Which of the following is are demonstrated in an AP axial projection of the cervical spine?

For the cr to pass through and open the intervertebral spaces on a 45 degree POSTERIOR oblique projection of the cervical vertebrae, what central ray angle if any would be required?

The RAO and LAO positions show the upside or downside of the zygopophyseal joints in the lumbar region?

Upside.RAO position demonstrates the left zygopophyseal joints

Pt is in RPO position, which lumbar zygopophyseal joints are visualized?

The pt is in the LAO position, which lumbar zygopophyseal joints are visualized?

Right zygopophyseal joints

Mastoid tip is at the level of

What are two advantages of using a higher kV for spine radiography, especially on AP

Increase exposure latitude, decrease pt dose

to ensure that the intervertebral joint spaces are open for lateral thoracic spine projections, it is important toa. keep the vertebral column parallel to the IR
b. use a small focal spot
c. use a breathing technique
d. angle the CR cephalad

a. keep vertebral column parallel to the image receptor

for lateral and oblique projections of the cervical spine, it is important to minimize the magnification and maximize the detail bya. keeping vertebral column parallel to the IR
b. using a small focal spot
c. increasing SID
d. using a breathing technique

b. using a small focal spotand
c. increasing SID to 60-72"

fractures through the pedicles and anterior arch of C2 with forward displacement upon C3

hangmans fracture; occurs when neck is subjected to extreme hyperextension

very unstable fracture that occurs when the neck is subjected to extreme hyperextension

inflammation of the vertebrae

abnormal or exaggerated convex curvature of the thoracic spine

fracture that involves collapse of vertebral body; anterior edge collapses; best seen on a lateral projection

a fracture that results from hyperflexion of neck; results in avulsion fractures on the spinous process of C6-T1

comminuted fracture of the vertebral body with posterior fragments displaced into the spinal canal

produces the bow tie sign

name of the radiographic procedure that requires the injection of contrast media into the subarachnoid space

which imaging modality is ideal for detecting early signs of osteomyelitis?

which 2 landmarks must be aligned for an open mouth projection?

lower margin of the upper incisors and the base of the skull

what is the purpose of the 15-20 degree angle for the AP axial projection of the cervical spine?

to open up the intervertebral disc spaces

for an AP axial of the cervical spine, a plane throught the tip of the mandible and the ___ should be parallel to the angled central raya. mastoid process
b. base of skull
c. gonion

what are 2 important benefits of an SID longer than 40" for the lateral cervical spine projection?

1. compensates for increased OID; reduces magnification2. less divergence of xray beam to reduce shoulder superimposition of c7

which foramina are demonstrated with a left anterior oblique position of the cervical spine

LAO and RAO position best demonstrates the down side so the left intervertebral foramina will show

which foramina are demonstrated with an LPO position of the cervical spine?

RPO/LPO positions demonstrate upside so the right foramina will show

what is the recommended SID for the lateral projection of the cervical spine?

the lateral projection of the c spine should be taken on (inspiration, expiration), why?

expiration to help depress the shoulders

the proper name of the method for performing the cervicothoracic (swimmers lateral) projection is

which of the following projections delivers the greatest skin dose to the pta.ap thoracic spine
b. lateral cervical spine
c. swimmers lateral projection

this projection will best demonstrate a jefferson fracture

AP open mouth cervical spine

if upper dens cannot be demonstrated on AP open mouth than you would perform....

Fuchs or Judd method (waters or reverse waters)

for an AP open mouth you should collimate down to a box _x_

the AP open mouth demonstrates what structures?

dens and body of C2, lateral masses of C1, ZYGAPOPHYSEAL JOINTS BETWEEN C1 AND C2

if teeth are superimposed on upper dens is that too much flexion or extension?

if base of the skull is superimposed on the upper dens is it too much flexion or extension?

the fuchs and the judd method only show what?

what is the best projection to see a clay shovelers fracture?

a compression fracture is most commonly occured in which region of the spine

how should you position the head for an AP axial projection of the cervical spine?

the occlusal plane to the base of the skull is perpendicular to IR, and the tip of the mandible to the base of the skull is parallel to CR

how much should you angle the tube when performing a supine AP axial of the cervical spine?

how much should you angle the tube when performing an upright AP axial projection of the cervical spine?

what structures need to be shown on the AP axial projection of cervical spine?

C3 to T3, space btw pedicles, intervertebral disk spaces

you know you have the correct CR angle on an Ap axial projection of the cervical spine if 

the intervertebral disc spaces are open

are both obliques required for cervical spines?

which oblique projection is preferred when performing on the cervical spine, why?

posterior oblique projection is preferred for reduced thyroid doses

which position is preferred when performing oblique projection for the cervical spine?

LAO/RAO positions preferred and PA oblique projections preferred

if you are completing a posterior oblique projection of the cervical spine how much should the CR be angled and to what level?

when performing an anterior oblique projection of the cervical spine, how much should the CR be angled and at what level?

this fracture involves the dens and can extend into the lateral masses or arches of C1

radiographically the vertebral body will appear to have jumped over the vertebral body immediately inferior to it

How and to where should the central ray be directed for the AP axial projection of the cervical vertebral column?

15-20 degrees cephalad to C4

How many degrees and in which direction should the central ray be directed for AP axial projections of the sacrum

15 degrees cephalad Response Feedback:
With the patient supine, direct the central ray 15 degrees cephalad and center it to a point 2 inches superior to the pubic symphysis.

How many degrees and in which direction should the central ray be directed for the lateral projection of the lumbar vertebral column when the lumbar vertebral column is parallel with the table?

How many degrees from either the AP or the PA position should the entire body be rotated for the oblique projections of the cervical column?

45 degrees Response Feedback:
The intervertebral foramina are situated at a 45 degree angle to the midsaggital plane.

How many degrees of body rotation from the supine position are required for AP oblique projections of the sacroiliac joints?

What compensation shouuld be made in the lateral projection of the thoracic vertebral column on a recumbent patient when the lower thoracic region is not parallel with the table?

Angle CR 10-15 degrees cephalad

What is the name of the short, thick bony processes that project posteriorly from the lateral and superior aspects of vertebral bodies of typical vertebrae?

Which plane or line of the patient should be centered on the midline of the table for the lateral projection of the lumbar vertebral column?

Which position of the cervical vertebral column best demonstrates the right intervertebral foramina with the central ray angled 15 to 20 degrees caudad?

Response Feedback:
In the RAO position the intervertebral foramina and pedicles on the side of the patient closest to the IR are demonstrated. Correct CR angle of 15 to 20 degrees caudad will demonstrate open intervertebral foramina.

Which positioning error most likely occurred if the zygapophyseal joints was not well demonstrated and the pedicle was quite anterior on the vertebral body in AP oblique projection radiographs of the lumbar vertebral column?

Response Feedback:
When the joint is not well demonstrated and the pedicle is quite anterior on the vertebral body, the patient is not rotated enough. When the joint is not well demonstrated and the pedicle is quite posterior on the vertebral body, the patient is rotated too much.

Which projection best demonstrates the intervertebral foramina of the thoracic vertebral column?

Which projection of the cervical vertebrae demonstrates the dens imaged within the foramen magnum?

Which projection of the cervical vertebral column best demonstrates the intervertebral foramina?

AP oblique projection Response Feedback:
AP oblique projections demonstrate the intervertebral formanina furthest from the IR. PA oblique projections demonstrate the intervertebral foramina closest to the IR.

Which projection of the lumbar vertebral column best demonstrates zygapophyseal joints?

AP oblique projection Response Feedback: In the 45 degree AP oblique projection of the lumbar spine the zygapophysel joints are visible on the side closest to the IR.

With reference to the midsaggital plane, how do zygapophyseal joints open in cervical vertebrae?

LAO and RAO positions will demonstrate which zygopophyseal joints in the lumbar region? Upside or downside?

Upside.LAO= right
RAO = left

If the pt is in RPO or LPO position, which zygopophyseal joints are visible in the lumbar region? Upside or downside?

PA oblique projections in the thoracic spine will demonstrate which zygopophyseal joints?

Pa oblique projection= LAO/RAO positions will demonstrate downside

If pt is in the LAO position, which zygopophyseal joints in the thoracic region will be demonstrated?

Left zygopophyseal joint. (LAO/RAO positions= downside)

If the pt is in the RPO position, which zygopophyseal joints will be demonstrated in the thoracic region?

Left. LPO/ RPO positions show upside in thoracic region.

What is the centering point for the lateral projection L5 to S1?

If spine is parallel to IR the CR is perpendicular. If waist is not supported CR must be angled 5-8 degrees caudad to be parallel to interiliac planeCenter 1 1/2 " inferior to iliac crest and 2" posterior to ASIS

What are the GPS directions on where to center for the lateral projection L5-S1

1 1/2" inferior to iliac crest and 2 " posterior to ASIS

What is the CR angle for the special AP axial L5-S1 projection?

30 degrees cephalad for males and 35 degrees cephalad for females

What is the CR centering point for the special AP axial L5-S1 projection?

T/F The special AP axial L5-S1 projection may also be performed prone

True- with a 30-35 degree caudal angle of CR

What are the projections of the scoliosis series?

Basic: PA erect and/or supine. Erect lateral
PA (ap) ferguson
AP (pa) R and L bending

The PA projection: scoliosis series includes ___ images taken for comparison

2- one erect and one recumbent

Which is recommended when performing a scoliosis series, AP or PA?

PA is recommended it reduces breasts and thyroid dose. Breasts by 90%

Where is the lower margin of the IR in a PA scoliosis series?

Minimum of 1-2" below iliac crest

The erect lateral projection: scoliosis demonstrates

Spondylolisthesis, degree of kyphosis, degree of lordosis

T/FIn an erect lateral projection: scoliosis series, the convex side of the curve should be against the IR

The PA (AP) ferguson method: scoliosis, requires

Two images. One erect AP/PA and one with the foot or the hip of the convex side of the curve elevated

T\F The ferguson method assists in differentiating deforming primary curve from compensatory curve.

To find the ROM in the vertebral column, this projection is included in a scoliosis series.

Basic projections of spinal fusion series

AP/PA right and left bending and lateral- hyperflexion and hyperextension

Which exam is used to assess mobility at a spinal fusion site?

Hyperextension and hyperflexion 

Where is the centering point in a lateral hyperflexion and hyperextension spinal fusion?

At the site of the fusion

What type of CR is required for an AP axial projection of coccyx?

10 degree caudal@ 2" above pubic symphysis

What type of CR angle is recommended for an AP axial L5-S1 projection an a female?

What is the CR angle for AP axial projection: SI joints

Males 30 cephaladFemales 35 cephalad
@ 2" below ASIS

aP oblique projections RPO and LPO: SI joints, the pt is rotated how many degrees to the side of interest?

The LPO ap oblique for SI joints will demonstrate which joint ?

What are the tube angle and direction for an AP projection of the cervical spine?

B: For the AP view of the cervical spine, the patient is either erect or recumbent. The beam is directed toward the C-4 vertebra (at the Adam's apple) at an angle of 15°-20° cephalad.

When performing an AP axial projection of the cervical spine in order for the central ray to pass through C4 What is the appropriate entrance point for the beam?

When performing an AP axial projection of the cervical spine, the central ray should be angled 15-20 degrees cephalad. Because the central ray should pass through C4, and because there is a cephalic angulation of the beam, the central ray should enter inferior to the level where it exits.

Which two of the following are best demonstrated in the lateral projection of the cervical spine?

Which of the following is (are) demonstrated in the lateral projection of the cervical spine? The correct answer is (B). Intervertebral joints are well visualized in the lateral projection of all the vertebral groups.

Which of the following are demonstrated in the lateral position of the cervical spine?

Zygapophyseal joints are formed by articulating surfaces of the inferior articular facet of one vertebra with the superior articular facet of the vertebra below; they are well demonstrated in the lateral position of the cervical spine. The intervertebral disk spaces are best demonstrated in the lateral position.