Which of the following is a way in which companies usually deal with temporary employee surpluses

A surplus employee is someone that a business or government agency no longer needs. A company may reassign surplus employees from one business unit to current or vacant positions elsewhere in an organization. The company may also implement temporary or permanent layoffs. Although staff reductions are an unpleasant experience for everybody, including the remaining employees, they are often necessary for competitive businesses.


  1. Surplus employees are usually the result of changes in business conditions. For example, high unemployment may lead to lost revenues for a car dealership, which may designate some of its sales and service staff as "surplus employees" to offset the revenue declines. An electronics manufacturer may implement layoffs if its new products fail to gain traction, while a global business may end up with surplus employees in different parts of the world where currency fluctuations have made its products too expensive.


  1. Senior management makes the decision to designate surplus employees, usually as part of a restructuring exercise. Once management decides on the number of surplus employees it is going to need, it should inform the employees, either in small-group settings at the department level or in a company-wide town hall meeting. In a large company, the heads of the affected business units would prepare a list of surplus employees and prepare the separation packages in consultation with human resources. Managers should inform the affected employees in one-on-one settings and keep the conversation brief and direct. The layoff process is usually shorter in a small business because the owner or the senior partners would normally make the key decisions and inform the affected employees in a few days.


  1. Large companies and government agencies usually provide transition services, which may involve retraining some surplus employees to perform other functions in the organization. For example, an automaker could train the surplus employees from an older assembly line to work on the assembly lines for a new generation of cars. Other transition services include resume preparation, job-search assistance and interview tips. Companies also should consider implementing counseling sessions for the people involved in the layoff process, including the remaining employees.


  1. Conservative human resource planning may help companies avoid significant layoffs. For example, if a small business is uncertain of the size of future orders, it should hire employees on temporary contracts. Some companies resolve potential employee surpluses without layoffs, relying instead on such measures as reduced work hours and pay reductions because they believe that a no-layoff policy results in a loyal and efficient workforce. However, some no-layoff policies may be impractical for many small businesses and may not reduce staff anxiety very much during economic uncertainty.


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