Which of the following is an assumption of the industrial organization I O model?

Pratik Poudel

Pratik Poudel

Currently studying Phd at the Asian Institute of Technology(AIT), Bangkok, Thailand

Published Mar 1, 2016

A strategy is the combination of actions to exploit core competencies through
which a company creates its own competitive edge. Every firm has or must make
a strategy. A strategy is the only way that gives a clear cut path for a company
or firm to excel. Similarly a person should also have a strategy, isn’t it? How can
somebody excel without strategy? But for strategy you need to have your core
competencies first. What are your core competencies? For this you need to keep
exploring yourself. Don’t be afraid from exploring yourself.
Well, let’s focus on two particular theories to make strategies. The first theory is
called the I/O Model or Industrial organization model. This model explains it is the external environment which you should take care of before you make your
strategy. This model explains that the industry in which a firm chooses to
compete has a stronger influence on the firm’s performance than do the choices
managers make inside the organization. The I/O model has four assumptions.
The first assumption is that it is the external environment that creates pressures
and constraints for a firm to make its strategy. The second assumption is that
the firms competing within a particular industry has similar resources under their control. Therefore the firms under these industries are more or less equal. The third assumption is that the resources that are under their control are highly
mobile. And the fourth assumption is that the organizational people are rational
human beings.
The resource based model on the other hand gives us a different aspect than the
I/O model. The resource based model assumes that each organization is a
collection of unique resource and capabilities that provides the basis for its
strategy and that is the primary source of their return. According to this model,
differences in firms’ performances across time are due primarily to their unique
resources and capabilities rather than the industry’s structural characteristics.
So, this model focuses on unique resources and capabilities. If you have those
unique resources, then you can develop the capabilities to gain competitive
So, which is the model that you should follow to make personal strategy? I think
you need to have the amalgamation of both models to make strategies. First, as I
have already stated earlier, don’t hesitate to explore various things. As an
entrepreneur you should not stick your own personal tastes and preferences. You should try to explore the market (external environment) to determine your
resources (develop unique resources) to gain competitive advantage. Every firm
has its own uniqueness. But the uniqueness does not have any value unless that
uniqueness leads you to competitive advantage. Therefore, explore your core
competencies (Resource based model) and keep it updated with the external
environment (I/O Model).

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3) All of the following are assumptions of the industrial organization (I/O)model EXCEPTa. Organizational decision makers are rational and committed to acting in thefirm’sbest interests.b. Resources to implement strategies are firm-specific and attached to firmsover the long-term.c. The external environment is assumed to impose pressures and constraints thatdetermine the strategies that result in above-average returns.d. Firms in given industries, or given industry segments, are assumed to controlsimilar strategically relevant resources.All of the following are assumptions of the resource-based model EXCEPTa. Each firm is a unique collection of resources and capabilities.b. The industry's structural characteristics have little impact on a firm'sperformance over time.c. Capabilities are highly mobile across firms.d. Differences in resources and capabilities are the basis of competitiveadvantage.4)In the resource-based model, which of the following factors would beconsidered a key to organizational success?a. unique market nicheb. weak competitionc. economies of scaled. skilled employeesDownloaded by Abhishek Nadgire ([email protected])lOMoARcPSD|8082996

5)All of the following are resources of an organization EXCEPTa. an hourly production employee's ability to catch subtle quality defects inproducts.b. oil drilling rights in a promising region.c. weak competitors in the industry.d. a charity's endowment of $400 million..6)The resource-based model of the firm argues thata. all resources have the potential to be the basis of sustained competitiveadvantage.b. all capabilities can be a source of sustainable competitive advantage.c. the key to competitive success is the structure of the industry in which thefirm competes.d. resources and capabilities that are valuable, rare, costly to imitate, andnon-substitutable form the basis of a firm's core competencies.7)The goal of the organization's ____ is to capture the hearts and minds ofemployees, challenge them, and evoke their emotions and dreams.a. visionb. missionc. cultured. strategy8)A firm's missionDownloaded by Abhishek Nadgire ([email protected])lOMoARcPSD|8082996

a. is a statement of a firm's business in which it intends to compete andthe customers which it intends to serve.b. is an internally-focused affirmation of the organization's financial, social,and ethical goals.c. is mainly intended to emotionally inspire employees and other stakeholders.d. is developed by a firm before the firm develops its vision.

What are the assumptions of industrial organization model?

The industrial organization (I/O) model assumes the following: The external environment imposes pressures and constraints that determine the firms' strategy. Most firms control similar resources and pursue similar strategy that utilizes these resources. Thus, firms under an industry are more or less equal.

What is Industrial Organization i/o Model?

called the I/O Model or Industrial organization model. This model explains it is the external environment which you should take care of before you make your. strategy. This model explains that the industry in which a firm chooses to. compete has a stronger influence on the firm's performance than do the choices.

What does this suggest regarding the industrial organization I O model to explain how firms can earn above

The I/O model suggests that above-average returns are earned when firms are able to effectively study the external environment as the foundation for identifying an attractive industry and implementing the appropriate strategy.

What are the differences between industrial organization I O and resource

The industrial organization approach ascribes a firm's international performance to its external market position. The resource based-view focuses on internal organizational resources such as marketing competency or marketing capabilities to identify the determinants of a firm's international marketing performance.