Which of the following is centered to the IR for the PA axial projection of the mandibular Rami?


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Final Exam Review from Class

What bones make up the cranial floor? Left & Right Temporal, Sphenoid, & Ethmoid bone
Which projection(s) is best for demonstrating medial and lateral displacement of the mandibular rami? PA & PA Axial (Mandibular Rami)
The Central Ray will pass through the level of the EAM on which projection of the skull? AP Axial (Townes)
The fibrous joints of the face and skull are called ____________. Sutures
Which projection will best demonstrate the floor of the orbits? Modified Parietoacanthial (Modified Waters)
Where is the Coronal Suture located? Between the Frontal and both parietal bones
What line is perpendicular to the IR for the AP Axial projection of the Zygomatic Arch? OML
What line is parallel and which line is perpendicular to the IR for the lateral projection of the skull? IOML is Perpendicular to the front edge of the IR; Interpupillary line Perpendicular to the plane of the IR
Which bone is of primary interest in a Blowout Fracture? Maxillary
What structure should be projected below the Maxillary sinus for a Waters Projection? Petrous Ridge
The Central Ray is perpendicular to what line for the SMV projection of the Zygomatic Arches? IOML
What suture is located between the Occipital and Parietal bones? Lambdoidal
If performing a Reverse Waters on a patient unable to hyperextend the neck, the Central Ray should be parallel to what line? MML
What is the junction between the Occipital bone, Parietal bone, and Mastoid process? Asterion
What is the Central Ray angle for the AP Axial projection of the TemporalMandibular Articulation (TMJ)? 35 degrees Caudad (enters 3" above nasion)
The Law (or modified Law method) for the TMJ is what kind of projection? Axiolateral Oblique Projection
What is the Central Ray angle and entrance point for the Law method of the TMJ? 15º Caudad Entering 1½" Superior to the upside EAM
How is the head positioned for the Law Method of the TMJ? AML Horizontal and parallel to the transverse axis of the IR; MSP of the head rotated 15 degrees toward the IR
What line should be perpendicular to the plane of the IR for the Waters method? MML
What are the bones of the Calvaria? Frontal, Left & Right Parietal, Occipital
What suture is located between the Parietal and Temporal Bones? Squamosal
If the patient cannot be placed in the upright position for the paranasal sinuses, what is the next best position? Dorsal Decubitus for the lateral sinuses (since lateral will demonstrate all 4 sinus groups)
What is the central ray angle for the Caldwell projection of the skull? 15° Caudad to exit the nasion
For the Townes method projection of the skull, is the IOML is perpendicular to the IR what is the central ray angle? 37° Caudad (entering 2.5" above the glabella)
The Haas Method is a ___________ projection of the skull with a CR angle of _________ entering where? PA Axial; 25° Cephalad; Enters 1.5" below External Occipital Protuberance and exits 1.5" above nasion
How many facial bones are there? 14
What is the Central Ray angle for the PA Axial projection of the Mandibular Rami? 20-25° Cephalad to exit the Acanthion
What is the Central Ray angle for the Reverse Waters Projection? Perpendicular (0°) or Parallel to the MML
What line should be parallel to the IR for the SMV projection of the Zygomatic Arches? IOML
Where does the Central Ray enter for the SMV projection of the Skull? Along the MSP at a level 3/4" anterior to the EAM
For the Caldwell projection of the skull, what line should be perpendicular to the IR? OML
How is the Central Ray positioned for a Tangential Projection of the Zygomatic Arches? Perpendicular to the IOML & centered to the zygomatic arch at a point 1" posterior to the outer canthus.
For the SMV projection of the Cranial Base, the Central Ray is perpendicular to what line? IOML
How many bones in the cranial group? 8
If the IOML is parallel to the IR what is the Central Ray angle for the SMV projection? Perpendicular or 0°
Where does the Central Ray exit for the Waters projection? Acanthion
For the Axiolateral Oblique projection for the mandible, how is the head positioned to demonstrate the body of the mandible? 30° toward the IR
For the Axiolateral Oblique projection for the mandible, how is the head positioned to demonstrate the ramus? True lateral
For the Axiolateral Oblique projection for the mandible, how is the head positioned to demonstrate the symphysis? Rotated 45 degrees toward the IR
The Tangential projection for the Zygomatic Arch the Central Ray is perpendicular to what and enters where? Perpendicular to the IOML; Enters 1" Posterior to the outer canthus on the side being examined
The Sagittal suture is between what? Both parietal bones
For the SMV projection for the Zygomatic Arches the Central Ray enters where? ⊥ to IOML, & entering MSP of the throat at a level 1" Posterior to the outer Canthus
For a PA projection of the skull, where does the Central Ray enter? ⊥ to exit the Nasion
How many bones in the skull? And how many in each group? 22; 8 Cranial & 14 Facial
For the Townes projection of the Cranium, if the OML is not ⊥ to the IR what line should be ⊥ to the IR? IOML
What bone is of interest for a Tripod Fracture? Zygoma
The Lambda is the junction of what? The Lambda and Sagittal sutures (where both parietal bones and the Occipital bone meet)
For a lateral projection of the facial bones, the Central ray enters where? Along the lateral surface of the Zygomatic bone midway between the Outer Canthus and the EAM
For the PA Axial projection of the Skull, the Central Ray will exit where? The Nasion
For both the PA and PA Axial (Caldwell) projection of the skull, what should be touching the IR? Forehead and Nose
For the SMV projection of the Cranial Base, what line should be parallel to the IR? IOML
What is the respiration phase for all projections of the Facial Bones and Paranasal Sinuses? Suspended
The Schuller method for the TMJ is a ______________________ projection. Axiolateral
How is the MSP of the head positioned for the Schuller method projection of the TMJ articulation? MSP Parallel with the plane of the IR (Interpupillary line ⊥ to IR)
For the Tangential Projection of the Zygomatic Arch, how is the head tilted and which way? MSP rotated 15 degrees & Head tilted 15 degrees toward the side of interest
The Haas method is a _______________ projection of the cranium. PA Axial
What is the Central Ray angle and entrance for the Haas method? 25 Degrees Cephalad; Enters 1.5" below External Occipital protuberance and exits 1.5" above Nasion
How is the MSP positioned for the SMV projection? Perpendicular to the IR
What is the Central Ray angle for the AP Axial projection of the Zygomatic Arches? 30 Degrees Caudad entering 1" above the nasion
What line should be perpendicular to the IR for the Townes projection? OML & MSP
What is the Central Ray angle for the Axiolateral Oblique projection for the Mandible? 25 Degrees Cephalad
How is the Central Ray and IR positioned for the lateral projection of the skull? Centered 2" above the EAM
For the lateral projection of the Skull, what line is perpendicular to the plane of the IR? Interpupillary Line
What line should be perpendicular to the IR for the AP Axial projection of the TMJ articulation? OML & MSP
What line should be perpendicular to the front edge of the IR for a lateral projection of the Skull? IOML
Which projections will demonstrate BOTH Zygomatic Arches? SMV and AP Axial
Where will the Petrous Ridges appear on a Waters projections for the Sinuses? Immediately below the Maxillary Sinuses

Which of the following is centered to the IR for the PA projection of the mandibular Rami?

Chapter 21- Test Prep from Class.

What is the CR orientation for the PA axial projection of the mandibular body?

What CR angulation is required for the PA mandible projection? CR 20-25 cephalic for the PA axial mandible.

What is the proper central ray angle for an Axiolateral projection of the mandible?

Final Exam Review from Class.

How is the head positioned to demonstrate the Ramus of the mandible?

The axiolateral oblique projection is used to demonstrate the mandible. How is the head positioned to demonstrate the ramus of the mandible? The axiolateral oblique projection is used to demonstrate the mandible.


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