Which of the following is an advantage of conducting a naturalistic observation?

Answer D

Option D - Naturalistic observation provides a holistic idea of all the elements at play with regard to a particular phenomenon, such as the actors, dynamics, interactions and so forth. While it is comprehensive and untampered, its greatest disadvantage is the lack of ascertaining causality between the parts of the phenomenon. It is unlikely to determine causative elements from mere observation and hence, option D is the most appropriate answer.

Option A - The abundance of information provided by the naturalistic observation of events adds to the benefits it can offer. The information does not just constitute information regarding the concept in question but also all other aspects that may be related and can be examined further if deemed necessary. It provides an open-ended data point and hence, option A is not the answer.

Option B - Naturalistic observation offers the unique opportunity of observing phenomena in the natural environment without any influence of researcher bias on the subjects. This helps in identifying the actual elements rather than depicted aspects influenced by the presence of researchers. So, option B is not the answer.

Option C - While subjectivity can be a critical shortcoming of naturalistic observation, it is countered by multiple accounts and corroborating for an objective record while eliminating any sense of subjectivity to the maximum extent. The ability to limit biases adds to advantages and hence, option C is not the answer

Option E - The unpredictability of participants is not the responsibility of the observation method and it is merely employed to note the events rather than influence them. The unpredictability is still a part of the phenomenon and is recorded accordingly. So, option E is not the answer. 

Naturalistic observation is a type of research method that scientists use to collect data and information about different types of things. What it means is that the subject(s) are observed, unknowingly, in their natural environment. Their behaviors and reactions to things are perceived as genuine and not manipulated, unlike many other types of research methods where the subject is aware that they are being examined. It is argued that this is the most realistic and accurate for of observation that can be used, but it certainly poses it’s own unique disadvantages.

The Advantages of Naturalistic Observation

1. Natural Behaviors
When there is no influence on the behaviors of the subject, the data collected is much more genuine. People show their true feelings, reactions, and behaviors when they are not being examined or watched.

2. Aids In Research Validation
Often times, naturalistic observation is used to validate results from experiments that have already been done. They help to confirm or disprove this data because it gives a truly accurate account of results.

3. Puts Thing In Real World View
Tests can be conducted in a real world setting. This makes the answers that are obtained much more relevant to the hypothesis’s impact in true, real life settings. This is a type of view that is much more difficult, or nearly impossible, to get with other types of experiments and observations that can be done.

4. Allows You To Study Unethical Topics
There are many things that need to be studied in depth in order for us to understand them better. However, not all circumstances are fit for throwing people into a scientific study of their behaviors or emotions. One good example of this would be the effects that school shootings have on students at the school. Naturalistic observation allows researchers to gather valuable data, without interrupting the emotional well being of the subject.

The Disadvantages of Naturalistic Observation

1. Outside Influences
When conduction a naturalistic observation you have almost no control over the influences around you subject. These interferences could easily impact the results of the test and render it useless.

2. Difference of Opinion
Everyone looks at things different, and this includes researchers and scientists. Two people can observe the same subject do the same exact thing, and yet they may draw two very different conclusions from the actions or behaviors. This bias is the biggest things that critics of naturalistic observations argue.

3. Difficult To Keep It Natural
As you would imagine, it can be difficult to conduct an examination or experiment on a person without their knowing. You would often have to be at such a distance that you may not get the full scope of what is happening or the behaviors that are being exhibited.

4. Can Take A Long Time
In order to draw true results, you have to observe the same subject doing the same thing for a long period of time. This shows you what the true data and results of the experiment are. Some naturalistic observations can last months or even years to complete.

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Which of the following is an advantage of conducting a naturalistic observation?

Important Facts About Naturalistic Observation

  • The exact opposite of naturalistic observation is called analog observation. This is when all factors are manipulated by researchers.
  • The three steps of naturalistic observation are description, prediction, and explanation.
  • This form of observation requires the most meticulous note taking and in depth researcher involvement.
  • The real world data that is collected has ecological validity. Meaning it the situations studies exist in the real world.
  • Which of the following is an advantage of naturalistic observation?

    An advantage of naturalistic observation is that it allows the investigators to directly observe the subject in a natural setting. The method gives scientists a first-hand look at social behavior and can help them notice things that they might never have encountered in a lab setting.

    What are the advantages of naturalistic observation quizlet?

    The advantage of naturalistic observation is that it represents exactly what happens naturally. The primary disadvantage of naturalistic observation, however, is that it is not standardized, and so variables cannot be isolated.

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of naturalistic observation?

    Naturalistic observation is a valuable tool because of its flexibility, external validity, and suitability for topics that can't be studied in a lab setting. The downsides of naturalistic observation include its lack of scientific control, ethical considerations, and potential for bias from observers and subjects.

    What is the most important factor in conducting naturalistic observation?

    Scope of the Observation Before going into the field, researchers conducting naturalistic observation must define the scope of their research. While the researcher may want to study everything about the people in the chosen setting, this may not be realistic given the complexities of human behavior.