Which of the following is appropriate content for the conclusion of a report? check all that apply.

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Which of the following is appropriate content for the conclusion of a report? check all that apply.

Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective

11th EditionGeorge Belch, Michael Belch

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Which of the following is appropriate content for the conclusion of a report? check all that apply.

Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being

12th EditionMichael R Solomon

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Which of the following is appropriate content for the conclusion of a report? check all that apply.

Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy

14th EditionDavid Mothersbaugh, Delbert Hawkins, Susan Bardi Kleiser

1,835 solutions

Which of the following is appropriate content for the conclusion of a report? check all that apply.

Consumer Behavior

13th EditionDavid Mothersbaugh, Delbert Hawkins, Roger Best

1,268 solutions

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Which of the following is appropriate content for the conclusion of a report? check all that apply.

Technical Writing for Success

3rd EditionDarlene Smith-Worthington, Sue Jefferson

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Which of the following is appropriate content for the conclusion of a report? check all that apply.

Technical Writing for Success

3rd EditionDarlene Smith-Worthington, Sue Jefferson

468 solutions

Which of the following is appropriate content for the conclusion of a report? check all that apply.

Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking

1st EditionCarol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses

1,697 solutions

Which of the following is appropriate content for the conclusion of a report? check all that apply.

The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric

2nd EditionLawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses

661 solutions

4. Chapter 11 ReviewReports are used for many business functions. Different report types are used to serve differentpurposes in an organization. These questions review the basics of organizing and preparing reportsand proposals.Preliminary parts of a report add formality, emphasize the report’s content, and help the reader findand understand information in the report more quickly.Which of these are preliminary parts of a formal report?Check all that apply.Title pageBodyTable of contentsExplanation:Preliminary parts of a formal report can include a title page, table of contents, table of figures, andexecutive summary. The body is an important part of a report, but it is not preliminary. Likewise, theindex goes at the end of the report, not at the beginning.IndexPoints:1 / 1Close Explanation

Preparing outlines for formal and informal reports is a good idea. In a Roman numeral outline for areport, “I” is a first-level heading. Which of these are also true?Check all that apply.

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Close ExplanationExplanation:Informational reports should conclude with a summary of the data presented. Analytical reports shouldreview the findings and answer the research questions posited in the introduction of the report.第三遍:10. Understanding Report Components, Part II

Significance Authorization BackgroundPoints:1 / 1The authorization section is the place to identify who commissioned the report. If you do not include a letter of transmittal, also use this section to tell why, when, by whThe body of a formal reportcontains clear headings that explain each major section.Which of the following is appropriate content for the conclusion of a report?Check all that apply.Points:1 / 1Close ExplanationExplanation:Although you refer to this section as the body, it does not carry that heading. Rather, it contains clearheadings that explain each major section.

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