Which of the following is most likely to be true of smokeless tobacco quizlet?

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Which of the following is most likely to be true of smokeless tobacco quizlet?

Understanding Psychology

2nd EditionMcGraw-Hill Education

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Which of the following is most likely to be true of smokeless tobacco quizlet?

Psychology: Principles in Practice

1st EditionSpencer A. Rathus

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Which of the following is most likely to be true of smokeless tobacco quizlet?


2nd EditionKatherine Minter, Mary Spilis, William Elmhorst

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Which of the following is most likely to be true of smokeless tobacco quizlet?

Understanding Psychology, Student Edition

1st EditionRichard A. Kasschau

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Terms in this set (50)

Most people who become addicted to tobacco start using it _____.

During their teens.

Tobacco products are allowed to be advertised _____.

In print.

Tobacco that is chewed, placed between the lower lip and teeth, or sniffed through the nose is known as _____.

Smokeless tobacco.

Which of the following is an example of smokeless tobacco?

Chewing tobacco.

Stimulants are drugs that...

Increase the activity of the nervous system.

Which of the following is a short-rem effect of nicotine?

Increased blood pressure.

Tobacco smoke contains any carcinogens, chemicals that cause _____.


The sticky substance that forms when tobacco burns is known as _____.


Which tobacco products are safe?


The average dose of smokeless tobacco contains...

More than twice the nicotine of one cigarette.

Janine smokes and has a hard time breathing because her airways are constantly inflamed and full of mucus. What condition does Janine have?


The smoke exhaled from a smoker's lungs is called _____.

Mainstream smoke.

Side stream smoke is smoke that...

Goes into the air directly from a cigarette.

Nursing mothers who smoke produce...

Milk containing nicotine.

Tobacco smoke...

Increases a baby's heart rate.

The tobacco user who quits can expect...

Many immediate and long-term benefits.

A nicotine substitute is a product that _____.

Contains nicotine, but not the other harmful chemicals found in tobacco.

The most important factor in successfully quitting tobacco is _____.

A strong personal commitment.

True or false?
In addition to nicotine, two of the most harmful substances in tobacco smoke are tar and carbon monoxide.


True or false?
Using smokeless tobacco products is safe because no smoke is produced or inhaled.


True or false?
Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.


True or false?
More than one out of four teens smoke.


True or false?
Teens are less likely to use tobacco when their parents use tobacco.

False, more.

True or false?
Snuff is an addictive chemical found in tobacco products.

False, nicotine.

True or false?
Chewing tobacco is finely ground, powdered tobacco that some users sniff through their nose.

False, snuff.

True or false?
In frequent users or tobacco, nicotine stimulates the area of reward and pleasure.


True or false?
If a nicotine addict goes without nicotine for even a short time, he or she may experience nicotine tolerance.

False, withdraw.

True or false?
When tobacco is burned, and odorless, poisonous gas called carcinogen is produced.

False, carbon monoxide.

True or false?
Smokeless tobacco contains none of the same dangerous chemicals that are in tobacco smoke.

False, many.

True or false?
Tobacco users may develop white patches on their tongues or the lining of their mouths called emphysema.

False, leukoplakia.

True or false?
The combination of mainstream and sidestream smoke is called firsthand smoke.

False, secondhand.

True or false?
Side stream smoke contains twice as much tar and nicotine as mainstream smoke.


True or false?
Babies born to mothers who smoke weigh,on average, six ounces more than the babies than nonsmokers.

False, less.

True or false?
Studies show that people who start using tobacco in their teens have a less difficult time quitting than people who start using tobacco as adults.

False, more.

True or false?
Surveys show that one out of ten smokers want(s) to quit.

False, nine.

True or false?
Some people have found that quitting tobacco gradually, or going "cold turkey," worked for them.

False, abruptly.

Identify the three main factors that influence teens' decisions about tobacco use.

Family, friends, and the media.

Explain some of the reasons why quitting tobacco use can be so difficult.

They have a strong addiction to nicotine.

Identify at least three of the short-term effects of tar on a smoker's body.

Brown stains on tigers and teeth, smelly hair and clothes, and bad breath.

Evaluate the safety of smokeless tobacco in comparison to smoking.

Each dose of smokeless tobacco you absorb two and a half times of nicotine more than cigarettes.

Identify three factors that influence a tobacco user's risk of developing cancer.

When the person started using tobacco, how much tobacco the person has used, and how often the person is exposed to other people's smoke.

Carla has recently started smoking cigarettes. Predict what might happen to her cardiovascular system if she continues to some for a long period of time.

COPD, chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

Propose a plan to help you protect yourself from the dangers of second hand smoke.

Sit in a no smoking area, tell people not to smoke around you, be firm when you tell people not to smoke in your house or car.

Describe the risk of long-term exposure to secondhand smoke.

Cardiovascular disease, respiratory problems, and cancer.

Describe some of the ways smoking by a pregnant woman can affect her baby.

Increase heart rate, reduce oxygen supply and slows cell growth.

Lee feels left out when he's the only person not smoking at parties. As a result, Lee is considering smoking, but only at parties. Provide Lee lithesome suggestions about how and why he should avoid smoking at parties.

He should say he does't smoke, smoking causes cancer, emphysema, bronchitis, and heart problems.

Explain how other people and society as a whole benefit when one person quits tobacco.

Saves us 100 billion dollars per year, less damages and injuries from smoking related fires, and fewer diseases and deaths.

Explain how nicotine can help quit tobacco.

By slowly cutting back on the dose of a nicotine substitute the user can reduce withdraw symptoms.

Describe some of the physical benefits of quitting tobacco.

Circulation and lung function improves, coughing and nasal congestion decrease, respiratory infections are less frequent, energy increases, a less chance of heat disease too.

Ricardo wants to quit smoking. Suggest a plan to help him quit.

Make a list.
Throw all away.
Do little things to your routine.
Tell family and friend.
Avoid being around people.
Exercise or call a friend.

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Which of the following is not true about smokeless tobacco quizlet?

Tolerance to nicotine. The following is NOT true about smokeless tobacco: It does not contain cancer-causing substances.

Which of the following is an example of smokeless tobacco quizlet?

Which of the following is an example of smokeless tobacco? Chewing tobacco.

Which of the following does smokeless tobacco cause?

Smokeless Tobacco and Oral Disease Smokeless tobacco can cause white or gray patches inside the mouth (leukoplakia) that can lead to cancer. Smokeless tobacco can cause gum disease, tooth decay, and tooth loss.

Which of the following is a health risk of smokeless tobacco quizlet?

- Smokeless tobacco causes cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, stomach, and pancreas.