon for software development and focuses on the time available until the next release while the development team determines how many of the requirements it can deliver in that time frame.
A) iterative method
B) waterfall method
C) agile
D) V-model

A) iterative method

84) A distinguishing feature of ________ is that developers work in pairs, reviewing one another's work, providing each other with feedback, and testing the code as it is written.
A) extreme programming
B) metaprogramming
C) incremental modeling
D) Scrum programming

A) extreme programming

92) Which of the following includes a high-level description of a system that an organization is on the lookout for?
A) request for proposal
B) request for information
C) request for quotation
D) request for tender

B) request for information

93) A ________ is an invitation to software companies to submit a formal bid, including a detailed description of their products, services, and costs.
A) request for proposal
B) request for application
C) request for quotation
D) request for tender

A) request for proposal

91) A ________ is a request sent to software vendors describing a new system that an organization requires in broad, high-level terms, to which interested vendors can respond by describing the products and services that could fit the requirement.
A) request for proposal
B) request for information
C) request for quotation
D) request for tender

B) request for information

90) Which of the following is a disadvantage of prepackaged software?
A) It does not employ an industry's best practices to handle the processes.
B) It requires an organization to change its business processes.
C) It involves high costs and a long implementation time.
D) It does not work for applications that offer few competitive advantages.

B) It requires an organization to change its business processes.

89) Which of the following is an advantage of prepackaged software?
A) It requires a short implementation time.
B) It includes new features that a company requires.
C) It is always well-fitted to enterprise architecture.
D) It has high overall costs.

A) It requires a short implementation time.

88) Which of the following is a disadvantage of custom system development?
A) It does not match an organization's requirements.
B) It has no strategic value that can contribute to a company's competitive advantage.
C) It requires employees to change their processes completely.
D) It requires long periods of time before going live.

D) It requires long periods of time before going live.

87) Which of the following is an advantage of custom system development?
A) It has low overall costs and is inexpensive to run.
B) It requires less time to go live.
C) It is tailored closely to an organization's needs.
D) It does not require in-house maintenance and upgrades.

C) It is tailored closely to an organization's needs.

86) Which of the following reasons explains why waterfall methods are still widely in use?
A) It is cheap and takes very little time to rework a project using this method.
B) It does not handle any changes in a project
C) It has a logical and familiar structure which is comfortable to use.
D) Its goals are more focused than those of agile and iterative methods.

C) It has a logical and familiar structure which is comfortable to use.

85) Which of the following best defines agile methods?
A) They stress agile teams undertaking sequenced tasks.
B) They involve agile developers who are individually responsible for delivery.
C) They involve characteristics of cohesiveness and trust.
D) They involve developers who are resistant to changes in requirements.

C) They involve characteristics of cohesiveness and trust.

94) An organization is using the best-of-breed approach if it ________.
A) creates the best systems with the latest technologies available
B) procures the best systems, regardless of the vendor
C) procures whatever systems are offered by the best vendors in the market
D) outsources the implementation to the best implementation partners in the market

B) procures the best systems, regardless of the vendor

100) Which of the following is a disadvantage of using consulting services?
A) It gives an organization access to people who do not know the software well.
B) It tends to make employees feel less ownership of a project and less committed to changes.
C) It tends to assign a large number of people to a project in addition to the consultants.
D) It tends to make employees get too involved in the development tasks.

B) It tends to make employees feel less ownership of a project and less committed to changes.

99) Which of the following is an example of a systems integrator?
A) a consultant who ensures that employees are making the best use of information systems
B) a manager who, through leadership, prepares the organization for change to become dynamic
C) a manager who inspires employees to work together and provide resources the project team needs
D) a consultant who ensures that the hardware and software components of an IS work together

D) a consultant who ensures that the hardware and software components of an IS work together

98) Which of the following is an advantage of customizing a packaged solution?
A) Customization adds competitive advantage to processes that an organization cannot alter.
B) There is very little scope for errors, especially in large systems, due to integrated modules.
C) Vendors will be responsible for any bugs that may arise due to customization.
D) Vendors find it easier to upgrade customized systems than to upgrade noncustomized systems.

A) Customization adds competitive advantage to processes that an organization cannot alter.

97) ________ refers to an approach in which organizations strongly prefer systems that are offered by a single vendor, which also supplies the ERP.
A) Unified procurement
B) Best-of-breed procurement
C) Ad-hoc procurement
D) Green public procurement

A) Unified procurement

96) An organization is using a unified procurement approach if it ________.
A) prefers systems that are offered by a single vendor
B) sells systems to buyers from the same market
C) buys systems from different geographic markets
D) creates the best systems with the latest technologies available

A) prefers systems that are offered by a single vendor

95) The ________ procures the finest systems for each application, regardless of the vendor.
A) integrated approach
B) unified approach
C) best-of-breed approach
D) ad-hoc approach

C) best-of-breed approach

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Which of the following is a disadvantage of a parallel implementation of an information system quizlet?

67) Which of the following is a disadvantage of a parallel implementation of an information system? The process is expensive in nature and is usually in place for only a short period.

Which of the following is an advantage of custom system development?

Which of the following is an advantage of custom system development? It is tailored closely to an organization's needs. Which of the following best defines agile methods?

Which of the following types of testing for information systems is conducted to assess how well a system performs under peak loads?

12) In acceptance testing, tests are conducted by an organization's IT staff to assess how well a system performs under peak loads.

Which of the following is a drawback of the waterfall method?

Which of the following is a drawback of the waterfall method? It is unable to adapt to changes of the business landscape. A disadvantage of custom system development is that it involves high overall cost and requires more time to go live.