Which of the following is a similarity between the goals of Hong the leaders of Islamic revitalization movements Shaka?

major consequence of the renaissance?

a network of independent, educated people who were not totally reliant on either the state or the church

primary reason the Renaissance culture spread throughout Europe is…

economic prosperity and competition between political and religious leaders

Ming officials in contrast to rulers of portugal and spain, viewed maritime expansion as

a potential source of disorder and instability

***main goal of zheng he’s voyages was to

reestablish trade and collect tribute

as a result of the ming dynasty’s abandoning support for oceanic explortation:

chinese maritime power declined and opened the way of newcomers and rivals in the Indian Ocean and Southeast asia

what was a major difference between the rulers of spain and portugal and the ottomans?

the spanish and portuguese rulers expelled or forced the conversion of members of other religions; the Ottomans permitted those with diverse religious beliefs to remain in their territories

***what factors led to China’s economic expansion in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries?

thriving and elaborate internal trade networks

why were the portuguese and other europeans motivated to find new routes to Asia?

they were responding to conquest of Constantinople and the rise of ottoman power in the mediterranean

what actions did the ottoman officials take to assist the caravan trade transporting goods from china to the ottoman heartland?

officials established caravan series for travelers refreshment and protection

what led portuguese traders to explore the coast of Africa in the mid-sixteenth century?

gold’s value rose dramatically during and after the Black Death, and the Portuguese believed that Africa was a source of precious metals

***which of the following attributes made the caravel useful in exploring African coasts?

the caravel was sturdy enough to sail rough Atlantic seas, while its ability to tack using its triangular sails made it maneuverable in coastal estuaries

what was portugual’s primary goal in the Indian ocean trade?

to take over the trade and tax local merchants

which of the following best explains why the portuguese dominated the Indian ocean sea lanes?

the portuguese mounted small cannons on their vessels to bombard ports and rival ships

which of the following allowed the spanish to defeat both the aztec and inca empires?

both empires suffered internal weakness and divisions that were exploited by the spanish

the establishment of colonies in the americas provided europeans with what advantages in global trade?

european products that were not esteemed in Afro-Eurasia could be sold in the americans

what was the primary reason for the rapid increase in the importation of africans in Brazil and Caribbean?

africans were used as labor for sugar plantations

what sparked martin luther’s challenge to the catholic church?

he was disgusted with corrupt church practices such as the selling of the indulgences

the protestant reformation encourages the growth of nationalism in europe by encouraging people to…

identify their religion with their local state and language

in the council of trent, the catholic church responded to the challenges posed by the protestant reformation in what way?

the church sought to reform clerical corruption

what circumstances permitted the english and dutch to expand their trade in asia and the americas?

they took advantage of Spain’s bankruptcy cause by religious and dynastic wars

which of the following was a way in which the spread of protestant beliefs contributed to protracted warfare in europe?

common people took up arms to defend their religious beliefs and practices instead of leaving warfare to the soldiers

*** in what way was the rule of Mughals under akbar different from that of contemporary european monarchs?

akbar encouraged discussion between members of different religions instead of attempting to force religious conformity

which of the following accurately describes a change in China’s economy during the Ming dynasty?

silver money replaced barter in China’s internal markets

what was a similarity between the ming and mughal dynasties?

both were able to limit european traders to port cities

what characterized the portuguese presence in Macao?

the Portuguese used Macao as an entry into the lucrative import-export trade with china

in what way did the spanish capture of Manila in 1571 inaugurate the first worldwide trade circuit?

Manila gave the Spanish a base to trade silver from the americans to china, and then chinese goods to europe

what advantage was provided by the english east india company’s royal charter?

it gave exclusive rights to import east indian goods in england

what impact did the european presence in the indian ocean and south china sea have on Asian dynasties?

the european presence enhanced Asian rulers wealth and might

*** what led european countries other than spain and portugal to turn to cultivation in order to extract wealth from their american colonies?

little mineral wealth was found in the English, France, or Dutch colonies

what, according to mercantilist thinkers, was the purpose of colonies?

to enrich the states that had founded them

which of the following was a consequence of the increasing wealth in European states?

european states grew rich enough to wage almost unceasing wars against one another

what role did europeans play in the slave trade?

Europeans remained in coastal enclaves, depending on indigenous political and trading networks to bring them slaves

what factors made the Safavid empire the most unstable for the large muslim states?

weak rulers and internal divisions

what helped to destabilize the Ottoman empire?

Mughal invaders took over large amounts of Ottoman territory in the eastern part of the empire

what was a consequence of the political and economic disorder in the Ottoman empire?

the Mamluks in Egypt asserted political and commercial autonomy

during the 17th century, rising levels of global commerce increased prosperity in the ming and mughal empires but also led to…

a decline in centralized state control

the ming dynasty’s administrative and economic difficulties were evidence by:

failure to respond effectively to natural disasters

which of the following strategies contributes to the early success of the Qing dynast?

they presented themselves as upholders of familial values and traditional chinese culture

I’m what way did the Canton system seek to control of trade?

it requires european traders to have chinese merchants act as guarantors for their good behavior and payment of fees

for what reason did the Tokugawa shoguns expel a lll foreign traders except for the Dutch?

the dutch were protestants and did not proselytize

how did the dutch merchants contribute to the development of European commerce?

they established a stock exchange, banking system, and system for insuring cargoes

which of the following prevented english monarch. such as Queen Elizabeth I, from establishing an absolute regime?

english monarch were legally requires to obtain the consent of Parliament in order to raise funds

why did the european wars eland into global confrontations?

conflicts over overseas colonies and trade routes replaced earlier religion religious territorial struggles

what was the global effect of the seven years war?

great Britain emerged as the worlds strongest colonial power, making it harder for indigenous people to pup european powers against one another

what undermined both the ottoman and mughal empires?

the influx of silver from the Americas created inflation, which undermined their economic economy

how did europe’s cultural exchanges with the americas and pacific compare with its exchanges with china and islamic world?

unlike cultures in china and the islamic world, indigenous cultures in the Americas and the pacific were undermined by contact with Europeans

in what way did the Islamic world in the period between 1500-1780 change from its earlier pattern of cultural development?

the islamic world developed three distinctive cultural traditions centered on the Mughal, Ottoman, and Safavid empires

why did Ming China escape the sectarian warfare that ravaged Europe?

the chinese believed it was the emperor, rather than any other religious group, that help the mandate of heaven, so no sect was favored over the others

what led the Japanese to consider how to control and integrate foreign learning?

earlier foreign ideas rarely traveled beyond coastal regions, but by the eighteenth century, expanded networks of exchange facilitated their spread throughout the country

what were some of the broader consequences of the Enlightenment?

the expansion of literacy and the spread of critical thinking

Francis Bacon’s method of scientific inquiry asserted …

conducting experiments was the only was that humans could begin to understand the workings of nature

which of the following did Adam Smith see as a valid reason for creating an economy with less government regulation?

he believed that free and fair competition provided the best opportunity to produce wealth

which of the following did Captain Cook and Christopher columbus have in common?

both changes local ecologies by introducing european flora and fauna to unfamiliar environments

which of John Locke’s ideas formed the basis of the declaration of independence?

a social contract, binding both ruler and ruled

what accurately characterizes both the american and french revolution?

both introduced republican forms of government

what accurately describes the political revolution against the Spanish monarchy in the 19th century latin america?

it was crushed by the colonial elite, who used their spanish identity to justify their control

what accurately indicates the process by which the salve trade was ended in the North Atlantic?

britain posted a naval squadron off the coast of West Africa to prevent any slave trade north of the equator

what effect did the end of the Atlantic slave trade have in Africa?

slavery increased within africa to provide labor for commercial crops such as palm oil and cloves

what accurately describes global trade in the mid 19th century?

people increasingly worked to produce goods they could sell in the global market instead of producing subsistence crops

how did britain’s political and social environment contribute to the industrial revolution?

it allowed merchants and industrialists to invest heavily in such inventions as steam power

how did the industrial revolution effect Europe’s relationship with other parts of the world?

europe became more powerful economically by exporting more goods than it imported

what explains why China did not become the epicenter of the industrial revolution?

the Qing did not foster experimentation or create the links between the thinkers and investigators

what method was used by Tsar Nicholas I to maintain absolute rule in Russia?

he expanded the secret policy and enforced censorship

during 18th and 19th centuries how did India’s traditional trade patterns change?

India became an importer of British goods such as cotton textiles, and an exporter of raw materials

how did trade relationship between china and europe change in the early 19th century?

the balance of trade between china and europe was reversed

the leaders of 18th and 19th century Islamic revitalization movements sought to reestablish the glory of Islam through which practice?

establishing new religiously based governments in lands already under Muslim control

the impetus of Mohammad Ibn al-Wahhab’s Islamic reform movement was a reaction to …

polytheistic beliefs that had taken root among some muslims

*** which of the following groups was most attracted to Wahhabi Islam?

people who felt threatened by new commercial activities and the increasing pace of intellectual change

how did the status of Islam in West Africa change after the establishment of the Sokoto caliphate?

it changed from a minority religion to the majority religion

why did small scale settlements in southern africa give way to larger states during the early 19th century?

larger states were better equipped to compete for limited land and resources

during 19th century, what led to a crisis in southern africa?

pressure from the growing population

what is a similarity between the goals of Hong and Shaka?

they believed that lack of harmony was caused by foreign rule

what was a reason for the collapse of the Taiping Rebellion?

it failed to attract strong support from the landed gentry and other elite groups

In Restoration-period Europe, what was a goal of liberal thinkers?

supporting the individuals right to speak, think and act as they chose

what way did the 19th century nationalists goals prove destructive in the 20th century?

the nationalist goals of different groups proves incompatible with one another

what did Marx and Engels believe would be the outcome of the conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat?

a victory by the proletariat that would result in the destruction of capitalism, the end of private property, and the eventual withering away of the state

what did the groups that eld the 1848 revolutions in europe have in common?

they shared a desire for independent nations and to overthrow the existing elites

what was a common factor in the Shawnee, Maya, and Indians rebellions against colonial control?

the use of prophecy and charismatic leadership

the Shawnee prophet Tenskwatawa was similar to Hong Xiuquan in what way?

both had religious visions and embraced a strict moral code

how did the outcome of the War of 1812 hasten the ethnic cleansing of native americans east of the Mississippi?

the british withdrew their support from south of the great lakes, leaving the Shawnee at the mercy of land hungry american settlers

what change did the british east india company make in its approach to ruling India during the 1840s?

it annexed more land and stripped native aristocrats of their privileges

what event sparked the great rebellion of 1857?

a rumor that cow and pig fat had been used to grease the cartilages used in soldiers’ rifles

how did the peasants show their divergence from the indian elite in the great rebellion of 1857?

peasants attacked both indian and british people and places that represented their oppression

what characterized the British counterinsurgency effort in India?

the British responded brutally, villages were destroyed and leaders were tied to cannons and executed

how did the british change their approach of ruling India after 1857?

india came under the British crowns direct control

how did the development of nation-states contribute to the spread of imperialism?

the conquest of new territories was seen as a measure of a nation-state’s strength

what was a method that dominant elites used to spread their values and institutions throughout the nation-state?

broadening public education in the national language

what attitudes created tension between the concept of nation-state and colonial empire?

colonies were seen as subordinate to their mother countries, often with no representations of their governments

how did the U.S’s understanding of itself change after the Civil War?

its sense of national identity, and the strength of the national government, grew stronger

what hampered the implementation of the nationalistic idea that the location of “the people” should form the basis for setting national boundaries?

there was no agreement as to who “the people” should be

what developments contributed heavily to the growth of nationalism in 19th century europe?

the expansion of literacy and the periodical press

what kind of states resulted from the unifications of Germany and Italy?

states with persistent interval divisions and centralized power wielded by their monarchs

in what way did the 2nd industrial revolution lead to greater global economic integration?

necessary raw materials such as rubber, copper, oil, and bauxite were not readily available in the North Atlantic states and had to be imported from overseas

what reflects charles darwin’s key scientific theory?

species evolved under the pressure of natural selection

how did social darwinists use the idea of “survival of the fittest”?

to justify strong nations domination of weaker ones

which british colony served as a model for later European endeavors by developing the colony’s infrastructure to maximize profit from trade?


what was the general goal of imperial powers, such as Great britain in the 19th century?

to force their colonies to buy their manufactured goods while exporting staple commodities

which of the following was an important unintended consequence of the european partition of Africa in the late 19th century?

boundary lines drawn by europeans divided existing African ethnic, linguistic, cultural, and commercial units among several different colonies

why did the europeans colonize africa?

to acquire personal power and imperial glory

after revolts in several of their african colonies, what changes did the europeans make in their colonial structures?

more efficient administrations began to provide health care and education to the colonized people

after the spanish and american war, american expansionism increasingly involved…

turning nominally independent countries into dependent states

in response to Commodore Perry’s arrival in Edo Bay, how did young japan elites plan to modernize?

they planned to adopt western technology, while maintaining japanese culture

what was a similarity between russia and japanese attempts to modernize in the late 19th century?

for both, key aspects of industrialization were state sponsored

what was the ultimate result of China’s unwillingness to change its political and economic systems?

vulnerability to external aggression ands internal instability

What did the Islamic revitalization movements of the early nineteenth century have in common with the Taiping movement in China?

What did the Islamic revitalization movements of the early nineteenth century have in common with the Taiping movement in China? Both provided new opportunities to claim political and spiritual legitimacy.

Which of the following was the most important device used by Mexicans to lure Mayans into plantation labor quizlet?

Which of the following was the most important device used by Mexicans to lure Mayans into plantation labor? Debt peonage forced fathers and sons to work for low wages on sugar plantations.

What did Marx and Engels believe would be the outcome of the conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat quizlet?

What did Marx and Engels believe would be the outcome of the conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat? A proletariat victory will result in the destruction of capitalism, the end of private property, and the withering away of the state.

In what way did the Mayans who followed José María Barrera resemble the Chinese who followed Hong in the Taiping Rebellion quizlet?

In what way did the Mayans who followed José María Barrera resemble the Chinese who followed Hong in the Taiping Rebellion? Both the Mayans and the Chinese followed visionaries who formed alternative religions that combined Christian beliefs, symbols, and rituals with traditional beliefs and legends.

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