Which of the following is an example of an external audience for written communication at work

Beginning writers tend to think that they are writing for “everybody.” “Everybody” doesn’t exist. Few subjects are of interest to all people. Even those audiences most like the writer, perhaps classmates, come from different geographical areas, ethnic and religious backgrounds, and family situations. Communicating with them requires careful choices in wording and logical sequence and skill in using tools we have to work with.

Do intended readers already understand the subject or do they need background information? Do they share beliefs, or must you persuade them? Asking questions to define the audience enables the writer to select the most effective tone and content.

Internal audiences: internal audiences are those who share values or common points of reference with the author. They may be classmates, members of a club, or people with a common origin. Internal audiences share common vocabularies. In writing to them, it is acceptable to use local terminology, acronyms, and even shared biases.

Example: SeaAggies know that classes are held in CLB on the Mitchell campus at TAMUG. They have a common desire to “Beat the hell out of TU.”

In giving directions to an external audience (those who have never been here before) it is more effective to say "some classes are held in building 2007 on the Mitchell campus at Texas A&M University in Galveston. Our arch rival is the University of Texas,

External Audiences: External audiences do not have the inside information or common background shared by internal audiences. In writing to an external audience, spell out acronyms and use terms which are universal and are easily understood. External audiences may need background information which would be unnecessary when communicating with internal audiences.

Positive, Negative, and Neutral Audiences: In persuasive writing it is important to know whether your audience is positive, neutral, or against your proposition before you attempt to influence their thinking. Persuasive writing is normally directed to people who are neutral or unaware of the importance of the information you are presenting.

There is no need to persuade administrators at TAMUG that completion of the new science building is important in our future growth. Those who are firmly against adding expenses to the state budget are unlikely to support funding building projects, regardless of merit.

Appeal to neutral audiences: Neutral audiences may be somewhat positive, or somewhat negative, or may have limited knowledge of the idea you are presenting. They need solid information backed with accurate figures and well-documented sources. They will make a decision based on the quality of the information you provide.

In presidential campaigns, normally less than 10% of the voters are undecided by the last month of campaigning. In order to win the election, a candidate must reach more than half (5.1%) of the neutral voters. Campaign funds are directed to specific states with large numbers of undecided voters, and messages are about topics likely to be of interest to voters in those states. Language and approaches to presenting information should be selected based on your evaluation of their effectiveness in reaching neutral audiences

Target neutral audiences to make your writing effective. Use a neutral tone; an appeal which is too strong or emotionally loaded may cause a neutral audience to become skeptical. Begin with general information, add specific facts and figures to support your position, and conclude with a summary and an appeal for support.


Audiences are:Audiences have positions regarding your ideas:
Internal For
External Neutral

Writer’s tip: Because you are unlikely to influence people who are strongly against your ideas and you have no need to influence those who are strongly in favor, target neutral audiences by using neutral language, providing general background information, and supporting your position with factual information presented in a logically developed sequence.

More about evaluating audiences: Before writing, it is useful to write a brief description defining your target audience. You may be appealing to young educated people in Texas colleges, or you may be appealing to accountants and administrators who fund grants. You may be writing to people who share a common religious faith, or you may be writing to people who will make decisions based on practical information rather than ideals. The more you know about your audience, and the more carefully you define it, the more effective you will be in influencing your readers’ thinking and securing support for your ideas.

32.Natalia who works for Trends, a fashion business, needs to give a presentation to her superiors about themarketing plan for the newly launched Vogue line of clothing. Once she receives an approval for it, shewill be sharing details of the launch with distributors, clients, and fashion businesses with which theyhave tie-ups. In addition, she will also be presenting the plan to the press to spread word about the newclothing line. Who among the following would be included in Natalia's internal audience?

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33.Ella, a human resource manager, has written a report for the organizational director on the staffing needsof the company. Along with the report, she has also sent a memo explaining why the document is beingforwarded to him. The accompanying document is called a _____.A. quotationB. 10-K ReportC. claims adjustmentD. transmittalE. policy and procedure bulletin

34.Which of the following documents is used for performance appraisals, salaries, and hiring?

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35.Evelyn Jones who works for Lobo Events, an event management company, is preparing a documenton the problems faced while hosting events and generating revenue. In the report, she explains thatunavailability of venues for events in particular seasons and steep charges by music bands are challengesfaced by the company. In addition, she explains the company's performance and that it generated revenueof $25,000,000 in the last three months. Which of the following documents is Evelyn preparing in thisscenario?

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What are examples of external audiences?

External audiences are those prospective customers, market competitors, or governmental entities that you influence with advertising, sales collateral, or traditional marketing initiatives to achieve your goals.

Which of the following are examples of written communication?

Reports and e-mail are examples of written communication, Written communication is concerned with any type of message which involves written words.

What are 4 types of written communication?

Four of the most common types of written communication in business include emails, memorandums (memos), faxes, and advertisements.

Which of the following is an external audience of an Organisation?

Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is d. Stockholders. An organization's external audience is a collection of individuals or stakeholders who are considered outside the organization and are not involved in the day-to-day operations or management.


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