Which of the following is most likely to cause a political party to change its position on a specific issue *?

Dixiecrats, Know-Nothings, Free-Soil, Prohibition: These are but a few of the many political parties that have played a role in American presidential elections. The diverse conditions of historical eras, and differing ideologies of America's people, gave rise to various political parties, founded to advance specific ideals and the candidates who represented them.

Today, America is a multi-party system. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the most powerful. Yet other parties, such as the Reform, Libertarian, Socialist, Natural Law, Constitution, and Green Parties can promote candidates in a presidential election. It is likely that political parties will continue to play a major role in presidential elections. Do you think our party system has strengthened or weakened our election process? Do you think the American people will seriously look outside the Republican and Democratic Parties to elect a president some day? What might cause this?

No Parties Here

Benjamin Franklin

The founders had seen vicious fighting among political interests in Europe, and wanted to avoid this in the new nation. As the framers of the Constitution, they were very concerned about not creating crippling dissension within our political system. On Saturday, June 2, 1787, Ben Franklin took the floor at the Constitutional Convention as a skeptic. Franklin feared that greed-driven competition for the presidency would divide the new American government into factions. He warned,

There are two passions which have a powerful influence on the affairs of men. These are ambition and avarice; the love of power, and the love of money. ...Place before the eyes of such men a post of honor, that shall be at the same time a place of profit, and they will move heaven and earth to obtain it. The vast number of such places ...renders the British government so tempestuous...[and is the true source] of all those factions which are perpetually dividing the nation [and] distracting its councils.

On Wednesday, June 6, 1787, just a few days later, James Madison weighed in by saying that if unregulated,

All civilized societies would be divided into different sects, factions, and interests, ...of rich and poor, debtors and creditors, ... the inhabitants of this district or that district, the followers of this political leader or that political leader, the disciples of this religious sect or that religious sect. In all cases where a majority are united by a common interest or passion, the rights of the minority are in danger.

James Madison

Ironically, political factions sprang up right away to support the Constitution and to oppose it. By the presidential election of 1796, political parties were firmly in place in America. The Federalists followed Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton. The Democratic-Republicans (also called the Jeffersonians) followed Thomas Jefferson and James Madison -- the very James Madison who had earlier warned against factions.

Political parties, and policies espoused by the parties, changed over the decades. By the twentieth century, the two dominant parties were the Democrats and the Republicans. Corinne Roosevelt Robinson, sister of Theodore, cited notable differences that she saw between the two parties in a speech titled "Safeguard America!":

I am one who believes that the Republican party and the Democratic party have different ideas. And I believe that the issues of the two parties are not as blurred and as indistinguishable as is sometimes said to be the case.

Today the party system seems firmly entrenched. Some Americans might argue that there is no real difference between the ideals and political stances of today's parties. Other Americans routinely vote a party ticket in their belief that a particular political party will best represent their wishes for governing the nation. In light of the role played by today's political parties, do you think the founders' concerns about creating factions was warranted?

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Chapter Study Outline


Political parties are teams of politicians, activists, and voters whose goal is to win control of government. To do so, parties perform essential tasks of recruiting and nominating candidates, garnering the resources needed to run campaigns, and pursuing a policy agenda that can help them appeal to voters. Although Americans tend to be suspicious of “party rule,” the Democratic and Republican parties are essential to the daily operation of government and the conduct of American democracy in elections. This two-party system helps to structure voters’ electoral choice and provide coordination to America’s otherwise divided and separated governing institutions.

1. Why Do Political Parties Form?

What fundamental problems do political parties help politicians and voters overcome?

  • Political parties are institutions that seek to control the government through the winning of offices; whereas interest groups are “benefit seekers” looking for policy gains, parties tend to be composed of office seekers.
  • Parties organize to facilitate collective action in the electoral process; indeed, the shape of party organization itself reflects this electoral motivation as party organizational units mirror district or geographical units where elections are held. For voters, parties lower information costs by providing a “brand name” that conveys important information about the candidates running under the party label.
  • Parties form lasting coalitions within government designed to induce cooperation and to resolve the problems associated with collective choice in the policy-making process.
  • Parties also regulate the career advancement of ambitious officeholders and help resolve the potential problems of competition between ambitious party members.

2. What Functions Do Parties Perform?

Once formed, what are the essential functions that political parties perform in American democracy and governance?

  • Political parties recruit candidates for the thousands of races at the national, state, and local levels.
  • Parties also nominate candidates to be their standard bearers for each race. Although nominations are sometimes made in party conventions, the dominant means of nominating candidates is by primary elections, which can be either closed primaries (that is, restricted only to party members) or open primaries (where voters declare their party affiliation on the day of the primary).
  • Parties conduct voter registration drives and mobilization efforts on Election Day in order to counter the free-rider problem and to increase voter participation.
  • By promoting party identification in the electorate, parties facilitate mass electoral choice; even when party identification fails to persuade voters, by providing voters with a “brand name” parties lower the information costs potential voters encounter in making electoral choices.
  • In addition to their many roles in elections, parties also influence the national government.
    • In attempting to make their party a “big tent,” party leaders often advance policies to build coalitions and to broaden the party’s appeal to new constituencies; there is, however, a tension between these coalition-building efforts and the need for the parties to present distinct alternative to voters and to satisfy their most partisan “base” constituencies.
    • Congressional organization depends heavily on party; the majority party leads each chamber and dominates the committee system.
    • The president is often seen as the leader of his or her party, but some presidents are better, more engaged party leaders than others.

3. Parties and the Electorate

How and how well do political parties organize the electorate? What groups tend to identify with Democrats and Republicans, respectively?

  • Political parties are made up of millions of rank-and-file members who develop psychological ties to, or identifications with, their parties. In addition to these rank-and-file identifiers, parties also rely on a particularly committed group of party activists who contribute time, energy, and effort to support the party and its candidates.
  • In the United States, a variety of characteristics are associated with party identification. These include race and ethnicity, religion, class, ideology, and region.
    • In terms of race and ethnicity, African American voters are overwhelmingly Democratic while Latino voters are more divided (Cuban Americans are generally Republican, for example, whereas Mexican Americans favor Democrats by a small margin).
    • There exists a gender gap whereby women are more likely to support Democrats and men are more likely to support Republicans.
    • Different religious groups have different party identifications: Jews tend toward Democrats, Protestants are more likely to be Republicans, and Catholics—while traditionally a Democratic constituency—have been moving slightly toward Republicans since the 1970s.
    • Although class tends to be muted in American politics, upper-income Americans tend to be Republicans whereas lower-income Americans are more likely to identify with Democrats.
    • Ideology and party identification are closely linked, with liberals identifying with the Democrats and conservatives identifying as Republicans.
    • The formerly “solid” Democratic South is now becoming solidly Republican, as is much of the West and Southwest; the Democratic base is now in the Northeast; and the Midwest is a more or less evenly divided battleground.
    • Age is also associated with partisanship, as individuals older than fifty are more likely to be Democrats while those younger than fifty are fairly evenly divided.

4. Parties as Institutions

How are contemporary political parties organized? What functions do they serve and what services do they offer to candidates?

  • Political parties are neither tightly disciplined nor hierarchically organized. Rather, they are extensive networks of individuals that exist at virtually every level of government that are usually organized as committees of active party members.
  • The most important party institution at the national level is the national convention, which is responsible for nominating the party’s presidential candidate, establishing the party’s rules, and drafting its platform.
  • Each party’s national committee operates between conventions to raise funds, mediate disputes within the party, and enhance the party’s media image.
  • The congressional campaign committees raise funds and develop strategies for House and Senate election campaigns.
  • State and local party organizations recruit candidates, conduct voter registration drives, and provide financial assistance to candidates.
  • Contemporary parties have evolved into “service organizations” in the modern, candidate-centered era; most notably, national parties provide money, resources, and expertise to their candidates who are increasingly independent.

5. Party Systems

What is a “party system”? What have been the major “party systems” throughout American political history? What is the place of third parties in the American party system?

  • By “party system” scholars mean the number of parties that compete for power (that is, the United States has a “two-party system”) as well as the organization of the parties, the balance of power between and within party coalitions, the parties’ social and institutional bases, and the issues and policies around which party competition is organized.
  • Changes in political forces and alignments have produced six party systems in American political history.
    • The first party system pitted the Federalists against the Democratic-Republicans, two groups of competing political elites, each of which had only loose ties to the electorate; party organization tended to focus on political clubs and party newspapers. After the War of 1812, the Federalist Party gave way to the dominance of Democratic-Republicans.
    • The second party system represented competition between the Democrats and the Whigs; the Democrats, led by Andrew Jackson, were the popular and dominant political party of the era, although the Whigs became competitive by organizing popular support as well.
    • The third party system emerged out of the Civil War, wherein Lincoln’s newly founded Republican Party dominated the Democratic Party, which had its primary base in the states of the former Confederacy.
      • During this era, party machines used the spoils system and control over political nominations to rise to prominence.
      • In response to the abuses of party machines, late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century Progressives pushed for reforms of the political system, including the Australian ballot, merit systems of civil service, and direct primaries that weakened party organizations.
    • The fourth party system lasted from 1896 to 1932 and was largely dominated by Republicans, although repeated internal party differences hampered Republican governance during the era.
    • The fifth party system emerged out of the Great Depression, when Franklin Roosevelt built a broad-based Democratic coalition that dominated American national politics until the election of Richard Nixon in 1968.
    • Though some scholars disagree as to when (and if) there has been a sixth party system, a good case can be made that the current party system emerged with Richard Nixon’s 1968 election, as the Democrats’ “Solid South” succumbed to Nixon’s “southern strategy” to convert disaffected former Democrats to Republicanism.
  • Although America is dominated by two parties, third parties representing social and economic protests have emerged throughout American political history. Although the emergence of third parties is a somewhat regular occurrence and can be relatively successful at state and local levels, they seldom succeed nationally, both because the major parties usually absorb any successful themes and because many electoral laws along with the single-member district plurality election system work against successful third parties.

What were the major causes of the development of political parties?

Political factions or parties began to form during the struggle over ratification of the federal Constitution of 1787. Friction between them increased as attention shifted from the creation of a new federal government to the question of how powerful that federal government would be.

What is it called when political parties change?

Party switching is any change in political party affiliation of a partisan public figure, usually one currently holding elected office.

What led to the rise of political parties quizlet?

What led to the rise of the political parties? Americans were divided over how the nation should be run. Economic policies and interpreting the constitution. Why did Congress pass the alien and sedition acts?

What caused political parties quizlet?

Leaders formed political parties because they had different opinions on certain issues and so, they organized supporters of their views.


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